//------------------------------// // Patients, Party-cannons and Pinkie's room // Story: And there I was. // by Alternivity //------------------------------// Twilight sat in her hospital bed nursing her injured head. "How do you feel?" I asked walking up to the bed. "Like I got hit in the head. Last I remember I was in my lab," she replied. "What were you working on?" I inquired. “I was trying to increase the power of the memory spell I used on you yesterday. I thought that if I made it stronger then maybe I could restore all your memories!” “You didn't have to-" "Yes I did-" huffed Twilight. "What I was saying was that you didn't have to explode." I said, interrupting her. "Oh ha ha," she retorted sarcastically. Twilight picked up a pillow with her magic and threw it at me. I quickly dodged it. "Missed me," I called chuckling. "Try again." Twilight once again hefted the pillow and hurled it at me. I side-stepped the pillow and blinked twice, shifting my vision into the magic spectrum. I watched Twilight's aura light up and saw three beams arc from her horn, I traced each to where it ended, finding pillows at each end, though none were lifted. "Three against one eh?" I smirked, "That's hardly fair." Twilight's jaw dropped. "What? How did you know?" she asked gaping at me. "I can see magic. Is that unusual?" "Unusual? It's completely impossible!" "Excuse the intrusion, but your friends outside are starting to cause a disturbance, sir," said the doctor walking into the room. "Oh for the love of sanity! They couldn't wait five bloody minutes could they? *sigh* Fine I'll go deal with them," I turned to Twilight, "I'll be back shortly." The moment I stepped into the hospital's foyer I was surrounded by four very agitated mares and Pinkie. I held up a hoof, "Before any of you say anything, Twilight is fine, but if you don't settle down I'll ask security to escort you out, and Pinkie, if you don't put the fucking cannon away I'll use it on you." "Okay!" Pinkie cried chirpily rolling the cannon over to me and pointed it at herself, "Fire away!" I cocked a brow and pulled the trigger. *BOOM* *THUD* I saw the cannon spew confetti and other party items before I collapsed, feeling like all the energy had been drained from my body. When I woke again the sun was setting. I lifted a hoof to my head to nurse the searing pain that erupted, stopping when I felt a sticky substance, I lowered my hoof to examine the stuff, it was a slick white goo. "THIS HAD BETTER BE FUCKING ICING!" I felt a light tugging at my left foreleg, I looked down to see a needle attached to a tube connected to a bag of some pink substance. I looked around and, seeing everything in the room was pink, from the lamp-shades, to the bed sheets, the door-handle, I called out, "Also, why, in the name of anything that makes sense, am I in Pinkie's room?" "How did you know you're in my room?" asked Pinkie from under the bed. "Everything is hellishly pink, for one thing, and most of the stuff in here is party related, for another," I answered sitting up. "Now that I've answered your question, you must answer mine." "This's the only place we could get enough icing!" Pinkie pointed at the bag of pink 'stuff'. "And why the fuck do I need icing to be pumped into me?" "Oops, did I forget to mention that my Party Cannon is powered by the user's blood sugar?" Pinkie looked at me sheepishly. "For the love-I was about to say 'for the love of sanity', but sanity has nothing to do with this infernal situation, but at least you weren't watching me sleep, Pinkie," I said. "Oh, but I was!" I closed my eyes, drew in a deep breath, and spoke, "Pinkie I want you to listen to me, okay?" "I'm listening, Jerry-Jam!" "I need you to promise never to watch anyone sleeping after this, if you break this promise I will permanently revoke your party license, do you understand?" "Okie-dokie-Loki!" "Good. Now I have a promise to keep, so if you don't mind I need to get out of here," I said pulling out the icing IV, "also could you grab a towel to wipe my face with?" "Here you go!" she chirped throwing a towel onto my face. "Thanks," I said wiping the icing off my face. "Hey Pinkie! Are you home?" came a voice I recognized. I facehoofed, "Not this useless moron again!" A smile spread across my features as a plan formed in my mind. "Pinkie, let him in, then bring him up here, okay?" "Sure!" I hid behind the door as Pinkie and Twilight's pet reptile walked into the room. I shut the door behind them before speaking up, "Hello again, whelp. I see you still are not at Twilight's side. That's... disappointing." His entire body tensed as he turned to face me, hate burning in his reptilian eyes. " YOU! " he screamed. "Me." " YOU EVIL, TWISTED, SICKO! " "Oh, now what brought about this outburst?" I asked mockingly. " YOU, YOU SABOTAGED HER EXPERIMENT! YOU NEARLY KILLED TWILIGHT! " "And what," I growled, "makes you think I would hurt the only one I give a single flying fuck about?" I kicked my self onto my hind-legs as he charged at me with a roar. As he approached I pirouetted, kicking out with a hoof, and hit him hard in the head sending the reptile sailing into a wall. " RAAAAGGGHHH. " I flipped my forelegs out, extending blades that were concealed by my suit. "Have it your way then. You want a fight? WELL COME AND GET IT!" I yelled. I leapt into the air as the blades started glowing. I spun, slashing with the blades, as the glow consumed me. I fell to the floor, screaming in pain, as I felt my body change. My hooves softened and split, forming prehensile appendages. Bones lengthened and reformed, my spine snapped and cracked, my face contorted into something new, my muzzle sliding back into my skull. My coat and tail withdrew into my skin. I opened my eyes as the pain began to subside. I saw Twilight's reptilian waste of space staring at me with hatred and fear, two long slashes crossing his chest. I felt my mind slowing as I fought unconsciousness. "I... win..." I said, finally slipping from reality.