Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom


Just a reminder: Everything that happens in this story happens for a reason. I didn't just throw that cannibal pony in because I wanted it to be there. I spent all week coming up with a plot for her, so it actually has something to do with this story. I know it seems like I'm all over the place, but remember, I never put something in my story just for the hell of it.

Remember the Cody chapter where he killed all the Royal Guards? Well, look were that plot lead. Cody is now a main character.

Also, short chapter today. Why? I kinda need to do some work, so yeah, I hope you all can understand.

While reading this, you will see that its not very good. Why? I'm not doing good today, as in, I'm sick. Massive headache. So, I'm sorry. I'll do better tomorrow, I promise.

Chapter 75

*Beep beep beep beep*

[... That's getting annoying...]

I opened my eyes and blinked. A white ceiling...

<This is kinda creepy... I mean, its so silent...>

I listened for a few seconds, but all I heard was the beeping from the machine next to me... turn it off!

I then tilted my head to the right to see my leg... bandaged all the way up from the shoulder to the hoof. My left leg was the same. That mare was crazy! I didn't even know there was cannibals here.

"You have to let us in! He's hurt!" I heard somepony that could only be Twilight say outside the door.

I let out a sigh, I need to stop getting hurt. I hate to worry everyone.

The door burst open and Twilight walked in backwards, still talking to somepony out side the door.

"Listen, Mrs. Sparkle, he's unconscious and needs to be..."

I cleared my throat loudly.

Twilight turned towards the bed and I could see a look of relief flood her face, "Thank Celestia." She then turned back to the door, "I want to be alone with him."

"But I..." The door slamming shut cutting off his words.

Twilight sighed and turned towards me, "So, do you like getting hurt or something?"

Oh shit, I've screwed up this time, "No Twi, its just that I saw this mare in the forest. So, I kinda wanted to know who she was."

Twilight rubbed her face with her hoof, "Oh Lance, what am I going to do with you." She then looked up, a serious look on her face, "If Vinetion hadn't heard you screaming, you would be dead! Do you know that?!"

I winched at her tone of voice, "I'm sorry..."

Her face lightened, "Lance, you have to be more careful."

I hung my head, "I know Twi, its just... You know me, I'm curious."

She chuckled lightly, "I know, and I always knew it would almost get you killed."

I let a small smile creep onto my face, "I'll be more careful, I promise you that Twi."

She walked over to the bed and laid her head down on the side, "You better, you have two kids and a wife to look after."

I smiled, and tired to move to her, but felt a sharp pain in my forelegs.

Twilight saw this and carefully climbed up on the bed. She gently climbed on top of me and sat down, and rested her head on my chest, "Don't strain yourself."

I began to nuzzle the top of her head, "If its for you, then its worth it."

[Lance... I'm sorry man, I shouldn't have made you want to go to the forest.]
{Break, its okay. We're alive, not healthy, but alive.}
<Yeah, its not like we lost the ability to use our forelegs.>


"What the..."

*Sound of glass shattering*

"SHIT!" I yelled as the window across the room blew inward.

Twilight sat up quickly, "What was that?!"

I looked past her, "I don't know..."

Five minutes earlier

This scene is crap. I'm sorry, but like I said above. I can't focus anymore. My mind is going crazy. I'm going to write this one and a brief last scene and I'm going to bed.

Peter walked down the dirt road, leading to the hospital. A sad look on his face.

"How could this happen to Lance..." He whispered as he trudged along.

He continued to walk in silence, looking at the sky.

As he looked to the sky, he saw a small Pegasus filly struggling to fly upward. The young filly was clearly struggling.

Peter stopped walking and looked upward, curious. He then jumped upward and flew up towards her.

The filly stopped and whipped her face.

Peter flew up beside her, "Huh, what you doing?"

She freaked out slightly and flew to the side, but quickly recovered, "Ummm, well... my brother said I would never be able to fly... so I'm trying to learn."

Peter chuckled, he loved kids, "Well, I can help you."

She shook her head, "No, I want to learn on my own." She then pointed to a cloud in the distance, "But, could you watch me and tell me how I do?"

Peter sighed, "I guess."

He made his way to the lone cloud.

As he landed on it, he sighed loudly. This filly better not take long, he has to get to the hospital.

He watched the filly try and fly upward, but lost her in the sky.

Well, maybe he can leave before she begins to lower back down.

Peter began to back up, preparing to leave. He spread his wings and lifted up a few feet.

He looked up one last time to see the filly diving straight down.

Now, why is she trying such an advanced move when she's still trying to learn? That's just stupid.

Peter facehoofed, but when he looked back up, he noticed that the filly wasn't trying to dive, she was falling.

Peter's eyes widened, "Shit!" He jumped off the cloud and began to fly towards her.

He pushed himself, trying to pick up speed. But, he knew at this rate, he wouldn't even come close to catching her.

He pushed himself to the breaking point. The wind was slamming into his face, almost breaking the skin.

Suddenly, he felt himself jerk forward, like he had been shot out of a slingshot.

He looked behind him quickly and saw a trail of purple fire, his mane and tail was also on fire. The rest of his body was thin golden flames. The flames licked at the air as he sped towards the falling filly.

He then returned his attention back to the falling filly. Now, fast approaching.

He flew towards her, his front hooves outstretched.

Seconds later, he slammed into her. He wrapped his forelegs around her and held tight.

He began to spread his wings, trying to slow down. After a few minutes of this, he finally came to a stand still. Hovering in place a few meters above the ground.

He let out a sigh and began his decent to the ground.

When he landed, he let the filly out of his legs gently.

She staggered for a few seconds, but quickly regained her composer. She turned to him and smiled happily, "Thank you so much! You saved me!"

Peter felt light head, "Oh, no problem."

She looked at his flank, "Nice cutie mark."

Peter looked back lazily to see his new cutie mark.

He smiled, a purple comet. How fitting.

The filly smiled happily at him, "Thanks again."

Peter looked back and smiled. But felt the toll of his deeds take hold. He fell forward, asleep before he even hit the ground.

Hospital four hours later

Come on! Fall asleep damn it!

I was lying in bed, trying to go to sleep. But it was impossible. Stupid doctors.

<Relax Lance, wait till Twi gets back and then she can cast a sleeping spell on us.>
[Dawn... shes not coming back till the morning, remember? She has to watch over Spark and Fawn.]
{FUCK! Now what am I going to do?!}

I looked to my side and my eyes widened in happiness. A book!

I reached out with my left foreleg, but cursed myself as a searing pain shot through it. Don't strain yourself Lance!

Well, forget the book.

*Beep beep beep*

Kill it! Kill it with fire! I hate that freaking beeping!

[I would so go Breaking Dawn on it if I could]
{You and me both dude.}

So, I just lay there, eye twitching every time it beeped.

Thankfully, the door opened. I looked down and smiled, "Ditzy! Thank God, I need somepony to talk to."

She smiled cheerfully and flew towards the bed, her mail bag on her side, "Sorry Lance, I'm just delivering your mail."

Shit... "Uhh, okay. But can you stay a little while?"

She shook her head, "I can't, I have to finish my runs." She then pulled out a letter and dropped it on my stomach. "I'll see you later Lance."

She flew towards the door and I leaned forward, "No! Come back! Don't leave me in this hell hole!"

She closed the door, leaving me alone with the beeping machine.

I hate my life right now.

I sighed and picked up the letter. I opened it and tossed the envelope away. I then began to read it.

Dear Lance Greenfield (Girokon),

We are happy to inform you that we have chosen you and your family to come live in our small community of Pleasant Fields. We are a friendly community of ponies, great for raising a family. The town is full of job opportunities, giving you a steady income of bits. We would love for you, and only you, to come down here as soon as possible and look over your new house. The directions are on the separate sheet of paper.

We hope to see you soon,
Pleasant Fields Mayor's office

I put the letter down and smiled. Finally, I can get my family away from those stuck up snobs.

Once I'm healed, I'm going to go and check this place out.

[Okay, now I'm excited.]
{Me too Break, me too.}