//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Rainbow Dash's Trick or Treat // Story: House of Chaos // by JusSonic //------------------------------// Author's note To Mr. Anonymous, yes, it is the first time. Second, no, no plans to make fanmakes of that film yet. To Greenrob, I may have a role for Goldenheart near the end of the story. VISION-KING, continue reading and I hope you can see 'Disney's House of Mouse' and the specials based on it. To Billy Arratoon, I don't know. I think Tom Kane did a good job but I can still use the suggestion. And finally to cairon-g400, thanks for telling me that; I fixed it. Now, on with the show! Chapter 1: Rainbow Dash's Trick or Treat Spike came on stage in a ghost outfit, booming, "Booooo! It's an Equestria Nightmare Night at the House of Pony! Get your garlic and meet the hostess with the mostess...here's Countess Twilight Sparkle!" Spike leaves the stage as bats flew around. With some smoke effect, Twilight appears in her cloak, giving out a scary Dracula voice, "Blah! Welcome...welcome my little ponies." The mare chuckles while tossing the cloak aside. "Ha! I love Nightmare Night, one of those times based on Nightmare Moon! There has been a lot of scary happenings all over Equestria! Why, I heard that Grogar is throwing a party! You know, it's easy to get to his place. Just take a right at Tambelon!" The audience laughs at the joke, especially the evil goat ruler of Tambelon Grogar who pounds at his table while booming, "Ha ha ha! Why, it's funny because it is so true!" "I even saw Discord, the God of Chaos and Disharmony! That guy is really painting the town 'stone dead'." Discord at his table chuckles a bit while saying, "Oh, I love that one." "Recently, I've heard of some shindig over at the Diamond Dog Caverns!" Twilight exclaims making Nyx and Pipsqueak a bit concerned. "There's a B-Y-O-G! Bring Your Own Gems!" The two yelps as Fido, one of the Diamond Dogs, appears at the table, chuckling a bit before swiping Pipsqueak and Nyx's food, making them protest, "Hey!" Of course, the Diamond Dog ignores them as he rushes off. "Thanks for coming because we got some cartoons in store for all of you tonight! Let's start off the fun with this tricky Nightmare Night tale called 'Rainbow Dash's Trick or Treat'!" Twilight exclaims. The audience cheers as Applejack starts the cartoon. ------------------ JusSonic presents... JusSonic presents... Rainbow Dash in... Rainbow Dash's Trick or Treat (Based off Donald Duck cartoon 'Trick or Treat') Chorus: Trick or Treat Trick or Treat Trick or Treat for Nightmare Night Better give a treat that's good to eat If you want to keep life serene Trick or Treat(Trick or Treat) Trick or Treat(Trick or Treat) Trick or Treat(Trick or Treat) Trick or Treat the whole night through Little scalawags with fiendish gags Can make it tough on you So when ghosts and goblins by the score Ring the bell on your front door Better not be stingy or Your nightmares will come true It was nighttime in Ponyville as a church bell begins to ring. Outside is someone flying on a broomstick, she is a female zebra with turquoise eyes, a striped Mohawk mane of white and dark gray, and a coat that is striped of dark and light gray. She wears ornate jewelry, a cloak and some makeup and has a spiral sun for a cutie mark. Her name is Zecora. "Yes, peaceful night for Nightmare Night tonight. Perfect to perform witchy side justice and jokes on the stingy," Zecora said with a smile. She flew over to a bell tower and saw some eyes in there. The zebra performs a scary face and uses a spell to ring the bell, scaring the bats, the owners of the eyes away. Zecora laughs a bit then uses her broomstick to tiptoe on some fence nearby, covering her eyes with her hood. The zebra came across a black cat that is on the fence as well. Zecora then removes her hoof and booms, "Boo!" This causes the black cat to screech and run off. The zebra chuckles and flew over the fence. That was fun! Suddenly Zecora came across a pumpkin...that begins to move. The zebra yelps in alarm as she and her broomstick hid behind a tree. The two peek out...and saw the pumpkin moving. "What is this?" Zecora ask puzzled by what happened. Sure enough saw that the pumpkin is actually riding on a pony's head as they go down the hallway and came through a gate. The zebra saw and recognize three little fillies known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders which consists of Apple Bloom wearing a ghost outfit with the pumpkin on her head, Sweetie Belle who is wearing a devil outfit and Scootaloo who is wearing a witch outfit. The three fillies hum a tune while going up the cloudway (thanks to some cloud walking magic from Twilight) and heading up to the door of Rainbow Dash. "Well, it's Apple Bloom and her friends, trick or treating, no doubt." Zecora said with a smile. "It warms my heart to see them out this late for trick or treating...along with some scares are provided later." With a smirk, Apple Bloom uses her pitchfork to ring the doorbell. Rainbow Dash is inside, sitting on the couch when she hears the doorbell rang. The mare spoke up, "Oh, that must be the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Hmmm, maybe instead of treats..." Rainbow smirks mischievously as he push a fruit bowl aside and took out some firecracker. Oh, this is going to be so much fun pranking those three ponies! Rainbow heads to the door and opens it while saying, "Hey girls." "Trick or Treat, Rainbow Dash!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders exclaims, holding out their bags to Rainbow whose begin putting in firecrackers, unknown to the three foals, into their bags. "Well, well; One for you...one for you...and one for you." "Thanks, Rainbow Dash." Scootaloo exclaims to Rainbow with a smile. Without warning, the firecrackers went off in the bag, exploding like mad and causing big holes. Zecora is startled by this as her broom begins flying around like mad. The zebra quickly works to calm it down while saying, "Whoa, steady old boy. Steady...." She pats the broom after it stops freaking out. The Cutie Mark Crusaders frowns a bit as Rainbow laughs hysterically by her prank, "Oh man! That was so histerical! Now, here's your treat!" The mare grab a string with her mouth and pull it, causing a raincloud that Rainbow has put up earlier to pour rain right onto them, "Ha ha ha ha! Oh man; Later, girls!" Rainbow laughs as she goes back into her house and closes the door. Sweetie groans, "Not fair! Why did Rainbow Dash has to do that to us?" "Ah done like a good prank like she does but 'dis ain't right." Apple Bloom groans a bit. "Aw, bless their little pony hearts." Zecora said in sadness and pity. Her little friends got pranked big time by Rainbow. Well, the zebra must do something to help the Cutie Mark Crusaders. ---------- We see the three foals on the sidewalk, looking down in sadness. They want their candy but felt that what Rainbow did was mean and unfair. It looks hopeless. Suddenly Zecora flew down on her broomstick while saying, "Apple Bloom and friends, I've saw what happened as well as heard. Down, broom; thank you." "Zecora," Apple Bloom gasps as she and her friends saw and recognize Zecora, the zebra from Everfree Forest. "What is yew doing here?" "Well, I am out doing my usual Nightmare Night activities." Zebra said as she pats Sweetie on the Mane then goes up to Rainbow's house. "I believe I can help get your candy one way or another." Rainbow, inside her house, was reading the magazine when the doorbell rang, making her smirk while saying, "Oh cool! Another one to prank," The Pegasus pony flew to the door and open, seeing Zecora outside. "Rainbow Dash, you remember for I am Zecora, the zebra from the Everfree Forest!" "Ha ha ha! Nice costume! Even I know that Zecora doesn't go out trick or treating!" Rainbow pulls on Zecora's snout, making her yelp then flew up and hit the cloud, sending more rain right onto the zebra. Zecora frowns as the Pegasus pony laughs and goes back into her house, closing the door. "It appears that the holder of the Element of Loyalty has gone too far in her pranks...and is tougher than I thought." Zecora said as she goes back to the Cutie Mark, getting the water off of herself. It's time to teach Rainbow a lesson. The zebra huddle up with the fillies; the broom tries to get into the conversion. "Listen up, my filly friends. Here's something I want you to do. I need some gruesome ingredients, a cauldron of swamp water..." ---------- Zecora is in her hut back at the Everfree Forest, beginning the progress of teaching Rainbow a lesson. The zebra chants as she prepares her cauldron, "Double Double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble." Her face changes colors as she begins reciting the ingredients that the Cutie Mark Crusaders put into the cauldron itself."Eye of needle, tongue of shoe, hand at clock that points at 2." Scootaloo trots up to Zecora who whispers to the confused filly, "Yes, this is a real ting...right out of Billie Goat Shakespeare." The zebra continues her spell, her face changes colors as her friends put in more of the ingredients, "Neck of bottle, tail of coat, uh, whiskers from the Billy goat!" "Here yew go; Zecora." Apple Bloom said as she gave the whisker to Zecora. "Repulsive, yes," Zecora then drops the hair into the cauldron and ducks as a magic blast came out of it. The fillies look in amazement while the zebra cackles a bit. "Oh yes, that is a delightfully gruesome reaction." Zecora tastes the potion then suddenly goes around the room like firecrackers explodes, spinning around as the Cutie Mark Crusaders watch on. Once Zecora slows down, the zebra gargles the potion, "My friends; this stuff is loaded." Zecora then pulls out a fireplace blower and filles the stuff with the potion; Time for some fun and payback. The zebra whistles for her broom whose comes to her. Zecora and her friends got on it and fly into the sky with smiles. ----------------- Rainbow reward herself with some grapes from the pantry for a job well done for her pranks. But as she eats on, the pony heard a cackle, making her ask in confusion, "What the hay?" Rainbow flew over to the window, seeing a surprising sight outside: it's Zecora with the Cutie Mark Crusaders...on her broomstick! Scootaloo exclaims eagerly, "Oh yeah!" Rainbow rubs her eyes in shock. "No way; I don't believe it! That trick or treater earlier...was really Zecora?!" A familiar chorus begins to sing as Zecora begins squirting the potion onto a jack-o-lantern, causing it to come to life. Chorus: Trick or Treat Trick or Treat Trick or Treat for Nightmare Night When the pumpkin shells Casts evil spells The jack o-lantern flies over to Rainbow and moans, scaring her big time. Zecora now spray the potion onto a paintbrush in green paint, causing it to come to life and paint the Pegasus pony's house green. Your little white house turns green Your little white house turns green Your little white house turns green[ "Man, this is crazy!" Rainbow said as she opens her other window, causing her face to get painted by the magic paintbrush. Zecora then uses the potion on a couple of fence pots, turning them into ghosts who sang. Ghosts: Every post is a ghost If you got a witch's brew With a smirk, Zecora then sprays the potion right onto a gate, causing it to start floating. And if you want your gate to circulate Ghost 1 (as he strung the gate like a harp): We can do that too Rainbow shivers in fright as the ghosts and jack-o-lantern came to her door, one of them rang the doorbell. Perhaps she made a big mistake in pranking Zecora earlier. Ghosts: Trick or Treat(Trick or Treat) Trick or Treat(Trick or Treat) Trick or Treat(Trick or Treat) Trick or Treat for Nightmare Night When ghost and goblins by the score Ring the bell on your front door You better not be stingy or… Rainbow opens the door, the pony yelps as one of the ghosts rubs her heads before they disappear. The jack-o-lantern sang the last line. Jack-o-lantern: Your nightmares will come true Once the pumpkin is gone, Zecora and the Cutie Mark Crusaders flew into the house, knocking Rainbow back and pinning her to the pantry door. The zebra demands, "Now, Miss Dash, shall you treat or not? Because I got more tricks in store if you don't!" "Right, right, no problem," Rainbow said nervously. The last thing she wants is to anger Zecora, even by accident. Once the four on the broom got off, the Pegasus pony opens the pantry and starts taking the candy out, mumbling to herself. "What did I tell you, my friends? Miss Rainbow Dash here, despite being the fastest flyer in Equestria, a tough pony and an Element holder, is indeed a pushover." Zecora remarks to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, making Sweetie giggle a bit. However, Rainbow heard her and she isn't pleased. "A pushover; I will show you 'pushover'!" Rainbow then throws the treats back into the pantry and close the door, locking it up with a key. "See this key?" The mare shows the key to Zecora then swallows it before the zebra could grab it from Rainbow. Zecora listens as the key itself goes down the mare's throat, landing in her stomach. Rainbow smirks a bit. Now who's the pushover? "Well, looks like I will have to put a spell on you. I may not have given you the Poison Joke effects on you when we met before but I can still cast other spells should you upset me." Zecora said to Rainbow sternly. Before the Pegasus pony can escape, the zebra's broom suddenly grabs her holding the pony up. Zecora sprays Rainbow's feet while doing a recitement, "Hocus pocus, magic shower, put her feet within my power." Once Zecora's done, the broom releases Rainbow who yelps as she finds herself dancing around uncontrollably. Her feet levitate without the Pegasus pony flying before turning turquoise. "What the hay is that stuff, Zecora?" Rainbow asks Zecora, not liking where this is going at all. "Feet, kick that key out," Zecora orders the feet. Suddenly Rainbow finds herself without control of her feet as they begin to hit and kick herself all over, trying to get the key out. "Hee hee, look at her dance!" Zecora, deciding to have fun, begins using her broom like a banjo and sings as if like a square dance. Zecora: Oh dance with your feet as fast as you can Now flipping like a flapjack in a pan A hopping and a-jumpin like a meat on the griddle The key for the door and the key for the fiddle As Rainbow finds herself being forced to hit herself, the key came out of her mouth but the Pegasus pony swallows itself in time. Rainbow yelps as she hit her head onto a couple of pots then fell down on the floor, dancing without control. [I/]Dosey-do now mind the rules With your old flat feet just a-kicking like mules Rainbow's legs flew up as she begins acting like a mule while dancing. The pony frantically held onto the rug while Zecora squits the potion onto a cactus, making it crush while the dancing continues. So promenade the way out west That's where the cactus grows the best Rainbow yelps in pain as she unwittingly poke her flank onto a cactus, causing the pony to spit out the key. But the mare caught it with her mouth; she isn't going to give up just yet! Now swing down south and turn on the heat To Rainbow's horror, she saw that her feet are taking her right to the fireplace. The pony does her best to hold onto the rug and the cloudy floor but nothing's working. Now end the dance And take your seat Once the song is over, Rainbow ends up sitting on some coal in the fireplace. She spits the key out of her mouth, causing it end on the floor. "What did I tell you? Nothing to it," Zecora said to the Cutie Mark Crusaders with a smile; Looks like she has won. "No way, I am not going down like that!" Rainbow exclaims as she flew in and grabs the key. With a smirk, she throws it right under the pantry door and right out of reach. The pony laughs, "Let's see you get into that pantry now! That's my only key!" "Oh, that's it! You made me mad now!" Zecora exclaims furiously then begins to spray more of the potion onto Rainbow's feet and extra on the wings. "I'll cast a spell as double grim. Smash that door down feet and wings...with her, eh?" Rainbow realizes that she has really push Zecora too far: her own feet and now her wings are turning pink...and they are sending her right to the pantry door! "No, wait, no," Rainbow protest but she ends up hitting the door repeatedly like mad. The mare groans a bit, getting dizzy and the pony is getting a black eye. Rainbow isn't having a good night. "This hurts me worst than it does you. Now take a longer flight...ABOUT A MILE OR TWO!" Zecora ordered, spraying Rainbow's wings and feet, causing the pony to leave her house and fly a mile away from the place, "All right, my little ponies, get ready." Rainbow, without a choice in the matter, flies very fast as she goes back into her house like mad; Zecora and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who went outside, got out of the way as she flew past them. They heard a crashing noise inside the house, making them look and saw that Rainbow has broke down the pantry door. The fillies cheers eagerly as Zecora said with a smile, "I knew she would listen to reason sooner or later." Sure enough, Rainbow is now in the remains of the pantry door, knocked out with her feet and wings going back to normal, the broom sweep of the broke wood and dust. "Hooray fer Rainbow Dash!" Apple Bloom cheers as she and her friends fill their bags with treats. "I knew you would come through for us!" Scootaloo chuckles a bit to her knocked out idol. Rainbow groans as she got up, "No way, I won't do it." The broom of course hits the mare on the head, knocking her out again. "Well, I got more Nightmare Night activities, come broom." Zecora said as she got back onto her broom then flew up into the sky. "Goodbye, my little ponies!" "Bye, Zecora and thanks!" Sweetie giggles as she and her friends wave a hoof to Zecora, thanking her for helping them together. "Bye now!" Apple Bloom exclaims. As Zecora waves goodbye and flew off, the chorus sang one last time. Chorus: So when ghosts and goblins by the score Ring the bell or pound your door Better not be stingy or Your nightmares will come true The jack-o-lantern appears to the audience and booms out, "BOO!" He smiles as the cartoon came to an end. THE END A JUSSONIC PRODUCTION -------------- Once the cartoon ended, the audience applauds, having fun. Twilight smiles proudly. Looks like the Nightmare Night party has begun! Author's note Poor Rainbow, but she did got taught a lesson. In the next chapter called 'Twilight's Mechanical House', the mare, Spike and Nyx lives in a mechanical house...gone out of control! Read, review and suggest. Grogar, the villain from the first series of My Little Pony, is in the role of Chernabog. Nyx and Pipsqueak are in the roles of Simba and Nala. Zecora is in the role of Witch Hazel.