Clover Clues and the Shattered Salon

by Argentium

Case 5: Mandatory Paperwork

Case 5: Mandatory Paperwork

It was late afternoon. I was compiling the information I had gathered into a report for the Chief, when a hoof tapped my shoulder. It was Laser Focus, and she was holding a sheaf of papers in her teeth. "Mmffgh rpfts fffyh." She spat the papers onto my desk. "I've got some results for you."

"Oh? You didn't have to hoof-deliver them."

She grinned. "What, I can't come visit my favorite rookie detective?"

"Yeah, yeah. So what did you find?"

Laser put on her professional face and magicked open the report. "Well, the bricks are nothing special. Standard make, local ingredients. You can buy them from any number of places."

Great. There was one busted lead. "Oh well, thanks anyw--"

"Hold your horses, I'm not finished! We found some hoof particulates on some of the bricks."

"So what does that tell us? That somepony threw them?" I didn't see the value in that; of course they were thrown.

Laser bit her lip excitedly. "Nope. Not somepony. Some bovine."

"Bovine?" I was at a loss.

"You know, a cow or a bull. The bricks were handled by several different bovines."

I furrowed my brow. " what does that mean?"

"I'm not sure," she said thoughtfully. "You're the detective not me. But I have a bad feeling about this, Clover. Cows and ponies are not well known for getting along. Be careful, okay?"

I smiled and nodded. "Sure thing, Lase. I mean, you've got my back, right?"

"I'm serious, Detective. This is your first case lead. Don't get in over your head; you know you always have backup."

I wiped the smirk off my face and nodded again. "Yes ma'am."

Laser seemed satisfied with my response. She gathered her papers and left me to my work. "Good luck, Detective."


It was nearly midnight. My desk was covered with notes, and my bulletin board resembled a spider's web. I had looked at my collection of evidence from every possible angle, drawing every possible link, and I wasn't getting anywhere. How did cows enter into all of this? Why beauty salons? I groaned and laid my head flat on my desk.

Suddenly my ears pricked up. Backup! I always have backup. If I was ever in a bind, there was always one pony I could turn to for help. But I had to be properly desperate to ask her help on a case, especially my first as lead. But I was properly desperate. The Satins were counting on me!

Tomorrow, I would talk to my mother.