//------------------------------// // Settling Down // Story: Heaven is Equestria // by KingHoole //------------------------------// Chapter 4: Settling Down As we slowly trotted toward Twilight’s library we heard a loud boom coming from the library, we then ran into the library and down in the basement where Twilight conducted all her scientific experiments. We saw her standing there with an ash covered coat and her mane blown back. She looked at me and Blake with wide eyes and flush cheeks and said, “OH, I was not expecting anypony uh will you kindly wait up stairs while I fix myself up a bit?” We waited for a while then finally she came up with her beautiful coat and mane groomed and her eyes as big as ever. I stared for a while in awe of how cute she really was; Blake noticed my staring and whispered in my ear, “Damn.” Him knowing I always had a thing for Twilight, but then i nudged him with my elbow as a sign for him to quit making wise ass remarks. I began to ask her if she was looking for help around the library and possibly become her new student, as Blake began to wander around the library looking at books he may want to read later on. She asked of my magical abilities because if I had none she really couldn’t hire me. I stood there delaying the truth then out of no where there was another explosion coming from below causing all the books to fall of the shelf of the library. Suddenly my horn started to glow and I shut my eyes, when I opened them I managed to catch all the books with a grayish blue aura around them. She was impressed. Not even she could react so quickly to something like that, and her special talent is magic. She agreed to teach me and she let me be her librarian. I thought about how not having a place to live would be rough so I asked her, “Uh Twilight would you mind if I stayed here, because I just moved her so I really have no where to go.” “Well the thing is, is my parents are coming for a visit so I’m going to need the room for now. But there are plenty of spare bedrooms in Sweet Apple Acres, my dear friend Applejack works there and she is always glad to help out.” “Thank you so much for the help Twilight, I’m looking forward to working with you!” Blake and I walked out of the library, I was no longer Isaiah, I was Gizmo! ________________________________________________________ I walked away from the library, feeling an overwhelming sense of pride in my friend. In the first day of us being in Ponyville, he had scored a job, possibly a girlfriend, and a place for us to stay. There was a shadow next to us that i hadn’t noticed before. I looked up, and my heart jumped. Above us was the one pony in Equestria that I cared for more than anypony else, Rainbow Dash. My wings unfolded automatically at the sight of her. Oh God, I have a wingboner... Suddenly, I took off. Having never flown before, this scared the crap out of me. I didn’t care. My love for Dash was stronger than my fear for my life. As she saw me approach, she started to fly away as fast as she could. I can’t blame her. If some strange pony was flying toward me at full speed, I’d be scared, too. She dove down between some trees, trying to lose me, but I kept up with her. I got up next to her and looked over at her. So beautiful... I looked back over just in time to notice that I was headed toward the trunk of a tree at full speed. I panicked. I did a kind of half barrel roll thing, and when I opened my eyes, I was looking up at her, flying upside down! She looked down at me with a smile on her face, obviously impressed. Dash flew up ahead and landed in a grassy field. I tried to follow suit, but ended up landing on my back. I lay on my back, looking up into her beautiful eyes. “Nice flying!” She said, “You might want to work on your landings a bit more though.” She chuckled. “The name’s Rainbow Dash.” “Jetfire. Nice to, uh, meet you.” I couldn’t tell if it was the crash or my love making me sound like a blathering idiot. “Nice name! It makes you sound awesome!” She said rather enthusiastically. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around here before. Are you new here?” “Yeah, me and my friend just arrived and were headed to Sweet Apple Acres because we heard they had extra rooms. However, we’re sorta lost. Could you help us find it?” Smooth, Blake. At that moment, Isaiah popped out of the woods, looking exhausted. “Jet, thank God I found you. I thought I had lost you.” he said, exasperated. “Ah, Rainbow Dash, this is my friend Gizmo.” I said. They brohoofed. “Nice to meet you.” Dash said. “Likewise.” Isaiah replied. “Alright, now that he’s here, why don’t we head out?” I asked Dash. “Sounds good! Let’s move out!” She called. She flew on ahead, leaving me and Isaiah on the ground. “I see what you did there,” he said, smiling, “Nice.” I gave him a smile and flew off to catch up with Dash. The trek to Sweet Apple Acres was long, but Dash was able to give me some great flying tips. I even landed a few times. I considered landing upright a success for me. I could tell that Isaiah, though, was bored out of his mind. He kept levitating small twigs and rocks to try to practice his magic, though he could only get them a few inches off the ground. He actually picked one up and tried to move it toward him, but it flew too fast and ended up hitting him in the face, getting a laugh from me and Dash. We finally arrived at the farm. We spotted Applejack and Big Mac talking to each other by a tree. Rainbow waved them over and introduced us. ` “Hey AJ, this is Jetfire and Gizmo. They’re new here and were looking for a place to stay. You got anything avaliable?” Dash asked. “Ah may have something available. You must be Jetfire,” she said, looking at me. “And you must be Gizmo,” she said, looking at Isaiah. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she was checking him out. “Applejack?” Dash said, looking at her friend. She had been staring at Gizmo for a while. “What? Oh, yeah. Uh, right this way,” she said, motioning for us to follow. She brought us to the house. I could see Granny Smith baking an apple pie in the kitchen, and it made the house smell so good. We walked down a hallway to a stairwell leading into the basement.There were three rooms in the basement. “Well, here you are! Now, I hope you’re not expecting to stay here for free...” said Applejack. “No, no, of course not!” Isaiah said, “We’ll do what ever needs done.” “Well good then! I’ll give y’all some time to get settled. Dinner is in an hour!” “Well, here we are. I call the middle room!” I said, flying toward the door. I got in and looked around, and there wasn't much. Just a bed, dresser, mirror, and desk. I decided to check myself out in the mirror, since I had never actually seen myself in my pegasus form. Damn, I look badass! I went back to getting the room in order. “SOUPS ON EVERYPONY!” Applejack yelled through the house. I walked upstairs. What smelled so good? There was a platter covered in hay burgers. I looked at it with doubt. Hay? Really? I need meat! Oh, wait... pony... vegetarian... crap... Just for fun, I walked up and took a bite of a hay burger. Oh my god! This is DELICIOUS! How could hay taste so good? I lay in bed that night with a stomach ache. How many hay burgers did I eat? Five? Ten? I don’t even know. I realized how cold I was getting and reached down to pull up my blanket. How are you supposed to grab something with hooves? After a bit of effort, I managed to hook it under my hooves and pull it up. Damn, this is gonna be harder than I thought. Three Days Later Work on the farm was tough. Being a pegasus, Applejack had me fly around and get the harder to reach apples. Isaiah was tallying. Near the end of the day, I went to my room to get some rest. As I lay in my bed, I heard footsteps coming down the hall. That’s odd... Applejack never comes down here... I opened the door and saw Applejack’s tail disappearing into Isaiah’s room. Then he started yelling and gasping. I looked in and couldn’t believe what I saw. Applejack had Isaiah PINNED DOWN and she was licking his neck. I flew by and ripped her off of him. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” I yelled at her. “Uh, I... I’m sorry... I... I just love him!” She said, tears welling up in her eyes. “Sorry, Applejack. I just have another mare I’m interested in. It’s nothing against you.” Isaiah said. “Ok... I understand... I... I’m sorry...” She said. I stood up and let her go. She walked out of the room, feeling heartbroken. I turned and looked at him. “Wow, less than a week in Ponyville and you almost got raped,” I said, smiling. “You bring this up to anypony else and I swear to God, I will fucking kill you,” Isaiah said. “No problem, bro. Your secret’s safe with me.” I walked out of the room, snickering. I lay in bed and fell asleep, waiting to see the awkwardness ensue the next day.