Kaidan's Short Stories: Volume 2 - Mature / Gore

by Kaidan

1. MS :: Two Bronies One Wish

Mature Sex. Dark. Rainbow Dash, Human. M/F. TF/TG.

“Hey, Brian, you got a big package,” Kyle said.

I turned from the computer to look at him. “That’s what she said!”

“Haha, that joke still sucks. What are you doing anyway? Clopping to rule 34 Dash?”

“The one and only.” I clicked on minimize so I wouldn’t lose my place. “Hand it here.”

Kyle handed him the brown package. It looked like it contained a dirty bomb: extra postage, oily residue on the sides, and the corners were damaged. “I don’t know what you could buy off Craig’s list that’s worth more than the postage.”

“That’s the weird part. I was suspicious at first, but the seller was selling a golden lamp like genies come in for dirt cheap.” I got out a letter opener and ran the blade along the tape, cutting it open.

“So you believe in genies now? I don’t have time for this, man, there’s a new episode of My Little Pony I haven’t watched.”

“Wait, that came out yesterday afternoon, what were you doing?”

“Clopping to rule 34 Dash, what else? She’s best pony for a reason,” Kyle said.

“Heh, well if this lamp contains an actual genie maybe we’ll get a chance to meet her.” I pulled out the golden lamp and noticed it was in remarkable condition. There were no dings or dents, only a tiny smudge on the side.

“While you polish your lamp, me and my friends are going to watch the episode at my place. It’s another Dash episode.”

“Yeah, I know, I watched it last night.” I began rubbing the side of the lamp to get the smudge off, and felt the lamp heat up. It became so hot that I had to drop it to the floor. “Ouch!”

“What?” Kyle asked.

“The lamp, it burned me!”

It had landed on its base and the lamp began to spew blue smoke out. The room seemed to darken and the windows rattled as a cloud materialized in mid air. There was a flash and a large genie appeared in the living room.

“What the hell?!” I asked.

“You summoned me, master?”

“Holy shit! Dude, it’s a genie!” Kyle shouted.

“Yes, I summoned you. So I get three wishes?” I asked.

“Actually, you get one. According to the rules—”

“It’s a genie!” Kyle interrupted.

“I know, shut up! I want to hear what it has to say. So are the rules stuff like no wishing someone is dead or for more wishes?” I inquire.

“Basically, yes. The rules are as ancient as the bracelets binding me in servitude.” He held out his wrists. The skin was pale purple and the bracelet ornate and golden. They matched a golden necklace he wore, and I noticed his legs formed a sort of smokey tail that was still attached to the lamp.

“Okay, one wish—”

“What about my wish?” Kyle asked.

“You may both have one wish,” the genie replied.

“Alright, I’ll go first.” I picked up the lamp and walked towards my room.

“Hey, where are you going?” Kyle ran over and stopped me at my door.

“Dude, I just want a little privacy. Give me like, a minute, and you can make your wish.”

“Pfft, it’s not like I’m gonna copy your wish.”

I could barely restrain myself as I smiled, giddy and ready for my dreams to come true. “One minute.” I walked in and closed the door. I set the lamp down on the bed, and the genie followed.

“He can’t copy my wish, can he?” I asked.


“Good, I wish i was Rainbow Dash.”

“Granted.” He clapped his hand and a vortex of smoke lifted me into the air.

My clothes vanished and I felt static electricity tingling across my skin as millions of hairs sprouted. I held my cyan blue fingers out in front of me, and watched them slowly melt together. My middle fingernail grew as my arms shortened like clay, the magic sculpting me into Dash.

I felt pressure in my groin that was unrelenting. Looking down, I saw my manhood flatten and vanish into my abdomen, and two teats sprout up alongside where my belly button had once been.

An invisible finger pressed down between my new pony legs, carving a slit into my new marehood. Waves of sensation washed over me as I felt it push in and expand, filling me up inside with my new sexual organs. “Ooohhh,” I moaned. My voice had taken on the sound of Dash’s perfectly.

The smoke released me and I fell onto the bed. I spread my wings wide and began to hover in the air. I looked over my legs, my flowing prismatic mane, my tail—everything was perfect!

“Thanks!” I tried to hug the genie but passed right through him. “Heh, anyway I gotta run.”

I darted out the window without pausing and spotted a cloud in the sky. The distance between us closed quickly as I flew towards it, using my magically gifted body. At this speed I burst right through it, and then landed on top of it. It felt as firm as concrete and as soft as a tuft of cotton.

Rolling around in the cloud I began to tear chunks off and rub them against my fur. The sensation caused me to shiver and tingle in anticipation. I licked some of the cloud off my foreleg, tasting the clean water within it.

My glance fell to my new slit, and I timidly poked it with a hoof. The lips quivered and winked from the light touch, I sat up and brought my hooves down to massage my inner thighs, enjoying the feeling of my sex aching to be filled.

I realized this body was like that of a cat, and as I bent further over, found I could just barely reach my labia with my tongue. I began to lick at my sex, tasting the sweet and minty flavor of my sex. This was truly a magical body.

As my tongue pushed a little deeper, I felt my vagina ignite in warmth. The teasing was becoming unbearable, so I pushed my hoof against the slit. My hoof began to get slippery from the lubrication and I pushed it in deeper, shuddering as my marehood opened up to accept it.

“Brian! Come on, it’s my turn!” Kyle shouted. He still didn’t answer, so Kyle opened the door.

“Ready for your wish?” the genie asked.

“Where’s Brian?”

“He made his wish and left. He seemed rather content to abandon me and my lamp here.”

“Typical, so I already figured out what I want to wish for. I wish Rainbow Dash was real, and she would appear and then have to do everything I say.”

“Done.” The genie clapped his hand and vanished along with the lamp.

I was panting like a dog, my hooves covered in the scent of my arousal. I grabbed a large chunk of cloud and shoved it inside my marehood, moaning as it filled me and turned to liquid. My first orgasm as Rainbow Dash was so close, I couldn’t wait to reach it.

There was a loud popping sound and I felt myself falling. I tried to roll over and flap my wings, but the ground had already collided with me. With a dull thud I opened my eyes and saw Kyle standing above me.

“You’re going to be my pet now. This is so awesome!”

 “Dude, what the fuck?” I shouted.

“That's not what Rainbow Dash would say. Come on, I want you to act like you do in the show!”

I rolled over and stood up on my hooves. It was odd being at waist height with him. “I won’t K—K. . .” The strangest sensation washed over me as I tried to tell him I wouldn’t obey. It was like a thousand bees buzzing in my head, making it impossible to focus on the words I wanted to say.

I focused my attention on telling him it was me instead. It’s me, Brian! “Hey, my name’s Dash, fastest flyer in Equestria! What’s yours?” Dammit, that isn’t what I wanted to say.

“I’m Kyle, but you can call me Master. Oh we’re going to have so much fun, and I’ll take such good care of you. I’m gonna go back to my house and let Brian enjoy his wish.”

I am Brian! Kyle walked towards the door then looked back at me. “Come here.”

My mind began to buzz again as I held my hooves still. His command, to come here, was the only thought that wasn’t drowned out by the buzzing. When I took a step forward, the buzzing stopped. When I forced myself to stop again, the buzzing increased tenfold and began to cause a horribly uncomfortable itching in my brain.

I opened my eyes and the buzzing stopped. I had walked over to Kyle.


My ass fell to the ground before I realized it had happened. Not wanting to give in, I tried to stand back up and immediately felt my willpower being smothered. What the hell? Is this part of his wish?

“Wow, that genie did a damn fine job. I’ve got the show Rainbow Dash! I don’t know what to do first, come on, get in my car!” Kyle laughed and hurried outside.

The attraction felt almost magnetic as I was forced to follow him. I could deviate from side to side in the hallway, but any attempt to turn through a door, or stop walking, caused my mind to ignite. Each act of defiance brought another jolt of pain, another bit of my sanity lost as my bad behavior was punished.

Finally I decided to just get in the damn car, and obey him until I came up with a plan. He had ordered me to act like Dash on the show. What would Dash do in this situation? How could I tell him I’m a human? Dash would never say that on the show. . .

The seatbelt buckled and I looked over at Kyle. “Got to be safe, Dash. Loosen up and smile a bit.”

Laughter filled the car in Dash’s signature voice and I smiled. “Thanks, Master.”

“What were you thinking about?”

That my name is Brian, dammit! “The Wonderbolts! Hey, you wanna race to your house? I bet I could get there in ten seconds flat.”

“Nah, I can’t let anyone see you so you won’t be flying.” The engine started and the car began to back out of the driveway, and then head towards his house. “Be quiet while I make a few calls.”

Dammit no! I opened my mouth to protest and it felt dry as cotton. Ringing filled my ears while my throat felt parched. All I had to do was say a few simple words, it’s me, Brian, and the nightmare would be over. Yet the more I struggled against his will, the harder it became to concentrate.

I licked my lips and tried to swallow some saliva. Instead I felt weight collapsing down around my brain. All I could think about, the only thought that made a damn bit of sense, was be quiet.

A tree passed the car which was traveling pretty quickly now. I forgot all about talking and looked out the window. Part of me wanted to stick my head out the window, to feel like I was flying again. I missed being in Ponyville, but I knew Master would take care of me.

Shaking my head, I turned to look at Kyle. I realized my mouth felt fine now, but I didn’t feel like talking. It would only hurt.

“Yeah, dude I’m telling you this isn’t a joke!” He glanced over at me and smiled. “Yes, Rainbow fucking Dash, from a genie!”

There was silence for a second and my vision darted into the air where an airplane was flying, leaving a long trail across the sky.

“Dude, I’ll give you $50 if I’m lying. Steve already agreed to meet at my house, if you don’t want in, then it’s your loss. But, I can’t have anyone know about this or the government may try to take her away or something. So you’re either in, or you’re out,” Kyle said.

“Awesome! See you in fifteen minutes.” He pressed the side of his bluetooth headset to hang up the call.

That’s right, I need to warn him! As soon as I recalled that Kyle didn’t know it was me, I began to feel my mind grow sluggish. No, I’m supposed to be quiet. . . maybe I can write my name down? Crap, how would I hold a pen in hooves? My mouth! I can write it with my mouth and it won’t be disobeying!

“We’re here, Dashie!” He hopped out of the car and went around, opening my door. “Get out.”

I tried pushing the seat belt release but my hoof was too large. Kyle chuckled and pushed it for me, then lifted me up into his arms. “I bet you’d love to have some thumbs.”

“Are you kidding? They look so weird. Spike has them and won’t quit talking about how great they are,” I said.

Kyle sets me down and I follow him inside. “Alright, this is my house. You’re not allowed to leave it for any reason. You will do as I say, and as any of my friends say as long as it doesn’t violate what I’ve told you. I’ve got one of those little closets under the staircase, and that’s your new room. I’ll clear the stuff out and anytime I haven’t given you anything to do, you’ll go to your room.”

“Awesome! Thanks for giving me a room.” The fucking closet? Come on man! my mind gets increasingly hazy as I swear up a storm in my mind. I calm down when I realize he has left. This is my chance to tell him who I am.

I rush into the kitchen and look around for a pen. There is one attached to the fridge but it’s too high for me to reach and knock down. When I spread my wings and start to flap they feel oddly numb and my mind begins to race again. No flying. It’s just hovering—but I’m not allowed to fly.

The room begins to spend as I struggle to stay afloat in mid air, finally crashing down against the countertop and knocking over the coffee pot. It hits the ground and shatters.

“What was that?” Kyle runs in, followed by Mark. I recognize Steve too as he walks in. “Dash, what were you doing?!”

“Shit, Kyle was telling the truth!” Steve walks over to look at me, and I realize he isn’t looking at my face. He’s staring between my legs and I feel my lips winking at him.

“I—I wanted to write—I’m. . .” The closer I get to revealing my situation the more painful it gets. It’s too hard to resist the spell.

“No flying in the house, in fact, no flying period. And no writing. What would a pony need to write for anyway?” Kyle asked.

Fuck. “Sorry, I guess I’m just not used to being around humans! I’m glad you guys are all so cool about this. I sorta crash into the library all the time.”

“Wow, I’ve always wanted to meet Dash,” Mark said.

I rollover and hop to the floor. “I have human fans! This is so awesome! Hoof bump.” I hold my leg out and Mark taps it with his fist. Help me, Mark! I look at him with my eyes wide, nearly crying, as he smiles and backs away.

“Come on guys, let’s get this party started. Dash, follow me downstairs.”

Fuck! Kyle has lost his last three girlfriends when they found out he had a sex dungeon in his house. His old girlfriend, before his current dry streak, had been into some kinky shit. Unfortunately, he hadn’t found a new girl yet who could accept the fact he had a ‘rape basement’, as one girl put it.

“Nngh.” The words catch in my throat as I try to protest and I feel my willpower being erased again by the genie’s magic. All I can think about is obeying, and acting like Dash, and making Master happy. My mind can easily recall things like Twilight’s library, but struggles to recall what I had for lunch, or where I live. The spell doesn’t want me thinking like a human, it’s turning me into Dash. I can’t even write now to warn him. Come on, Kyle, why don’t you order me to tell you it’s me, Brian? Work with me here!

The men and I all walk down into the basement, my body on autopilot as my conscious self struggles to resist and fails. I see Kyle pull out some blue pills to pass around, viagra no doubt. This is all becoming a nightmare straight out of hell, and I’m powerless to stop them.

“Dash is the perfect height, let’s bang her from both ends,” Mark says.

“Say, why not invite Brian over to enjoy this too?” Steve asked.

Yes, talk about Brian!

“He was a jerk, took his wish and ran off without saying a word,” Kyle explained. “Maybe next weekend I’ll invite him over and let him watch.”

No, dammit!

Mark walked over and looked at me. “Shouldn’t she be happier, like on the show?”

“She probably doesn’t have tons of kinky sex on the show. Hey, Dash, smile and enjoy this. Tell us what a naughty mare you’ve been,” Kyle said.

My lips pulled themselves up into a sultry smile. “Oh yes, I need a good dicking. I abandoned Rarity in Dodge Junction, and didn’t help Scootaloo learn to fly! I’ve been such a naughty mare.”

My jaw falls wide open in shock at what I just said. That’s not me, shit I need to think of something. Uh, can’t talk can’t write, maybe if I bite him—no, how about that one episode with the—

“Oomph.” I choke as something is thrust into my mouth.

“Don’t you dare bite me,” Steve says.

I feel the fleshy dick in my mouth, still slightly wrinkled. My lips seal around the base and my tongue can feel the veins throbbing slightly. The musky and salty taste should be unpleasant, yet the buzzing voices in my head are telling me to enjoy it. After a few seconds, I begin to explore every inch of his cock with my tongue, savoring the flavor.

No, this isn’t supposed to taste good!

“You think we can fill all three or her holes?” Mark asks.

God no, don’t!

“Mmph-hmm,” I nod. My tail whips to the side, exposing my tight ass and moist slit which is beginning to drip. Muscles clench tightly and I feel my labia winking at them, exposing the soft pink folds of my vagina to them.

“If you want to crawl under her, I’m not going to be staring up at Steve’s cock,” Kyle says. “Besides, how can I resist that ass?”

Steve’s hands grab the sides of my face and slide me down his shaft. He holds me there, just on the verge of gagging, and I begin to get used to the feel of his member in my mouth. I open my lips and find myself licking at his balls, disgusted with myself. As much as I want to stop, I can’t help but lap at him and enjoy the salty taste.

“Hold on,” Kyle said. “I need to get wet first and that means it’s time to find out if the real Dash is a virgin!”

Virgin? FUCK! I struggle to pull myself away from them and feel my legs turning rubbery. I lose focus as the spell forces me to stop, tearing away each thought I have about escaping my new life. I am left with nothing but a burning desire to be filled, and find myself swishing my ass at Kyle.

He grabs my flanks and his fingernails bite into my skin. He pushes the head of his cock past my labia and holds it just inside the pink folds. As he inches forward I feel a growing pressure. Something doesn’t feel right inside me, and begins to tear. I whimper, but find myself muffled as Steve is slowly sliding me up and down his shaft. I try to focus on swirling my tongue around his cock as my hymen tears.

“Wow, this bitch is tight. Looks like she was a virgin after all!” Kyle smacks my flank hard, probably leaving a red mark, and causing me to flinch. Once he pulls out my marehood begins winking, expelling some of my juices as it yearns to be filled again..

“Looks like she wants it bad,” Mark said. From my vantage point impaled on Steve’s cock, I can’t see Mark crawling under me. I can hear some stools or tables being maneuvered, a game of tetris to fit all three men inside me. I can feel Mark as he maneuvers underneath me and exposes his cock. He grabs the side of my stomach and guides me down.

He slides inside me and I find the pain replaced by the pleasure I had felt ages ago on the cloud. Warmth, comfort, a tingling deep inside me. I want to cum so badly, to have that orgasm I was denied earlier, but parts of my rational mind are still screaming at me that it is wrong.

While my pussy contracts against the lovely dick inside it, I feel a pressure against my ass and tighten up. The invading object pushes harder, and I feel it slip inside a couple inches. “Fuck! I’ve never been in an ass this hot and tight.”

I find myself wiggling my ass to get Kyle and Mark further inside of me. I can’t see how they’re doing it, but I can feel them both balls deep inside me. My ass feels so hot and tight around Kyle’s dick. Each millimeter in and out he pulls slowly feels like several feet. It causes my groin to burn fiercely with desire.

As Steve pushes a little deeper into my throat I almost gag, and regain my senses. I can’t enjoy this, these are my best friends! “Mmph mmph!” I cry out undecipherable words and feel more of my humanity slipping away. I’m a pony, not a human! My squirming turns to pleasure as it causes them to thrust a little faster and rub themselves against me.

I’m being sandwiched between them. They’re thrusting at the same time, filling me and compressing me until I can feel them all bottom out. As they speed up I begin to bounce around the three of them as they each find a different rhythm.

With myself stuck like a pincushion I can do little but bounce back and forth between them. The burning sensation is back and spreading from my marehood. It’s so pleasurable that I focus all my effort on Mark’s cock, on getting my pussy filled.

I have to stop—but just once, so I know what it feels like. I’ll find a way to tell him later—to let him know it’s me—I just—

Mark’s finger finds the bottom of my slit and he begins to finger it. The sensation of being played with while filled takes my mind of my worries. He pushes around at my outer folds as another hand begins to squeeze one of my tits. My legs are beginning to feel like jello and the only thing holding me up are the delicious cocks.

I feel myself getting closer, the pleasant tingling spread all the way to my head. Mark is massagging my teats, occasionally squeezing them painfully. Yet, it is still pleasant.

Kyle is still digging his fingers into my flanks, and occasionally smacking them as hard as he can. Steve is yanking me up and down his cock by my ears. It is by far the most painful of the three, yet each time he lets go I find myself wishing for more abuse.

Several unfamiliar sensations occur at once. Something erupts in my abdomen and my muscles go rigid. I clamp down tightly around Mark, forcing him to push hard to re-enter me. I feel warm fluid shoot into my womb, and my pussy contracting to milk every drop out of him.

Steve tilts my head as he gets close to climax and shoves his dick deep into my throat. It cuts off my air supply and I panic, yet the orgasm only gets more intense. My neck is twitching and my vision is going white as my entire body burns pleasurably and trembles.

A hot load begins to fill my ass, making it feel ready to burst. Kyle has shoved forward and finished inside me, leaving me contorted and pinned between the three of them as they come.

I feel all the energy and willpower fade from me along with my orgasm. It was so incredible, so intense, that I forget why I was even resisting in the first place. As Steve pulls out I suck hard and swirl the last of his seed around my mouth. Somehow it is the most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten.

Once everyone has pulled out I collapse to the side, getting caught by one of them. I find myself laying on a mattress after a few seconds. “Her room isn’t ready, we’ll leave her down here for now,” Kyle said. “Are you alright Dash?”

“Y-yeah,” I stutter. My tongue rolls out of my mouth and I begin to drool.

“Shit, Kyle, I vote you don’t tell Brian about this at all. I want Dash all to ourselves,” Mark said.

“I agree,” Steve said.

Brian, I’m brian! I struggle to get to my hooves, and although my body seems to be under no commands not to, I’m too exhausted to get more than a couple inches before I collapse again.

“Dash, you’re tired. Go to bed and get some sleep, I have more in store for you tonight,” Kyle says.

No, not Dash, Bri—Brian. I yawn loudly with my mouth stretching wide open. My eyes close and though I can still hear them, I can’t will my eyes back open. I’m so comfortable and warm as they set a blanket over me, and the buzzing is starting to fade away when I comply and start to fall asleep.

“Come on, I’ve got some really extreme bondage gear boxed up in the closet. Let’s give her an hour or two to acclimate,” Kyle explains.

Originally I’d wanted to turn into Dash and masturbate, and enjoy her amazing body. My wish had turned into an utter hell as I’d be fucked every day by my friends, unable to escape. What if it doesn’t have to be torture? Mark’s dick felt a lot better than my hoof. No—I don’t like my friends like that.

I moan as I sink into the mattress and curl up under the blanket. Despite being in a basement, this bed is very comfortable.

 This is bad. If this keeps up I'll have no way of telling them who I am. I'd be stuck like this and, well. . . that would be bad, right? I know I’m Brian, but at the moment I don’t care. It feels so good to just relax and not fight the spell. Maybe tomorrow I’ll try and find a way to tell him, or this weekend—yeah I should rest a couple days.