The Search For Family

by d3rpy-h00v3s


Celestia felt something hitting her nose repeatedly and woke up to see Philomena pecking at her muzzle, then the phoenix flew away. Then Celestia smelled smoke, and looked up to see the forest on fire.
“FIRE!” she yelled waking up her sister.
“Tia whats wrong?” Her sister asked.
“No time to explain we need to get outside now!” Celestia used her magic to pick up her little sister and put the blue pony on her back.
“Hold on tight, okay?” Celestia told her sister.
“Okay Tia.” Luna said. As Celestia was running through the burning castle, she watched in horror as part of the ceiling crashed under a falling tree and blocked the exit.
“Tia I’m scared.” Celestia heard her little sister cry as she looked around for a way out. Then Celestia spotted a small hole leading outside. She lifted Luna with her magic and got her through the hole.
“Luna meet me by the river okay? You will be safe from the fire there.” Celestia told her sister. A few seconds later Celestia heard her sisters hoofsteps fade in the distance as she got farther away. Celestia was looking at the hole made by the falling tree, but realized she would be burned very badly if she tried to get out that way. Though the ceiling was full of holes they weren't big enough to fit a hoof in let alone a pony.
“Mother, Father, Luna, I’m sorry I failed yo-.” Celestia stopped mid sentence when she felt a raindrop on her nose. But it wasn't a raindrop in fact it wasn't even water. It was brown and smelled chocolaty. As more drops fell Celestia looked up through the holes in the ceiling to see what looked like a large pink cloud.
“What?” As Celestia spoke a drop fell in her mouth. Chocolate milk? She thought to herself. Then looking over at the blocked exit Celestia watched in disbelief as the stone and burning wood changed into paper, and then quickly burned away creating a way out. As Celestia began to leave the burning castle she saw a strange creature standing in the doorway.
“Hurry! We have to catch up to the little one.” It said pointing in the direction of the river. Celestia ran past the creature into the forest. As she ran she looked over her shoulder.
“Thank you!” She called back to the creature.
“You're Welcome.” The creature said sliding next to her. Celestia was surprised to see that it caught up to her so quickly, she looked down at its mismatched legs to see soap strapped to the bottom of its feet as it skated alongside her.
“This is taking to long.” It said picking up the young alicorn, and skated faster.
“That's better, by the way my names Discord. I’m a draconequus.” The young draconequus told her trying to distract and calm the young pony down . Celestia was surprised, but didn’t complain about being carried.
“So Discord how are you able to do those things?” Celestia asked him.
“Well you see I use magic to do those things. “ Discord replied grinning. He loved attention.
“And who are you?” the draconequus asked.
“I am Celestia, I’m an alicorn.” Celestia answered. As they skated ahead they could hear the river, it had gotten quite bad. Celestia realized the urgency of the moment and got back on the ground and started running. As they got closer Discord stepped on a small twig which made a loud cracking sound, and they saw Luna turn around to see them. Celestia and Discord ran over to Luna, then Discord heard a snapping sound and looked up to see a flaming branch from a tree about to fall. Thinking quickly the draconequus push both sisters and himself out of the way of the branch. Celestia was surprised as she felt the cold water come into contact with her coat, her body instantly feeling as if she was in a snowy blizzard as it dragged the heat out of her. Celestia felt the talons of his eagle like hand as Discord grabbed her and her sister, but watched helplessly as the only family she had slipped away from her and Discord.
“Luna No!” Celestia cried out as she watched the current take her sister.
“Tia save me!” Celestia’s heart shattered as she heard her sisters cries for help as Luna was out of her sight.
“I will find you, follow the sunset Luna.” Celestia cried praying her sister heard her. Celestia began crying.
“Luna come back.” Celestia sobbed. Celestia and Discord were forced to stay in the river to avoid the fire. Later celestia looked up to see it beginning to rain. The fire slowly began to go out.
“ We should find a dry place for the rest of the night.” The draconequus said.
“What about my sister?” Celestia yelled.
“We will look for her tomorrow. Now to make sleep even possible we are going to have to- ” He said.
“She is out there ALONE and you are worried about where you can SLEEP?” Celestia yelled and kicked Discord. The draconequus released her. Celestia screamed as the water took her down the river, as discord magically made a newspaper appear and was reading it.
“Discord don’t just sit there help me.” Celestia cried out. Discord sighed and folded the paper into a boat and sailed down to her. “But I thought you wanted me to let you go.” He said obviously mocking her.
“If we are going to save your sister, we are doing it my way.” He said as Celestia climbed in.
“Wait why didn’t you make this earlier?” Celestia yelled pointing at the large paper boat.
“Well you see I am still young and can only use so much magic at a time, I need to recharge.”
“But what did you use your magic on?” Celestia asked.
“Saving you.” Discord told her
“So if you didn't save me my sister would be safe right now?” Celestia asked beginning to cry.
“Yup that about sums it up.” Discord said bluntly. Celestia was crying as the draconequus told her this.
“This is all my fault.” Celestia choked out through the tears. She felt the mismatched arms of the draconequus wrapped around her.
“It’s okay it’s not your fault, now lets get to shore the boat is starting to sink.”