Kaidan's Short Stories: Volume 2 - Mature / Gore

by Kaidan

2. MG :: Xtreme Alicorn Death Match

Mature Gore Adventure. Trixie, Twilight. Two alicorns face off in the ultimate showdown.

Twilight was enjoying a cup of hot tea and reading a psychological thriller about a pony who trapped her friends in a basement. She had decided to take this Saturday off from her studies of life, the universe, and everything. It was far too rare that she relaxed, even less so now that she was an alicorn.

“Twilight, have you seen my gems?” Spike shouted. He walked down the stairs and started to cross the room towards her. “I was going to eat a couple but I can’t find them anywhere.”

“Spike, your gems are in the pantry—”

She was cut off as the wall exploded inward, sweeping Spike off his feet. There was a loud cracking sound as he hit the wall, and was crushed by a chunk of wood.

Twilight tumbled to the ground from the force of the blast, her hearing drowned out by a loud ringing noise. “Spike!” She continued to shout his name, but couldn’t hear her own voice. Everything seemed drained of color as she steadied herself and began to draw upon magic to recover.

Life seeped back into the library as she regenerated the concussive wounds that had been inflicted on her. Twilight ran over to where Spike had landed, and flung the collapsed wall off of him.

“No! Spike!” Twilight yelled. Before her lay the baby dragon, his head twisted backward and bones thrust from his limbs. Blood was pooling on the floor from the multiple fractures and he looked more like a damaged stuffed animal then a living creature.

She couldn’t accept that he was dead, so Twilight scooped him up into her arms and hugged him. The life was draining out of him, staining her fur red. She searched her mind for some spell to help, but it was too late.

“Don’t cry, you’ll be reunited with your slave soon,” Trixie said.

“You!” Twilight yelled, spinning to face her. Spike fell from her arms, bouncing limply on the floor. “How could you!”

“How could I? It was easy! You and your friends are a blight on Equestria! You ruined my life, Sunset’s life, Flim, Flam, Iron Will—the six of you are a menace and you are the ring leader!”

Twilight felt her anger surging through her and her hair stand on end. Her barely controlled rage was threatening to make her burst into flames, yet she held her power back. As she took a few steps forward towards Trixie, a deep rumbling began to resonate through the ground. “Murderer! I’ll kill you for this!”

“Oh really?” Trixie asked. She flared her wings and smirked. “I’m an alicorn now, thanks to the help of Sunset Shimmer. It’s a shame I forgot to mention the spell would claim her life, but she would have given it freely to see you dead anyway.”

“Twilight, what’s going on?” Dash shouted. “Trixie!” She dove down towards the alicorn, prepared to tackle her.”

“Well, Twilight, let’s get this show on the road.” Trixie spun and charged her horn, unleashing a torrent of energy at Dash. It washed over the pegasus, incinerating the feathers from her wings instantly.

Dash tumbled to the ground, the beam still focused on her, as she felt her flesh boil off. She screamed in agony, only to invite the flames into her throat.

Trixie felt something slam into her side, and a second later rocketed through the wall of a nearby house, landing in the living room.

“Dash!” Twilight ran over to help her friend. All of her hair and feathers were gone, along with most of her wings and ears. They had been incinerated clean off, leaving Dash with flash burns over the entire front half of her body.

“T-Twilight. . . I—” Dash choked, coughing up some black fluid from her throat, and her head fell to the ground.

“Tsk, tsk, she should have known better than to attack the Great and Powerful Trixie!” the braggart shouted. “Now, for you and the rest of this pathetic town.”

Twilight began to grind her teeth and charge her horn. “For your crimes here today, I sentence you to death!” She fired a beam of pure arcane energy at Trixie.

She barely had time to deflect the attack, throwing up her shield just in time to send the beam careening sideways. It vaporized the walls on the lower floor of the house, causing it to collapse on Trixie. With her shield holding, Trixie took a guess at where Twilight was. She flung the rubble that had collapsed on top of the bubble shielding her in that direction.

Twilight was approaching the rubble when it lifted off the ground and was flung towards her like shrapnel. One of the larger pieces hit her in the face, dazing her, as she was flung backward into the library. She heard wood splintering and felt bones break.

Despite the pain, Twilight focused her magic to increase the effect of her regenerative abilities as an alicorn, draining some power to heal the broken bones. With an angry grimace on her face, she tossed the books and bits of wood around her out of the way.

“Fighting will only make your death more painful, and your friends too!” Trixie yelled. She focused her magic on a nearby house.

Twilight saw a few ponies looking out of the windows of the house in fear. The walls began to buckle and bend inward. The plaster and lumber began to crack and sizzle as it was compressed. Ponies inside the house screamed in agony.

She fired a beam at Trixie to stop her. It had only traveled halfway when a massive tremor shook the ground. The house had collapsed in on itself, forced into a point so small that it had vaporized and turned to plasma from the heat and energy released.

Trixie had just enough time to fling the plasma at Twilight as the beam hit her. Instead of throwing her back, Twilight’s beam cut straight through her. Trixie felt her lungs burn as the beam pierced them and exited the other side.

She turned to face Twilight as her lungs regenerated. “I’m an alicorn now, remember? Immortal, all-powerful, magic incarnate! I’ll grind you down to dust and vaporize it, Twilight!”

“Everypony dies, and today it will be you!” Twilight charged forward and fired at Trixie.

Lightning arced through the air as the two unicorns struggled to overpower the other. They were deadlocked when Trixie noticed Applejack and Rarity in the distance. Both of them appeared unsure if they should help their friend Twilight.

Twilight followed Trixie’s gaze and saw her friends. She then saw her opponent smirk as she diverted her magic to kill them. “No!” Twilight screamed. She shielded her friends from the blast.

Trixie took the opportunity to rip the library out of its foundation and slam it down on Twilight. With her opponent down for the count, she turned her attention to Applejack and Rarity, who both ran towards Twilight to help her.

Applejack felt her skin tingling, realizing it was the sensation that occurred before Twilight would teleport them. She glanced over to Rarity as she heard a loud pop, and a jolt of pain in her chest. Applejack gasped for breath and began to flail her legs.

Rarity felt ice pass through her midsection, stealing her voice. She glanced back and saw Applejack jutting out of her side. Blood was pouring out of the wounds joining them together, and each movement caused bone to grate against bone.

The two ponies were now joined into one. Their bodies had teleported together to occupy the same spot. The result was the painful and comical death of the duo as Trixie watched in glee.

Smoke poured out of the library as it caught fire. Trixie began to laugh maniacally at her victory. She had finally won, and had only two more Elements to kill.

The smouldering rubble began to rumble as the leaves were vaporized off of it. Chunks of wood, books, chairs, walls, and rocks in the ground began to levitate a foot in the air.

Trixie stopped smiling as she saw a brilliant white light emanate from the center of the rubble. Unsure what it was, she decided to unleash her full fury on it. It was deflected effortlessly off whatever was in the rubble.

Twilight flapped her wings and took to the air. Her coat had turned white as snow. Her mane and tail sizzled a vibrant orange from the flames that had replaced them. Both of her wings were made of a dark red-orange flame.

As she rose into the sky, Trixie and the town ponies brave enough to watch saw an incredible sight. The sun lowered itself from its noonday position until it was half-hidden beyond the horizon. The moon likewise raised itself, until it mirrored the sun on the opposite side of the land.

A fearsome alicorn princess bathed in the deep orange hues of the last rays of sunlight.

“You won’t win, Twilight! Half your friends are dead, and Equestria shall follow! I will rule the ashes of your petty kingdom!” Trixie yelled.

“No, you won’t. My friends won’t quit, the princesses won’t bow to you. We will all fight until our dying breath. Me? I’ve got a different problem. I feel like I live in a world of cardboard, constantly controlling my magic, afraid a single lapse in concentration will break something, to break someone.” She looked down at Trixie, pure energy pouring out of her eyes and mouth as she spoke. “Ever since I discovered my cutie mark I’ve made sure to never lose control, even for a moment, or ponies would die. But you can take it, can’t you Great and Powerful Trixie? What we have here is a rare opportunity for me to cut loose, and show you the full power of my magic!”

Trixie opened her mouth to reply as Twilight beat her fiery wings and accelerated. Before she had uttered a sound, Twilight’s hoof made contact with her nose. Trixie felt bones snap as she flew backwards, crashing through a nearby house.

Just when she thought it was over, she blasted through the far wall of the house, and felt at least two more houses collapse as her body plowed through them. The several houses she smashed through collapsed behind her.

Twilight teleported and was waiting for Trixie on the other side of the decimated street. She spun and bucked her up into the air, then flapped her wings to follow Trixie.

High in the air Trixie had curled into a ball, shielding herself and attempting to regenerate. Before she could, she felt the air warming up around her.

The full power of the magical leylines of Equestria flowed into Twilight’s horn. She threw aside her training, her self-control, and let the raw essence of mana power her attack. A beam of reddish-purple energy as wide as a house blasted down at Trixie, swatting her out of the air like a bug.

Trixie felt her shield cracking. Each ray of energy that shot through her protective bubble vaporized the flesh it touched and tore at her muscle. It took all her effort to not get vaporized on the spot, until she felt the ground rise to meet her.

Twilight watched as her foe hit the ground, plowing down a good ten feet deep and skidding for hundreds of yards into the distance. She descended like a flaming meteor towards Trixie’s crash site, landing on top of the mare and glaring down at her.

“Had enough?” Twilight asked.

Trixie coughed some blood up, and wiped it off her muzzle with her hoof. “Not even close.” She brought her hind legs up and bucked Twilight off, then attempted to mimic Twilight. Trixie opened herself up, letting uncontrolled energy flow through her like a conductor. She didn’t aim or shape the magic, she merely gave it the easiest pathway to manifest itself.

Twilight saw Twixie charging her horn. They had created a scar from central Ponyville and through the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres during the crash. Twilight was amazed Trixie had survived.

Trixie had not only killed her friends and wiped out half of Ponyville, but she continued to mock Twilight’s power and didn’t have the common decency to die like the whelp she was.

She matched Trixie’s beam at full power. Twilight felt her mind expand, becoming aware of hidden truths and arcane knowledge long forgotten. So much energy poured into her that the flames in her wings and mane grew until they were several dozen feet long.

Her flapping wings radiated enough heat to incinerate the rest of the trees in the apple orchard, creating a burning effigy of her rage. Trixie could feel Twilight’s power overwhelming her own. The air temperature had risen so greatly that her very skin had started to blister and peel off.

Trixie struggled to avert her gaze and teleport away, but even a split second not focusing on the beam of energy locked with Twilight’s would result in her death. She felt herself being pushed further into the ground, ribs cracking like popcorn on the kettle. Trixie whimpered as she felt her heart stop beating, the raw arcane conduit of energy the only thing keeping her alive.

Twilight smirked as she felt the full power of the sun, moon, and all of Equestria rising inside her. The air temperature was so great that the ground had turned to glass—melted into an endless sheet of silicone.

Trixie felt every ounce of flesh melting off her like candle wax. Her barely animate bones remained the only thing conducting arcane energy through her horn. Organs had long since evaporated and her skull remained the only thing between the searing heat and her mind. Agonizing pain reached her brain, making her lose focus. She felt her mandible fall to the ground and then several bones falling apart. She was vaporized into oblivion a second later.

The air temperature continued to rise as Twilight’s magic drilled into the soil. She would ensure Trixie’s molecules were split into their most base elements. A strange sensation of wind swept over Twilight, and the fabric of reality seemed to unfold. She saw sparkling and heard snapping, followed by an explosion of energy centered on herself.

The heat had ignited the very air on fire.

A massive wall of flame spread outwards from Twilight, incinerating all in its path and consuming every molecule of Oxygen in the atmosphere. Most of Equestria never saw the wall of death coming, and those that did had only a second to pray to their deities.

Within minutes, the fiery death had swept across the globe. The oceans evaporated and the land turned into glass; Equestria was now the most expensive toy marble in the galaxy.

At ground zero stood a large scar and an indentation. A single purple feather drifted lazily to the ground. It was the only evidence left on the dead planet that life had once existed.