Twilight Sparkle Goes to the Dark Side of Science

by Brian Jacko

The Maddness Behind it All

Applejack and her friends had set up a huge laboratory in her barn. It came to them as no surprise that once the water fluoridation began, ponies who drank the water began to have many cavity problems and many of them had fluorosis. Dentists began to scrape away at their teeth, in order to remove tooth enamel, that put them at greater risk for more cavities. Nopony seemed to understand that while they claimed brushing with hard tooth brush bristles was bad for their teeth, yet scraping away the enamel with the dentists metal instruments and poking bacteria deep into cavities was ok. Dentists were also allowing other poisons to be put into toothpaste such as triclosan, sodium lauryl sulfate, propylene glycol, titanium dioxide, as well as many other harmful and cancer causing ingredients. The more fluoride ponies consumed, the more cavities they ended up getting. It was a win-win situation for the Dentists and for the Dentists who were working together with Endocrinologists, by giving young fillies and colts pure fluoride tablets, in order to shut down their thyroids and then have them take a terrible pill called Synthroid. Applejack and her friends discovered that ponies began to have lower IQ's between the massive vaccinations and fluoridated water. The tests ponies at school took, proved this because their test scores dropped dramatically.

They conducted many other experiments and double blind studies to prove the insanity of what was going on. Sure enough, Applejack and her friends were also able to prove that the new homogenized milk caused serious heart problems and other health problems to the ponies who drank it. Applejack and her friends tried to get the warnings out as best as they could. Homogenization causes fat in milk to be broken into such tiny particles that milk does not separate from its cream. These fat particles are so unnaturally small that they are absorbed directly into the blood stream without proper digestion. These undigested fat particles stress the immune system greatly and cause extreme inflammation. There is an enzyme in cow's milk that becomes dangerous when milk is industrially homogenized called Xanthine Oxidase. This enzyme is used by young calves to aid with digestion, but it causes cardiovascular disease when it is unbound from the fat by homogenization. With raw milk, this toxic substance is not absorbed. Prior to homogenization, this offensive enzyme was always chemically bound inside milk fats, which were too large to enter into the bloodstream undigested. The natural particle size of fats inside unadulterated cow's milk acts as a shield to protect those from the milk's Xanthine Oxidase.

Neither pony was known for their scientific abilities, but they did the best they could and they learned lots of new things in the process. When the four ponies put their minds together, they found that they could discover new things.

One horrific discovery they made was that anything that isn't a food related product, does not require complete labeling by the F.D.A. and some products that you put into your mouth like gum, had some of the most toxic ingredients they had discovered, that were not labeled on the package. Even if not swallowed, toxins and poisons were still absorbed in the mouth, especially through the cheeks and under the tongue and entered their system. Just because a pony didn't swallow something, doesn't mean that they would be safe from whatever ingredients that were in that product, even if they spit it out. For the mouth was the very first part of the digestive system.

Everything was being changed and even something as harmless as aspirin was now different with chemical engineering and it was now being made synthetically like all of the other supposed medicines. Unlike the original pain reliever, the improved version was now fatal in large quantities.

Toys for fillies, colts and even toys for foals were now being created with cadmium and lead in hopes to have them grow up being sick. Many other items and products now contained these two killer ingredients and workers who made these products ended up dying quickly from being exposed to them.

The corruption did not end there. Perverted food was being promoted like canola oil that was formerly called rape seed, margarine, G.M.O.'s and many other things.

Once margarine hit the shelves and other foods with hydrogenated oils, the food industry and Equestrian Heart Association made claims that regular organic butter is bad for your health, even though heart disease was such a rarity and cancer was almost non-existent. Ponies began to panic and the sales of margarine soared. Ponies ended up having heart disease, cancer, and so many other health problems, who ate the perverted foods, even though the claims boasted that these re-designed foods would save them from these terrible diseases that very rarely existed in the past.

Around the time when Fluttershy became severely disabled, her friends went to her house and found a journal about what she learned about animals and health related topics about healing animals with special herbs and foods. They took this journal and studied it. It was Fluttershy that discovered that the only animal in the world to get heart disease is the guinea pig, because they are the only animal that couldn't produce their own vitamin C. Fluttershy supplemented her pets in order to prevent heart disease, which is linked to scurvy. Fluttershy had made some incredible discoveries on her own.

Because Rarity represented the element of generosity, she was most similar to the element of kindness that Fluttershy represented and often took care of Flutterhy's pets and animal friends to the best of her ability in her spare time.