//------------------------------// // The Scent of Apples // Story: The Scent of Apples // by Starlight Phoenix //------------------------------// The sweet smell of apples pervaded my youth… I awoke from where I had fallen asleep, with my head upon my desk. My back was sore from sleeping in an unnatural position for several hours. Even though I’d fallen asleep without meaning to, I was still dead tired. What’s more, because of this unscheduled nap, I’d fallen behind on all of the work I had to do. I’d have to work twice as fast in order to catch up. Right now, however … my heart just wasn’t in it. Normally I don’t have a problem with pulling all-nighters and giving my work 110% of my attention. But for the past few days, I couldn’t help feeling melancholy and lonesome for some reason. I got up from my chair and stretched. I needed to take a walk to clear my head. As I left my office, I stopped and looked at the sign on my door. “Babs Seed, Attorney”, it read. I had decided that being a lawyer was my vocation ever since I received my cutie mark. Looking at my flank, I thought back to when the image of a small pair of scales had appeared on it. One day our school had held a mock trial project. As I stood at the podium and acted out my part as a prosecutor, I knew that this was what I wanted to do. But lately the glamour seemed to have all disappeared. I shut my door and walked down the hallway. Nobody else at the law offices where I worked were here, as it was still early in the morning. Stepping out the front door, I blinked in the bright light reflecting off the skyscrapers all around. I walked down the street, headed for one of my favorite parks, a small patch of green in this steel and glass city. As I walked along, I became lost in thought, my hooves knowing the way to the park by themselves. After I passed the bar and first started practicing as an attorney a few years ago, it seemed like there was nothing that I couldn’t accomplish. I worked hard and took on tough cases. I mostly handled cases involving children and bullying. Suffering from the harsh treatment of bullies for many years before I got my cutie mark, I almost became a bully myself for a time. Luckily for me, my cousin and her friends showed me the error in my ways. While I did lose a few cases in those first years, I won more than I lost, and soon became pretty famous. After the first two years, it seemed like everybody wanted me to help them. I did my best, taking the cases whose claimants most needed my help. I can honestly say that I wasn’t in it for the fame or the money. The reporters were just annoying, taking up my time and getting in my way. And I didn’t want the money; sometimes I wouldn’t ask for payment if I knew that my client didn’t have that kind of money. Seeing their happy faces was all the payment I needed. But lately I had been feeling like something was … off. Sometimes I even caught myself wondering if being a lawyer really was the right choice for me. My reverie was interrupted by my arrival at the park. Filled with lush green trees, many of which were still in bloom, the park was a haven for me, a place where I could seek solace and quiet. I sat on a park bench. Perhaps some quiet rest, away from all of the work I had to do, would help clear my mind and allow me to focus better. As I sat on the bench, my mind blank, simply breathing and watching the birds, a small flower drifted down in front of me. I looked up. Above me was a large apple tree, still in bloom. Their sweet fragrance reminded me of seeing many such trees when I was younger. My parents were both very busy, and so they sometimes didn’t have much time for me. Sometimes one or both of them would leave for weeks at a time for business. At these times, I was often sent to stay with relatives. Us Apples have a huge family, and there was always someone willing to take care of me for a few weeks. The first time this happened, I got sent to my relatives out in Ponyville. My older cousins Big Macintosh and Applejack, and one my age, Applebloom, along with their Granny Smith, looked after me while I was there. When we first met, I ended up being a bully to Applebloom and her friends, simply because I feared being the target of bullying myself. But even after all that, they still looked out for me. That they would still be kind to me was shocking. Even though I'd been so mean to them without provocation, they still looked out for me and wanted to be my friends. I look back upon that time as the moment when the clouds over my life cleared and I could see a bright future. When I returned to school, I made it a point to meet new people and become friends with others. My life became so much better after that. When I think about the times before, I fear that, had I never visited Ponyville, I would never have learned the magic of friendship. I shudder to think of what I might have done had that not happened. My watch starts to beep, interrupting my thoughts. It is 9:00, and I am due back at the office. I get off my bench reluctantly, unwilling to leave this peaceful place. I carry the apple blossom with me back to my office. When I arrive, I am given the morning's mail by my secretary, and reminded of my schedule and the meeting this afternoon. There is so much work for me to do. I return to my desk and sit down in my chair. On my desk, my secretary has placed an apple. She always makes it a point to leave one on the desks of all the lawyers in the office every morning. Staring at it, I could see the reflection of the morning light from the window on its shiny red skin. The rest of my desk is covered with paper and files, projects that I am working on, and appeals from ponies seeking my assistance. Being constantly surrounded by examples of how hurtful and mean people can be at times is painful, and I often wonder if I will be able to push through it. I flip through some of the appeals. A fight between two ponies. A marriage falling apart. Several property disputes. Being a lawyer meant that I had the ability to help people, but in doing so I often have to take on their burden as my own. This can make it a very demanding and emotional job. Sitting here, I can see the clouds closing in again. I put the papers back in their file and lean back in my chair. The apple again catches my eye. I reach for it, but then notice the letter it is sitting on. I pick the letter up. It is in a simple rough envelope, addressed simply to "Babs Seed". I flip it over. On the back, it has been sealed with wax. The wax is embossed with the simple picture of an apple. I glance back at the apple sitting on my desk. I smile, knowing who this letter is from. I open the envelope and remove two sheets of paper. One is a printed letter, inviting me to the Apple Family Reunion, to be held in a few months in Ponyville. I can remember the last reunion I went to, which was also my first. Seeing my whole family again was such great fun. I skim the invitation, noting the tentative date. Then I turn my attention to the other piece of paper. This is a hoofwritten letter from my favorite cousin, Applebloom. "Dear Babs," it reads. "I hope that you can find time in your busy schedule to come to the reunion. Things just wouldn't be the same without my favorite cousin. I know that you have lots of work, bein' a famous lawyer and all. But I'm sure that if you try, you can come out here. After all, it's not often that we can get the entire family together in one place for very long. The old barn's still waiting for us to take a picture in front of it. Of course, it ain't the same barn as last time, but those are just details. We've got plenty of apple fritters to make, and maybe we can run the obstacle course with the young'uns. Anyways, I hope you'll be able to show up. It's been a while since we've seen each other. And if you don't come out here, I'll be tellin' mah sis to schedule the next reunion to be in Manehattan. Your cuz, Applebloom." I stared at the letter for a long time, reading and re-reading its short message. The Apple Family Reunion, usually held once every 100 moons. I'd only been a filly at the last one, and it would be great to see my entire family again. I was touched by the fact that Applebloom wrote a personal invitation to me. She was right, though. I did have a lot of work that I had to do. But ... I glanced at the apple. My mind went back to all the times I spent in Ponyville, and the sweet perfume of apples that constantly filled the farm. Yes. I would go to the reunion. I would go to the reunion and meet all my family and spend time enjoying myself. I'd have to work hard to clear up my schedule to make time, but I would do it. And after the reunion, I would return to my law practice. Because even though there is a great deal of sadness and hurt in this world, there is more than enough joy and love to make up for it. If you concentrate on the negative all the time, then you won't be able to see all those around you who love you and care for you. There may be clouds at time, and you might not be able to see the sunshine, but it is still there, just behind the clouds, waiting to break through. Applebloom's letter reminded me of that. I put the invitation back onto my desk and make a note to have my secretary put the reunion on my schedule. I pick up the apple on my desk and study it. It is not difficult for me to see how such an amazing fruit comes from such a small, but beautiful blossom. Thank you, Applebloom, for once again showing me the right path. I put down the apple and pick up my papers and pen. I've got a lot of work to do, but it is most definitely worth it.