Clover Clues and the Shattered Salon

by Argentium

Case 2: The Fragile Facades

Case 2: The Fragile Facades

Sheer Satin gestured with her wing at her family's ruined storefront. "Well, this is our place. My father's first salon."

The beautiful monument to fashion and fabulousness that was the Satin Salon was completely destroyed with a single well-aimed throw. The large shop window, which usually displayed the most up-to-date fashions for the most discerning mares and stallions, was covered with black plastic and duct tape.

"Okay, let's take a closer look. Sergeant Cake? Please cordon off the crime scene."

"Aye aye, Detective Lucky!" The reliable earth pony Sgt. Paddy Cake saluted and got to work.

"And as always, my name is Detective Clues. Clover Clues. Not...Lucky Find. What kind of cartoony name is that?"

"Sir! It just fits! Sir!"

"And stop that Cake! This isn't the Guard."

To that, the sergeant simply saluted again and returned to his task. I turned to Satin.

"I'll have to remove this covering. Has anything inside the store been cleaned up or moved around in any way?"

Satin shook her head. "No. Mother wanted things cleaned up right away, but I'm holding her off until you finish your investigation."

"Good, wise move. I'll get to work. You don't have to stay for this..."

Satin shrugged and said, "I don't need to be anywhere. I was supposed to work here today. Also, I'm a little curious to see a detective at work."

I grinned and nodded. "You're free to watch, I just need to concentrate."

I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, focusing on my horn. It began to glow bright green. I drew a magnifying glass from my MPD-issue saddlebag.

In a low murmur I said, "Sight beyond sight, sound beyond sound, help me find that which cannot be found."

I then opened my eyes, which now exuded a soft green light from the irises. I held my magnifying glass at the ready and began to process the crime scene.

"...what was that?" said Satin. She found she couldn't look away from the brightly glowing green eyes.

"Oh, the spell? My mom taught it to me. It helps me notice details that I would otherwise overlook. All MPD unicorns have to learn some sort of focusing spell."

As I talked, I scanned the pattern of shattered glass strewn all over the interior of the shop. All the outfits on display at the time were covered with sharp shards. I tried to estimate what the total losses might be, but gave up when that train of thought got me nowhere.

"Based on the pattern of the broken glass, I would say a heavy object was thrown near the base of the window. The same goes for the window in the door. And you said all of the salons are like this?"

Satin silently nodded, a dark look crossing her delicate features.

"We'll find the ones who did this, Ms. Satin. Now let's take a look at those bricks."

Satin fidgeted, an oddly awkward gesture for such a graceful pegasus. "Th-that's fine...I think I should leave, Detective. I trust you'll be able to find the bricks."

I nodded and watched her take off from a gallop into flight. Sergeant Cake approached after cordoning off the area and placating the local gawkers. "What did you do to that nice lady?"

"Nothing, Cake! She just got flustered and left after I mentioned the bricks."

He shrugged his muscular shoulders. "I guess she has every right to be out for sorts. It's not every day somepony sabotages your family business."