Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

The Final Act: Part 1&2

The POV has been changed to third person for part 1, part 2 will be back to first person.
This is also two chapters in one

Prologue to the final act

In the past eleven years, Equestria has seen its largest change in culture since its start. The arrival of the bronies was an unexpected event, and caused much unseen chaos throughout the world.
But one of the more interesting events happened in a small town known as Ponyville, the events that lead to its destruction and rebuilding. The events following it within the next three years were just as destructive to the environment. All of it caused by one single pony.
The events of those first three years were just the beginning of an even bigger picture. In the years after, the bronies of New Ponyville and Canterlot caused enough trouble to be noticed by other forces.
The trouble they caused was never meant to cause harm, but each time they tried to help others or succeeded in doing so, something always went wrong. And each time this happened, they caused a bit more chaos.
Lance Greenfield, the unofficial leader of those bronies, has been the main cause of all their problems, mainly due to what he is.
However, they've always seemed to fix everything they've caused. It always seemed.
As of the recent year, they've caused more trouble and accidental deaths than in past years. And as it seems, something is starting to pay more attention to them.
This is the unknown story of the events that happened on April 3rd, 11 A.B..

Living the Dream: The Final Act, Part 1
Ten years after the destruction of Ponyville
April 3rd, 9:21 AM

"Lance, I see four of them over there at the forests edge," Seth said as looked out over the stonewall that hide him and the others from view.
"There's also two others over there. I don't see any of the others though," Greg said as he crouched back down behind the wall.
"So we have at least six, possibly more, of them in front of us, and even more behind us. Damn, the odds are always against us," Lance said as he sat on the ground looking at a map of the area.
"If we can get across this clearing, we should be fine," Seth said as he returned to crouching behind the stonewall.
Lance looked over at him, "Weapon check?"
"We have at least enough ammo to take out the ones ahead of us, and maybe five more. Maybe, that last firefight really hit us hard," Seth replied.
"So we're screwed if more show up?" Greg said, a smile on his face.
"Basically," Seth said with a shrug.
At that moment, two other figures ran up and slide up against the wall with them.
"To many behind us, we'll have to go straight," Seth said, out of breath.
"Tell me something we don't know," Lance said as he put the map away.
Zorrow looked at him as he caught his breath also, "Well, we think the other two groups of our friends are already halfway there, we're the farthest ones behind."
"As expected," Lance said with a slight chuckle. "Well, let's get this over with. Ready your weapons."
They all nodded as they fixed their bracelets, which were leg mounted firearms.
"Then over the top, bronies!" Lance said, mimicking a old sergeant.
All five of them jumped the wall and began running into the large clearing, instantly being noticed by all six of the armor clad ponies in the field.
"Take the two over there first!" Lance yelled out, followed by Seth and Zorrow firing two shots each, easily taking out the two.
The five friends dashed across the open ground as the other three ponies opened fire on them.
Zorrow raised his hoof in mid-gallop and fired three times, hitting one of them. The others fired on them, effectively downing the other two armored ponies.
"Yes!" Lance yelled out with a big smile on his face. "Now to hope we outrun the ones behind us."
Each one of them laughed, till they neared the other side.
Suddenly, they all came to a screeching halt as the forest in front of them came alive.
"... What about the ones in front of us?" Seth said in a small voice.
Lance started blankly ahead as the armored ponies stepped out of the forest.
"Fuck..." is the last thing Lance says as the ponies ahead of them open fire.
It lasted only a few seconds, but once the gunfire stopped, all five of the bronies lay on the ground.
All was silent for at least ten seconds.
Till, "And game set match! Bronies lose yet again!"
Lance sat up and rubbed his head, "We haven't lost yet, the others are still out there."
"The others? They fell for the same trap," Frederic laughed as he stepped out of the forest and ahead of his Royal Guard. "So as I was saying: Bronies zero, Royal Guard eleven."
The other bronies sat up groaning, the rubber bullets falling off of them.
"I hate wargames..." Zorrow groaned as he stood.
"It's either help them train, or sit at home and be lazy," Seth said as he too stood.
Greg chuckled, "Pussies, at least I can take a bullet."
"Rubber bullet," Lance reminded.
Frederic laughed again, "Again tomorrow?"
"No," Lance said, "Twilight and I plan to go visit Spark and your kids in Manehatten."
Frederic gave a nod, "Alright then, tell Nova and Star Chaser to send their parents more letters involving how their studies are going."
Lance chuckled, "I'll tell them, maybe."
Frederic rolled his eyes and looked back at the Royal Guard, and addressed the Captain. "Training is over for today, round up the rest of your men and head back to New Ponyville."
The Captain saluted, "Yes, Prince Frederic!" He then turned and yelled, "You heard him, round up and head on home!"
As the Royal Guard moved back into the forest, Seth and Zorrow began to walk after them, heading home as well.
"Yo, Lance, ride?" Greg asked, giving Lance a grin.
Lance shook his head as he began to fly upward, "Walk home, Greg. I don't want to hurt my back again."
"Yeah yeah," Greg said as he began to walk off as well.
"Just don't get lost," Lance warned as he took off into the sky, heading to meet up with Twilight in New Ponyville.

11:58 AM

“Are you one hundred percent sure you packed all of our suitcases with everything I had on the list?” Twilight asked as Lance zipped up the last of the suitcases.
Lance rolled his eyes with a smile as he turned his head to her. “Of course, Twi. I learned a long time ago to always follow your list to the point.”
Twilight gave a nod and smiled sadly. “Where has all the time gone?”
Lance chuckled a bit, “It seems just like yesterday that I walked up to your house and boldly came face to face with you.”
“And I’ll never know why that’s the first thing you did upon arriving in Equestria,” she returned with a laugh.
“Well come on!” Lance said as he leaned on the bed, “I was the basic brony back then! Of course I was going to go to the home of my favorite pony. I mean, of course, that’s what they all did in the old fanfictions I use to read.”
Twilight rolled her eyes and levitated two suitcases up. “Luckily it all turned out for the best.”
“Sure did,” he said with a smile as he leaned down and took a suitcases handle in his mouth and lifted it up.
They walked out of the room and headed downstairs and out the front door, where a carriage awaited them.
Lance tossed his suitcase up onto the roof of the carriage followed by Twilight placing hers on top of his.
“Two more,” she announced as she walked back into the house.
Lance started to follow, but stopped as something caught his eye. A slight sparkle in the sky.
He looked upward and watched for what caused it, but nothing else happened. Nothing but a clear sky.
Lance shook his head and followed after Twilight.
Once they had placed everything onto the carriage, they climbed into the cabin and closed the door.
“Ah, now just a long trip ahead of us,” Lance said as he took up a whole seat to lay back in.
Twilight sat down in the other seat across from his and smiled. “I’ve been waiting to see this school that we’ve enrolled our kids in. I hope they’re like the packet said they were.”
Lance smirked at her. “Ya really should have came with me when I dropped Fawn and Spark off, you’d had a chance to go in and check it out.”
“Stop rubbing it in my face, you know I was busy that week,” she said as she crossed her legs and glared at him a bit.
He only chuckled as he banged his hoof against the wall, giving the driver the all clear.
The carriage lurched forward suddenly, but eased into a steady ride as it pulled away from their house and began down the road.

12:14 PM

“Blah blah blah, that’s not how it happened and you know it,” Twilight said as she stared daggers at Lance.
Lance in defense held up his front legs and grinned, “Oh yes it is, you were hanging from my underside while we walked down the street only covered by a blanket. You know that’s how it happened, besides, I can always get Greg to confirm the story."
“Just shut your face and take a nap,” Twilight said trying to hold back a smile.
Lance laughed freely as he sat up, “I think I’ll just stay awake just to-”
He was suddenly cut off as ponies on the street outside of carriage began to yell to each other.
Curiously, Lance pulled back the curtain over the right side window and looked out of the moving carriage.
On the street, ponies were stopped and looking up. Most looking to panic while others just stood there, looking skyward.
“What the hell...” Lance muttered as he started to look up, but Twilight pulled him back in to face her.
“What’s going on?”
Lance shrugged, “I don’t know, I was started to look up but somebody pulled me away from the window.”
Twilight sighed, “Just look for me.”
Lance started to move back to the window, but suddenly a loud sound was heard, followed by what seemed to be a shock wave coming downward.
The carriage swerved to the side, causing Lance to fly onto the floor, followed by Twilight. It again swerved and seemed to be picking up speed.
“What’s happening?” Twilight yelled over the loud noises.
“I don’t-” Lance began, but the carriage suddenly slammed into something, throwing both of them around as the carriage seemed to flip over itself.
Then everything went silent.
After a minute, Lance started coughing as he forced himself to stand to his feet. He looked around the demolished carriage to see Twilight just a few inches from him.
He started to become worried, but she twitched and started to lift herself into a sitting position.
Lance held a hoof to his head and groaned. “What the hell just happened?”
Twilight didn’t answer, just rubbed her neck.
With a grunt, Lance moved to the door and tried to push it open. But the wood around it was warped and crushed, keeping the door sealed shut.
“Damn it,” Lance muttered as he turned and started bucking at the door.
“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked as she stood up and looked at the door.
“This damn door is stuck,” Lance growled as he repeatedly bucked the door.
“Lance, that’s the back of the carriage. As in, that’s a wall.” Twilight deadpanned.
Lance’s eye twitched as he looked to his left and saw the door, which still looked sealed in place. “Don’t say it.”
Twilight only grinned as Lance walked past her and started bucking the door, causing it to break apart.
Finally, after a couple hard buck’s, the door fell apart, providing a exit.
“Not to hard,” Lance said with a smile as he crawled through the hole in the door.
Upon looking around, his smile faded.
The city around them was darkened, as if the light from the sun was blocked by clouds. Everypony in the area was also on the ground, looking dazed or unconscious.
He looked towards where their driver had been and winced. The front of the carriage that held the driver was crushed into the wall by the passengers cabin.
As he looked around, he slowly became aware of a slight static like sound in his head.
Twilight crawled out of the wreckage and gasped at the sight before them.
Lance looked up fell on his haunches. “That’s... new.”
“What?” Twilight asked as she looked up, also falling on her haunches, mouth agape.
Up above them, extremely close to the atmosphere, was what looked to be a ship. Not the typical ship one would think to see above their planet in science fiction, but a ship that looked to be made of rock and in an odd shape.
The ship like object was huge, looking to be as big or bigger than the planet, which was the reason for everything being so dark around them.
“That’s impossible,” Twilight whispered.
The static like sound in their minds seemed to become louder.
“This is random and strange...” Lance said as he looked upward.
Twilight looked at him, “What do we do?”
Lance shrugged, “All I can think to do is head to the palace and see what the hell is going on.”
Twilight nodded as they stood. “But what about everyone out here?”
The ponies around them all seemed to be okay, and seemed to have just been knocked off their feet.
“They’ll be fine,” Lance said as he looked at her.
“And our driver?” she asked as she started to turn towards the carriage.
Lance put a hoof on her shoulder and turned her away, “He’s fine. Can you teleport us to the palace?”
Twilight nodded as her horn began to glow.

12:19 PM

“Does anyone have a bucking idea what the hell that was?!” Prince Frederic yelled as he walked down the line of Royal Guard who were still trying to get back to their feet.
Princess Celestia, who was standing at the large shattered window, turned to him. “I don’t know, Frederic, but I think it has something to do with this.”
Frederic walked up past the throne and looked out the window, letting out a gasp at what he saw. “Is that a freaking planet?!”
Celestia shook her head, “I’m afraid not. If it was, it’s orbit would have affected us a lot more than just throwing everyone to the ground, plus, the sound it made before the shock wave was not natural.”
Frederic nodded as he looked upward, “Yes, I heard that. Could it be a ship? No, it couldn’t be a ship, it’s made of rock... unless it’s just a substance that looks like rock. I’ll need more time to think on this subject.”
“It’s a ship made of rock, Frederic,” Princess Luna said as she walked up beside them.
“Sound plausible due to what I’ve seen here. I’ll put it as magic and leave it at that.”
Celestia nodded a bit, “I do feel a sense of strong magic emitting from it, but it doesn’t feel like anything I’ve ever come into contact with in my lifetime.”
“That’s troubling,” Frederic commented. “Should we consider it a threat?”
“Yes, or till it makes us believe otherwise.”
Luna rubbed her head, “Also, does anyone else hear the static in their head?”
Celestia nodded, “Yes, it started after the shock wave hit. But I do not know what it is.”
“Feels like a form of telepathic communication, like what we use,” Frederic offered.
The princesses nodded in agreement.
At that moment, behind them, there was a flash of purple light.
They all turned around already knowing who it was.
“Will someone please explain to me why a ship or rock or whatever is floating above the planet?!” Lance asked loudly as he walked towards the throne with Twilight at his side.
“It is a ship made of rock we think,” Frederic said as he walked towards them. “As for why it’s there, we don’t know.”
“And this static noise in our heads?” Twilight asked.
“We also believe that to be a form of telepathic communication,” Luna said, still at the window with her sister.
“Alright, now, what do we do?” Lance asked as he looked around at everyone.
“We wait and see what it does,” Celestia replied.
Lance sighed, “Sounds stupid, but I guess it’s all we can do.”
Behind them, the doors burst open and a dark green pony walked in.
“Does anyone else see the fucking rock up in the sky? Or am I relapsing?”
“Shut up, Greg,” Lance said, not paying him attention.
“I’m serious! There’s a rock above us bigger than anything I’ve seen!” Greg said, walking up to them.
“We know,” Frederic said. “Just calm down.”
“I am calm,” Greg said sitting down on the ground.
“Anyways, we should assemble the citizens and tell them what we think is going on,” Luna said as she walked up next to Frederic.
“That sounds like what we should do, I’ll go send out the message to-”
Everyone in the room suddenly jerked as they all gained a blank stare on their face.
In their minds, a vision of a face began to appear. It was a simple looking face, nothing special to it at all.
As soon as the vision of the face became clear, it spoke.
”Greetings, sentient beings, I am the Watcher. The Judge of Life. Those are two of many names that I have. But this is not important. What is important is why I have arrived here at your planet. It is my duty to watch and observe life, to judge it.
“I have watched this world since its beginning, and I have never given it much thought. It’s always been low on my list of planets to watch. But recently, this planet has reached the top ten of my list. It has gone from mostly peaceful to chaos in just a few years. A drastic change that caught my attention.
“I have judged this planet, and I judge it poorly. This planet has slowly degrading from it’s previous state, and it is logical to believe it will continue to do so.
“I am sorry to say that I’ve decided to fix this before it happens. In two hours, I will be deleting and restarting your planet. I am not going to explain what this means. But you all have two hours to make peace with each other and prepare.”
The vision and static disappeared at once, causing everyone to collapse to the ground again.
Frederic was the first to recover and stand. “Please tell me no one else just heard that.”
“What the buck was that...” one of the Royal Guards said as he sat up.
Celestia stood and looked out over everyone as they stood, “I think we have our answer for if it is hostile or not.”
“Indeed,” Luna said. “It is clearly a hostile force that plans to wipe us all out. Am I on the right course?”
“I believe so,” Frederic responded with a nod. “But I believe this is more than a simple threat. We all heard it, this is much more troubling than anything we’ve faced to date.”
“To me, it sounds like you’re thinking of fighting it,” Lance said, already standing.
“Of course I do!” Frederic said as he looked to Celestia. “Do you think this is wise?”
Celestia looked out the window and up at the ship. “This Watcher seems to be a old being, much older than me or Luna. From what it said, I believe we’re dealing with something beyond our comprehension.”
“So you’re saying we shouldn’t fight it?” Frederic asked with drooped ears.
Celestia turned around and looked straight at him. “That’s what the old me would say, but I will not stand here and let something like this happen to my little ponies! Frederic, I want you to find a way to deal with this threat in one hour. We have to stop it before it can do what it has planed.”
Frederic smiled, “So you’re giving me full military rule over this situation?”
“Yes, do whatever you need. Luna and I will be here trying to find a way to communicate with the Watcher.”
“Excellent,” Frederic turned to one of the Royal Guards. “You heard the princess, assemble all guards to the front gates and await orders.”
The Royal Guard saluted him and left the room, followed by the other guards.
Frederic turned to Lance and Twilight.
“Lance, you know what to do.”
Lance sighed, “Gather the bronies. Yeah yeah. I know.”
Frederic looked to Twilight, “Twilight, gather up everyone in New Ponyville and keep them calm. Wait...” he looked back at Lance. “Lance, change of plans, only gather a few of the bronies, tell the rest to head to New Ponyville and help Twilight.”
Lance only nodded as he turned to leave.
Greg started to follow, but Frederic stopped him. “Greg, you’re with Twilight.”
“Aw damn it!” Greg said as he turned back to them.

12:52 PM

“So we’re just going to teleport onto this thing and hope for the best?” Peter asked as he looked at everyone around the table.
“Basically,” Frederic confirmed. “But with the backup of the entire Royal Guard.”
“That I like,” Peter said with a smirk.
Frederic chuckled. “I knew you’d all love that part.” He then looked at Lance.
“But seriously, you only brought Peter? Why not the others?”
Lance shrugged, “Well, as I see it, if we are doing what you plan to do, then only the ones of us who can fight and have powers should go. Right? Grace wanted to come, but I told her we need at least one of us to stay behind down here just to be safe.”
“Good call,” Frederic said as he turned to Shining Armor. “Is the Guard ready for combat?”
Shining Armor gave a quick nod, “Yes, I have the entire Guard out in front of the Palace ready to go. I also have the shield up around the city, as a precaution. Are you sure this is the right thing to do?”
“It’s the only thing to do, Captain. A direct assault is always the best course of action,” Frederic said confidently.
“Yes, and that’s how the Russian’s lost millions during World War two,” Peter said.
Frederic rolled his eyes, “You don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s this or defend, and if we defend, we could be wiped out. As I said, a direct assault is the only way to go about this.”
Lance sighed, “I say we do as Frederic says, I mean, he’s always been right in the past.”
“Thank you, Lance,” Frederic said as he looked at everyone around the table. “Shining, you will not be staying here, you will be with us on the ship.”
Shining Armor looked worried, but saluted, “Of course, Prince Frederic.”
“Lance, you will be with Peter, you’ll also have half of the Royal Guard at your side. When we reach the ship, our two groups will split and try and search for the Watcher. When one finds it, they will signal the others with telepathically.”
“Sounds easy enough,” Lance replied.
“Shining, you’re of course with me, but that goes without saying,” he then stood up. “Alright everyone, you know what to do, meet out near the front gates. I’ll go tell the Princesses that I’ll need their help teleporting everyone to the ship.”
“Delightful,” Peter said with a grin as he walked for the doors.
Lance shook his head and sighed, “Oh yes, delightful...”

1:05 PM

Lance stood next to Peter looking up at the steps where Frederic and the Princesses stood.
“Do you get the feeling that Frederic just really wants to command a large battle against a very old god thingy?” Peter whispered at Lance.
Lance nodded, “I’ve had that feeling since the moment Celestia gave him rule over the military during this whole thing.”
Peter looked behind them at the rows of guards behind them. “At least he’s going all out, right?”
“I guess.”
Up at the top of the stairs, Frederic and the Princesses turned towards the crowd of guards.
“I’m sure Prince Frederic has already given you all the details on this mission. But we want to add that we want every single one of you to return safely. No matter what,” Celestia ordered.
“To add to this, while you are all up there, we will be trying to communicate with this thing. If we somehow do, we will instantly teleport all of you back here. If this happens, maybe we can change its mind,” Luna added.
“However, if we do confront this thing before the Princesses can get in contact with it, we will engage it with full force,” Frederic finished.
“We will be teleporting each group in separately, Lance’s first, then Frederic’s,” Celestia said as she nodded to Frederic.
Frederic looked towards the crowd, “Two minutes everyone!”
“Well here we go...” Lance said with yet another sigh.

1:12 PM

The moment Lance’s group appeared, they were all taken aback from what they saw.
When planning out the attack, they had planned for corridors lined with doors, but what was around them was completely different. Just one large room, with a equally large door on each end.
“Well this makes this harder,” Peter muttered as he looked around at the Canterlot sized room.
“This is going to take forever... we all forgot to account for the actual size of this thing,” Lance groaned as the Royal Guards behind them started complaining about the exact same thing.
A moment later, Frederic’s voice echoed through Lance’s head. “Did your group get on the ship? We don’t see you.”
“We’re here,” Lance responded.
“Ah, there you guys are, way over there by the other door.”
“What do we do? This place is bigger than we thought.”
“Go with the plan,” Frederic simply said as the connection in his mind went silent.
Peter looked over at him, “So?”
Lance started walking towards the large door, “We continue with the plan.”
“Of course,” Peter said as he chuckled and waved for the Guard to follow.

1:37 PM

“This is taking too long,” Lance said as they walked through their fourth large room.
Peter sighed heavily, “I know, we have close to thirty minutes left and it’s taking forever just to cross a room.”
Lance suddenly stopped, causing everyone behind him to stop as well. He surveyed the Royal Guard’s, thinking.
“Ah yes, perfect,” he said with a smile. We have plenty of Pegasi and Unicorns. The Pegasi can carry the Unicorns while the Unicorns use their magic to carry the Earth ponies.”
Peter stomped his hoof and smiled, “Great thinking! We can cover more ground in less time.”
“You heard him!” Peter yelled to the guard’s.
“You two,” Lance yelled to two Unicorns. “Get on our backs.”
The two guards climbed onto Lance’s and Peter’s back.
“Sir, this feels wrong,” the guard on Lance’s back said.
“Everything feels wrong at least once in war,” Lance replied back to him, trying not to crack a grin.
Once every Unicorn was on the back of a Pegasi, and had every Earth pony wrapped in a magical field, Peter gave the shout to take to the air. Which took a few tries for most, but eventually everyone was in the air.
“Now, let’s find this bastard,” Lance yelled.

2:13 PM

“Lance, our time is running out!” Peter yelled out as they entered a new room.
“I know!” Lance said as he noticed the room they had entered had a very large window overlooking the planet.
“Ah, looks so beautiful,” one of the guards behind them said.
“Yeah it does,” another said.
Lance smiled a little as he looked to the side and out the window. This was his first time seeing the planet from this far away.
“I say we kill this thing and use its ship as a resort of sorts,” the guard on Peter’s back joked.
Peter chuckled, “I know Rarity would love this view.”
Suddenly, everyone jerked followed by a blank look on their face.
”Time’s up.”
The moment the voice stopped speaking, everyone started falling from the air, all dazed. Luckily, the experienced Pegasi guards caught themselves and stopped their fall. But Lance and Peter hit the ground with their riders.
“Damn it,” Lance muttered as he stood up with the guard still on his back and looked to the large window, expecting to see the planet, but instead, only saw space.
“Umm, Lance? Wasn’t there a planet there before?” Peter said in shock.
“Where the buck is it?!” the guard on Lance’s back said in a panic.
The other guards landed around them, all in a panic at the sudden disappearance of the planet.
“Lance!” Frederic yelled into his mind.
“I know! The planet is gone, do you know how?!”
“The planet is gone!” Frederic screamed back at him. “Sit tight, we’re on our way to you. I think we went in a circle. So ten minutes, we’re at least four rooms in front of you.
“Just hurry.”
Lance sighed and looked around him. “We’re waiting here for Frederic’s group, so be ready to move out when they get here.”
“Lance, Rarity was back in Equestria... what happened to it?” Peter asked, tears in his eyes.
Lance started to say something, but shook his head. “I don’t know...”
His mind went to Twilight and the kids, but he shuddered and decided not to focus on that.
Again, the voice appeared in all of their heads.
”As for the sentient beings that are in my home, you are unwelcome guest. I allowed you this far because you have something of interest to me. Stand by while I retrieve it.”
Once Lance fell to the ground and stood back up, he looked around at everyone.
“Um... did we bring anything with us other than weapons?”
“No, not that I know. But we are about-” He suddenly stopped talking.
Lance furrowed his brow, “Fred?”
“Lance, we’ve got a problem! The Watcher is here, two rooms away from you!” Frederic yelled in both panic and anticipation.
“Damn this thing is huge! But has a humanoid body, so it must... No, staying on task! We’re going to engage it. Lance, get your ass over here!”
Lance shook a bit as he looked back at the Royal Guard’s. “Mount back up! Frederic’s group is engaged with the Watcher!”
“Aw shit!” Peter said as he took off flying towards the next room.
He was soon followed by everyone else. They easily cleared their current room, but as they were clearing the next room, Frederic started yelling at Lance in a panic.
“Lance! This thing is wiping us out! I mean, it’s not even moving and we’re losing!”
“Frederic, get the hell out of there!” Lance yelled back.
“I can’t leave my men behind, me and Shining Armor are about to lead another charge. Just hurry!”
“Frederic, don’t!” Lance said, but wasn’t heard.
“Damn it! Faster everyone, Frederic is in trouble!”
It took them longer than they would have liked, but once they reached the room which held the Watcher and Frederic’s group, all that greeted them was one statue like being and bodies of ponies surrounding it.
“We were too late...” one of the guards said.
Lance looked at the bodies around the Watcher, which looked like a large statue made of stone, and spotted Frederic and Shining Armor’s bodies.
“Are you serious,” he muttered angrily as he turned to his group. “To the ground, now!”
Once on the ground, Peter stomped his hoof as he changed into his Violent Inferno form.
“This thing will die.”
“But we can’t do what Frederic’s group did,” the guard on Lance’s back said as he slid off.
“And apparently the just charged it head on,” Lance observed.
“So, what does that leave us with?” another guard asked.
Lance started to answer him, but the Watcher turned towards them.
“I see that you brought it to me instead of making me come to you.”
Peter stepped forward, “I am going to personally kill you for what you’ve done to our friends and home!”
“I am not the one who’s done this, you are,” it said simply.
“Sure,” Peter said, not listening.
“Now, let’s get this over with so I can leave this area and get back to my list,” the Watcher said as it looked at the group.
“Lance, now,” Peter said.
Lance nodded once and shifted into his Angel form.
“Lance and I will take the lead, just focus on reaching this thing!” Peter said as he charged forward, followed by Lance and everyone else.
However, unexpectedly, the moment they closed on the Watcher, Lance and Peter were blown back by an unseen force.
The Royal Guard’s however pushed forward and were able to near the Watcher.
A few of the Unicorns stopped and began casting a few spells, sending all kinds of magic flying towards the large statue like being. While the Earth ponies surrounded its feet and began attack it with their weapons and back legs. The Pegasi flew around its body, throwing spears and attacking it with ranged type weapons.
“Get up, Lance, they need us,” Peter said as he tried to drag himself to his feet.
Lance growled as he tried to get up, but something was holding him down, something both powerful and heavy.
The Watcher let itself be attacked as its eyes started at Lance and Peter.
“Fuck!” Peter yelled as he stood, shaking heavily and began to try to break what ever was pressing against them. Energy swirling around his body as he focused as hard as he could.
“That’s enough,” the Watcher said as a sudden shock wave of blue energy erupted from its body, passing over every guard.
As the shock wave passed over each one, they collapsed, followed by their bodies disappearing, as if they never existed. The shockwave also removed the bodies from Frederic’s group.
This left only Lance and Peter. But Peter suddenly broke free of whatever was holding him down and shot forward towards the Watcher.
But to Lance’s horror, it just shot him out of the sky with a beam, causing Peter’s body to hit the ground, unmoving.
“You bastard,” Lance said through clenched teeth.
“I only need one of you anyway, and you are a bit more important than him,” it said, not even seemed affected by what it had just done.
“I’m going to kill you, I swear!” Lance growled, still unable to stand.
“Stop with this unnecessary anger. It’ll get you no where with me.” It then began to walk forward, not making a sound as it took each step.
“Why have you done this?!” Lance yelled, angry tears rolling down his face.
“Because of you,” the Watcher simply said.
“What is that suppose to mean?!” Lance again yelled.
“Because of you, you bronies. You corrupted that world, all of you. But normally, it would have taken them hundreds of years just to achieve what was achieved in just eleven. What I’m saying is, you, Lance Greenfield, are the main cause for me being here.”
Lance only growled more, “Sure, because I’m an Angel, right? That’s it isn’t it?”
“Not even close. You are the one who caused all of this, because you are the one who started it.”
Lance shook his head, “Now how could I have started-”
“You are the one who united a group of bronies who caused more trouble than any other group. You caused a brony to become Prince, and you caused the destruction of a beloved town. With this said, you are the single cause for all of the problems of that world. I can go into detail, but I will not, it would take too long to explain all you have caused. I can, however, tell you how many have died because of you.” The Watcher stopped talking for a moment. “Exactly 364,832. That is the number of lives that were lost in your eleven years on that planet that were caused by you. All direct and indirect. Most of them are the ones who died due to the backfire of every single thing you did. For example, the prank that was pulled on you and your friends which lead to a citywide take over by the one named Annabel and the fighting you did trying to save your friends from being raped. Did you ever once stop and think about the ones you were fighting? None of them died during the fighting, but a majority of them died of their injuries afterwards when they were given back control of their bodies. Do you see? You and your friends are the reason for everything that has happened. You’re the reason I’m here and the reason I’ve judged the planet poorly.”
Lance lay there through the whole thing, slowly losing anger and gaining sadness.
“Do you have anything to say for yourself?”
Lance hung his head before looking up at the Watcher. “First off, I can see how this is my fault. Second, you didn’t have to just kill everybody!”
The Watcher shook its large stone like head. “Oh no, I have not killed any of them, save for the ones who attacked me in my home. What I have done is stored them away, or their souls at least. What I do is I restore planets to what they once were, before what ever corrupted them had a chance to do so. As with this world, I’ve erased all memories and restored all those who have died and I am in the process of recreating the world as it was when you bronies showed up. Once I am done, I am going to start it’s new timeline as if nothing ever happened, as if everything you have done never happened. In short, it’s the exact same moment you arrived. So you see, I do not destroy life, I recreate it.”
Lance felt the force lift off of him, allowing him to stand. “So let me guess, since I was the cause of all of this, you will pretty much be deleting me or something from existence? So that I can not recreate the events?”
“Not at all, I will be sending you back to that moment, with of course all your memories. Why do you ask? Your duty is to make sure none of this happens and none of your friends ever meet you or Frederic. As far as I can tell, as long as you don’t bring them together and from meeting Frederic, they’re not a concern. It’s cruel, I know, but it’s the way it works. And of course, you won’t have anything you have now, since it would have never happened. You’ll be just like you were on that day.”
“So I’m doomed to destroying any chance of the life I’ve lived happening?” Lance asked with a glare. “What if I refuse and just go back and do everything I did back then?”
“I’ll come back and recreate the world again, this time without you. You’ll end up in my soul collection, of all those who tried what you just told me. So, I’m giving you a chance to have a new life. After your duty is complete, you can go off and live your life, away from everyone you once known.”
“This is just cruel, I would rather die.”
“You say that, but I know you don’t want to die. Plus, if you do die, instead of going to heaven, which I of course know about, you’ll come to me and my collection. This is of course if you cause your death, and believe me, I’ll know if you are the cause.” The Watcher seemed to smile, but then looked grave again. “Also, for Frederic, you’ll have to think of something drastic.”
“I hate you,” Lance spat out.
“I know you do, but this is my duty, and now it’s yours.”
Lance started to argue more, to say more angry things to the Watcher, but his mind went blank, and he felt himself slip away.

Living the Dream: The Final Act, Part 2
December 20, 2012

I shook and jerked as I came back from unconsciousness, a cold feeling washing over me.
I fell to my knees on the ground and started coughing. Where am I? And where is that damned Watcher?!
A cool breeze blew over me, causing me to stiffen. I also noticed I was coughing into grass, which meant I was on a planet... wait.
I stood up and looked around, surprised to see that I was in the Everfree forest.
“What the...”
{Do either of you know what the hell is going on?}
No response came.
{Guys? Break, Dawn?}
Still, no response came.
Are you serious?! I can’t even talk to them anymore!
Then I remembered what the Watcher had said, about not having anything I had since none of it happened in this timeline.
“Fuck you...” I muttered as I looked myself over. “Oh god, not those clothes...”
I instantly began to angrily rip the black clothing off of my body, even breaking the goggles. No way was I going to wear that shit again!
Oh wait... I’ll need those to go unnoticed...
The clothing I had been wearing was not shredded around me, useless.
“Gah, I can’t do anything right.”
I noticed one other thing about myself.
“No.. come on, no... I’m seventeen again?!” I put my face in my hooves, but suddenly looked up.
I jumped to my feet and shot off in the direction of Ponyville. But eventually stopped myself, sadly remembering what the Watcher had told me.
So now I can’t even go near my wife, shit...
“Um... is someone there?” I heard a small voice ask, clearly worried.
Oh shit, Fluttershy. I forgot this was around the time I ran into her...
I silently took off, flying upward and away from her before she spotted me.
So, now I have to run from my friends? I don’t know if I can do this.
I sighed heavily, and began to fly for Ponyville. First things first, I need to cover myself in something. Then I guess I have to make sure none of my friends run into me, or meet Frederic.
Sounds too painful, but better than being in that things collection.
But how to deal with Frederic? I mean, he was like a brother to me, and I know I will not harm him. But what can I do? I fear if I do nothing, the Watcher will recreate this world without bronies. So damn it. I’m stuck.
While I was having this debate with myself, I had neared the town and was already lowering myself onto the outskirts of the town.
So, as I said, first to cover myself, then to figure out what to do about Frederic. As far as I know, he’s at the Palace.
I sighed and looked around for something to hide my body with, and smiled a bit as I saw clothes hung out to dry.
May be stealing, but it’s all I can do at this point.
I ran over to them and quickly pulled them off the line and started to try to pull them on. However, they were all way too small to even fit me. But two bedsheets caught my attention.
The first one was white, but I instantly shot that idea down. I mean, running around in a white bed sheet? Red flag right there.
The other was luckily purple... purple really? Damn, it’ll have to do.
I pulled the pink one from the line and threw it over me, and covered my face with an edge, to create a hood of sorts. I tore a strip from the white sheet and wrapped it around my neck, holding the sheet to my body and causing the makeshift hood to stay over my face.
I probably look strange, but at least it’ll hide my body, and eyes.
After covering myself, I quickly left the back yard I had been in and ran off and onto the street. I of course caught a lot of attention, but no one really gave me much thought. Luckily.
So, now what? Head to the Palace? Then what? God I’m at a lose right now...
To the Palace I guess, no use staying here since I’ll need to avoid the mane six completely, and my friends who should be in the area soon.


I landed in Canterlot on a random street, out of breath a bit. Flying that far in this body was taxing...
I shook my head at my despair and started walking towards the front gate.
But by complete habit, I walked right up to the gate and started to walk through it.
“Whoa there, no one enters without being summoned,” the left guard said as they lowered their spears to block my path.
“What, but I always-” then I remembered where I was and sighed. “But I always wanted to go in.”
“Everyone wants to go in, but you may not enter without being summoned or have important information. And don’t try to say you have either, because we won’t believe you.”
I chuckled despite myself and walked away from them and the gate. Guess that way is a no go, so what, wait for him to come out?
Unlikely to happen anytime soon.
Shit, this kind of thing would happen to me, wouldn’t it?


I hate this, completely.
I was currently huddled up against a trash can in an alleyway beside what I expect to be the restaurant down from my house, or what use to be my house.
The sun had set an hour before, leaving me freezing in the dark.
A thought hit me, will Twilight get married to another brony? This instantly caused me to become pissed off, but I knew I couldn’t do anything about it. So I was screwed, big time.
However, I couldn’t stop thinking about another man being with Twilight and having the family I once had.
I slapped myself a few times till I just gave up.
First, stop Frederic from meeting any of our old friends, then I guess off to start my own life.
Fuck me.

8 days later

I’m just going to say that was the most unexpected thing I’ve ever seen...
I mean, running into Cody and somehow convincing him that Frederic was me? How does that happen? And how did he actually get in the palace and get to Frederic?
Okay, I need to organize my thoughts.
I had been walking down the street in Canterlot two days ago when I ran across a pony who could only be Cody.
At first, I started to avoid him, but the worst of ideas hit me.
So I confronted him and asked if he was looking for a pony named Lance too, acting like I was some strange pony trying to find myself.
He instantly put all his attention on me, so I told him something I regret. I told him that I knew who Lance was, and that he had changed his name to Frederic and was working as the Royal Blacksmith.
All Cody said was thanks before running off down the street. It wasn’t till the next day that I learned that someone had somehow broken into the Palace and killed the Royal Blacksmith, followed by the pony who committed the murder being arrested.
To sum all of that up, I’m really wanting to just die instead of living with that. But can’t go that route, so guess I’m going to live with knowing I’m the one who killed my almost brother.
Well actually, I thought Cody would do what he did with me and come around and realize that I wasn’t the one who he should blame....
Wait, he went through a life changing event or something... shit, wasn’t thinking.
... My bad?

One month later

I coughed as I walked down the street of Manehatten, which I’m thinking of being my new home. Could be nice, but depends on if I can actually get a job.
I just need to figure out what I can actually do besides mooching off of a Prince...
Damn, I should have made a better deal with that Watcher, or at least tried to make a better deal. Anything is better than this, just not being apart of a statute’s collection.
Or maybe it is.. not taking that chance.
Guess I’m stuck here trying to find a way to start over.

Four months later

I flew towards Ponyville, a determined look on my face. I’ve made my final decision.
I’m going to go to Ponyville and try my chances with Twilight. Screw the Watcher, I’ll get back with Twilight and I’ll just get her to move away with me. Avoiding all the bronies we can.
If the Watcher pulls me away, then fine.
Within ten minutes, I was already standing one block away from the Treehouse Library, sweating nervously.
For one, I looked like a mess. My coat was messy, same goes for my hair which hung down all around my face due to not being washed a lot.
I toughened up and started walking towards the front door. I was half expecting it to open and someone walk out while I was walking towards it, but it remained closed.
Once at the door, I knocked on it, waiting for either Spike or Twilight to answer, hoping for the later.
However, the pony that answered the door was on my list of worst fears.
A large dark blue pony answered the door and looked me over. “What?”
Aw shit, now what?
Before I could answer, the pony glared at me. “Oh wait, you’re another brony aren’t you?”
“Um..” I started.
“You are,” he suddenly moved into place to take up the whole doorway. “Listen here you fucktard, I got here first. I got to Twilight before any other brony and I’m the one who taps her every night, and every time I want. So take your ass and get the fuck out of here before I beat the crap out of you right here, right now!”
I winced as I took a step back, but looked past him as someone inside moved towards the door.
“Who are you yelling at this time, James?” Twilight said from behind the huge pony.
Two things are killing me right now: One, his name is simply James. And two, he’s a complete douche, how did Twilight fall for him?
“Just another brony trying to bang you, and this one looks like complete crap,” he said, giving me the evil eye.
“Another?” she said as she looked at me, “Look here, James told me what you other bronies want to do to me, and that’s sick. Just sick. You can’t force sex on somepony, so just leave.”
Brainwashing much? Why do I get the feeling this guy has made her think all bronies are out for sex, which is true for most, but not all. I think I’m starting to either get pissed off too much, or about to have a heart attack.
“Get the fuck out of here, now!” James yelled.
And with that, I snapped. I pounced on him, taking him by surprise, and began to release all of my pent up anger and stress from this whole traumatic event that the Watcher has put me through. I let tears run down my face as I uncontrollable beat my hooves against James face. Only stopping when Twilight finally found her voice and screamed.
I slowly stood up off of the now unconscious... or dead... body. I think he’s dead.
I looked over at Twilight who looked to be in shock and then looked at my hooves, covered in blood.
“What.. have you done...” she said, falling to the ground.
I looked at the body, then to her, “I...”
“You monster...”
Her words broke me, but I was already far beyond repair.
“You... deserve someone better than him, someone who would treat you the right way...” I said with a shaky voice.
Twilight growled and stood to her hooves and glared at me, “What, like you?!”
I hung my head, “No, not like me. Not anymore. I’m no longer worthy of being near you. But you do deserve someone who would treasure you not for your body, but for your mind.”
With this, I turned and galloped out the door and away from the Library. Away from Twilight.


Ya know, being apart of the Watcher’s collection is starting to look like the life compared to this...
I sighed heavily as I looked out over the ocean, sitting on the edge of a cliff.
It’s already taken everything else worth anything in my life. He’s taken Twilight, my friends, my kids, my life. What else is there to take?
I looked up to see the sun setting, a tear running down my cheek.
Behind me, I could hear someone laughing, followed by small fillies also laughing. I slowly turned to see a family walking along a trail, two small children with them.
Is this a form of torture?
I turn back around and cover my face in my hooves.
By now, the Guard should be looking for me. So I guess I have no where to go to live a comfortable life. Like that is possible at this point anyways.
I looked outward at the open sea and watched the sun slowly drop.
Behind me came the sounds of the brush moving as something approached me.
“Do not spread your wings or we will take you down,” said a rough voice.
I let out an exhausted sigh and stood and turned to face them.
Two Royal Guards stood few yards away from me, both of them Unicorns.
“Lay down on the ground, now!”
I looked between them, “I never wanted for all of this to end up like this, where I’m killing my friends and killing innocent ponies. I just wanted to live my life with my wife and kids, was that to much to ask?”
“Get on the ground!” the guard yelled.
“At this point, I just don’t care,” I stood up on my hind legs. “At this moment, I see no other choices. I can go with you and probably be put to death or put in a dungeon. Or I can jump off this cliff and just end it all here.”
“Stay right there,” one said as he stepped forward.
I looked over my shoulder, “I must sound stupid.” I looked back at them, “I give up, I’m not going to let the Watcher win. Not this time.”
And with that, I leaned backwards, falling off of the cliff and down towards the rocks down below.
“Catch him!” the unicorn said as he and his partner’s horns glowed. But I had already fallen out of sight of them.
However, as a twist, I caught myself mid-air and began to fly off towards the open ocean, the guards yelling behind me.
Like I said, I’m not going to let the Watcher win this. I’m going to live. I’m not going to just lay down and die like he wants. I am going to start over, and live my life the best I can.
Whatever is at the other side of this ocean is where I will start over.
This is my “fuck you” to you Watcher. Watch me live my life.

The End