Ben Drowned in Friendship

by The System


"Pinkie Pie is throwing a party today, you coming?"

"Pinkie Pie is the best I know. Of course!"

It appears I got a invatation to Pinkie Pie's latest party. Never been to a party, since I died, of course. It apparently started an hour from now.

"Sounds like..."

*zing!* *puts on sunglasses*

"...a blast."



"So where is it again?"

"Over here."

Right, it was house that looked like the gingerbread house from Hansel and Gretel.


We walked right into the party in progress.

"Oh, hi Twilight! Hi Ben!"


"You're just in time!"

"I'm glad about that."


"I thought we could make funny masks!"


"What? Where did you get that idea?"

"From this!"

And she pulled out a rainbow, spike-covered mask with big, yellow gaping eyes.

Not again.