Darkest Midnight

by Midnight Flash 777

Chapter 2: Waking Up

It’s Seven A.M. as we join Midnight just waking up getting ready to start his day.
“Alright I better get ready to head for work, don’t want to be late.” says Midnight to himself.
As Midnight heads for the bathroom he passes by the calendar and realizes that it’s Saturday, his day off, needless to say Midnight was not happy about this realization.
“Luna damn it, why did I set my alarm when I knew today was bloody Saturday?” Midnight asks to no one in particular.
“Well I’m already up, might as well stay that way, only question is what should I do?” Midnight asks himself.
Midnight eventually decides to do his daily sword practice. What? Everyone has a hobby. Midnight grabs his dull rapier and other equipment and heads to his back yard. He sets up one of his practice dummies and gets to work.
“Man I need to sharpen this thing, poor bastard could hardly cut through butter.” says Midnight as he takes a swing at the practice dummy.
Midnight is quite elegant with a blade, weaving and rolling as he cuts the dummy more and more with each swing. Using his magic he raises more dummies and proceeds to lacerating them as well. Then Midnight gets an idea.
“Wait a second; if I use an animation spell on one of these dummies I’ll be able to further my training!” says an enthusiastic Midnight.
Midnight’s horn glows an electric blue with his magical aura which envelopes a practice dummy. The dummy springs to life and gets on its feet and grabs a wooden sword that was lying on the ground.
“Blimey it worked! I’m actually kind of surprised myself. Last time I tried to animate something it exploded.” Midnight says to himself.
The training dummy takes a defensive stance anticipating Midnight’s attack.
“Righto then, let’s get to work!” Midnight shouts as he charges at the dummy.
Midnight makes the first strike which the dummy deflects and counters with a horizontal slice which Midnight ducks under. Midnight goes in again with a stab but the dummy sidesteps and brings its blade down on the rapier causing it to dig into the ground. The dummy then slides the wooden blade up the length of the rapier going for Midnight but Midnight is too quick bending backwards to dodge the incoming attack. Midnight then gets his blade out of the earth and slices the dummies legs causing the dummy to fall to the ground with a slight thud. Midnight raises his blade and plunges it into the dummies chest for a finishing blow, Midnight had won this fight.
“Phew, not bad there mate, you almost had me there for a second.” says midnight out of breath.
Slight clapping can be heard from behind him as Midnight turns to find the source his gaze is met with a figure wearing a hooded blue robe sitting on his fence, the hood hiding the figure’s face.
“Very impressive young Midnight Flash, I can see the kingdom is safe from rogue practice dummies.” the figure says in a feminine voice.
“Hey just who are you, and what are you doing on my property?” Midnight asks the hooded woman.
“I am but a messenger, and I was sent here to deliver something to you.” says the hooded woman.
“And just what would that be?” Midnight asks with apparent interest.
The woman brings up a long container that was hidden behind the fence.
“I am to deliver this to the one my master has deemed worthy.” says the woman.
The container is enveloped in a blue aura similar to that of the robe the woman wears and is floated over to Midnight and is dropped at his feet. Midnight looks down at the container which is the same shade of blue as the robe the woman is wearing and looks back up to ask her more questions but when he raises his gaze she is gone.
“Okay what the hell is going on here, is this a joke?” Midnight asks.
Midnight brings his gaze back to the container on the ground and decides to bring it inside to open it there. His horn glows its electric blue aura and envelopes the container lifting it off the ground and it follows Midnight inside. When inside Midnight studies the container in more detail, it is a deep blue unmarked box which opens from the top. After studying the box for some time Midnight decides to finally open it.
“Well no point in standing here wondering what’s inside, better open the bucker.” Midnight says.
Midnight grasps the top of the box and lifts the lid open revealing a sword, a rapier similar to his own but more clean and sharper and of much better make. Midnight admires the make of the blade before noticing the other objects in the box, a card with an insignia that looked like an X followed by three I’s. Midnight realizes that this is the Roman numeral for thirteen. He then turns his attention to the last object, a holster that would go under his right arm containing what looks like a pistol. Midnight wonders for a long time what these items were given to him for but his train of thought is interrupted by a knock at the door, Midnight quickly shuts the box and moves it to the side out of sight and goes to answer the knocking.
“For bucks sake, who could that be?” Midnight asks as he goes for the doorknob.
He opens the door and gets his answer as he is met with the sight of Gray Flames holding something that makes Midnight stop for a second, a container similar to the one that was given to him but slightly smaller in size.
“So judging by that look, you got one too huh?” Gray Flames asks Midnight.
Midnight can only nod as he is still shocked by this sudden event, his eyes, one ruby red and the other lavender purple, staring right at the box that Gray Flames was holding.
“We need to talk, now.” says Gray Flames as he enters Midnight’s house.