An Introduction To Madness

by Mynameistank

*Basically Filler*

Back at the Ponyville library Galley passed Thomas a drink of whiskey as he was reading a new book he found ‘Fallout: Equestria’ “Cheers” he said without looking away from that novel for even a second
“Good book?” she asked,
AJ came over to them and pushed Galley away “Okay, that’s enough talk time. Don’t you have a bar to be at?” she asked,
Galley shook her head “Closed today”
AJ still didn’t like this “Well, go find something to do” Thomas slid his bookmark inside of it and left.

Applejack and Galley were still arguing minutes later, they didn’t notice until one particular point where Galley asked “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah!” replied an agitated Applejack,
They simultaneously asked “Well, what do you think Thomas?”
They both noticed his absence “Your arguing must have driven him away!” Applejack told Galley,
Galley gasped and replied angry “My arguing? If it was anypony’s it was yours” they continued arguing for hours.

Meanwhile on the roof of a random house Thomas sat upside down drinking his whiskey and reading his book between one of his sips he said “Those two need to loosen up around one another. Jesus, it’s not like I’m some prize in some competition. It’s possible that they could be arguing over my favour-slash-affection. Provided that’s true, I’d deduce that AJ thinks she’s my girlfriend, while Galley sees me a best friend” he slid his bookmark inside his book and jumped towards Galley’s pub.

A zombie pony, one who seemed like he was in charge of this group, there was the sound of a door opening, some foreign creature entered through the door, the head pony roared and many zombie ponies tried to kill that creature who stood upright, different shaped hooves, and wires behind each little extension from his hoof, the head zombie roared again and sent more ponies to get him. The wires went away, maybe this creature used up all his power, then something happened, this creature’s right front leg became covered in fur, and its hoof emitted flames and burnt everypony it commanded. The creature walked up to the lonely zombie and pierced the pony’s heart, everything from there went black.

Thomas cleared out the ashes in Galley’s pub “Well I must say that I never expected you to help me, since it involves killing, Isabelle”
A female voice came from Thomas’ lips “They were already dead long ago”
The deep voice returned “Don’t let the woman fool you Master, she wants you dead for what you do while I respect you for what you do”
Then Thomas spoke “You know...I don’t really care” he left and jumped away.

Galley and Applejack were looking throughout the library for Thomas, they were unable to find him. Galley left to go to her pub and see if Thomas was there.

In Canterlot Luna and Celestia were watching Faulty Mask’s speech in Stalliongrad and were preparing a counter-argument speech, Luna looked towards her sister “Well, we were told that Thomas never liked killing for money. Could we bring that up?” the moon controlling Alicorn asked,
Celestia turned to her sister “No, I don’t think we should bring anything up like that”
Luna looked back at Faulty in hate “Why not?” Luna demanded,
Her older sister replied “If we say that, it only confirms something Mask has said. We want ponies thinking he’s wrong about everything”,
Luna looked back at her sister, the one who wised over time “What about his actual race? There was nothing Faulty said about that. It’s perfect, an attack he can’t block” Luna said victorious,
Her sister shook her head “No, we need an ace up our sleeve. Nopony will ever find out” Luna understood, but she hated everything about Faulty.

Thomas slept on one of the roofs of Ponyville’s many homes and had a dream.

Thomas was back in his snowy hometown, he looked to his left and saw the new girl “Hi Thomas” she said nervously “I read a little about you before I got to join this particular group of assassins, they didn’t make you out to be as handsome as you really are”
He looked away “They’re not supposed to, besides my looks don’t affect how I do my job”
Caroline felt crushed, she was being talked down by someone she found attractive, she began crying, Thomas spoke to her “Don’t cry. This weather makes it hurt”
She cheered up “Oh yeah, I forgot this was your hometown”
He got up and walked away from the bench that he and Caroline were sitting on “I have to go check something” Caroline saw him disappear into the falling snow.