The Start of Something New: Private Moments

by Rhino

Chapter 1: Conception

It is early December, and everything is white with snow. In a large house outside of Ponyville, a certain unusual couple rest in their bed, holding each other tenderly. The smaller of the two, a navy changeling, slowly blinks open her eyes. She yawns softly and looks at the calendar next to their closet door with bleary eyes. Though it takes her a moment due to the distance, she sees the date and quickly wakes herself up. She giggles excitedly, sneaking out of bed and putting a body pillow in her place. She pauses a moment, checking to see if this works.

Her stallion's forelegs tighten around the pillow, his head nuzzling it as he does so. Almost like an afterthought, his horn barely lights ups as it pulls the sheets up a little more over them.

The nymph has to cover her mouth to keep from laughing at this last part. She carefully sneaks over to the closet and slides the door open, stepping inside and pulling out a small trunk. She opens this, in turn, smiling at the vials of pink fluid inside it. She takes one and quickly gulps it down, sighing in relief.

After all of this, she glances around at the costumes on the racks before shaking her head. " I want this to be special. No personas." She glances at a pair of sky-blue panties and matching socks, blushing softly. "...but that doesn't mean I can't accessorize..." She smiles softly as she pulls the undergarments on, adding a ribbon to the base of her tail and her favorite pair of rimless glasses. She looks at the mirror in the back of the closet, smiling satisfactorily. "Perfect."

She strides out of the room, silently shutting the door as she approaches the bed. She pulls the pillow away from him, setting it down on the floor by the edge of the bed.

He immediately grunts and frowns in his sleep. One of his forelegs reflexively reaches out to draw what he thinks is her back towards him. He seems to slowly start to wake up the longer he fails to find her.

She can only smile at this, shaking her head and putting her cloth-covered hoof on top of his. "Wake up, Rhino. Today's the big day."

His eyes slowly open as he lets out a long yawn. He focuses on her and smiles warmly. "Now what day gets you to dress so sexily?"

She giggles, leaning over and kissing him softly. "The day our family begins to grow." She winks at him before backing away and sitting down, placing a bottle of bright blue liquid in front of him on the bed.

The dots connect in his head and his eyes go wide. "Oh..." He looks to the bottle. "That's the 'extra surprise' you got from Zecora, right? Do I get to know what it is now?"

She nods, pushing her glasses up in an attempt to hide her embarrassment. "I-it's to keep you hydrated and energized. I-I didn't want you to be harmed by all of this..." She grimaces, averting her gaze. "...a-and I think you should be on prevent what happened during my last heat..."

He smiles as he leans forward and kisses her neck. "Well, you do seem to be in better control this time, but I can respect that. Although, I would like to remind you that I have shown I can be on bottom and in control."

She blushes vibrantly, nodding shyly. "...t-that you have...i-if I may, though, I would like to ask if we could..." Her voice trails off, her nerves getting to her.

He smirks as he folds his forelegs and rests his head on them. His voice is teasing. "The sooner you spit it out, the sooner we can begin~."

She gulps and, mustering up her courage, shouts it to him, her eyes shut tightly. "P-please use every room of the house!"

His eyebrows shoot up, but his voice is calm. "Wow... ok, so that's why you got the potion..."

She nods, poking the potion in question. "...i-if you don't want to, that's fine...I-I just thought it'd be...memorable..."

He smoothly pops the cork on the bottle and downs it in a few gulps before smiling at her. "Now why would I turn down the chance to be able to spend more time satisfying my wife? I do have a question though, do we still do foreplay, or is this one of those times when the itch is bad enough you want to skip to the main event?"

She blushes a bit more, squirming in place as she sits on the wood floor. "...I-I don't know...m-maybe just for the first time?" She bites her lip, glancing down at her hooves. "...w-we might want to...c-clean up the floor, later..."

He opens his mouth to respond, but closes it as the smell coming from her heat finally registers. The potency of just that one whiff says all he needs to know about how ready she is. "I see... Well... did you have a room you wanted to start in?"

She stays silent for a moment, deep in thought before looking up at him. "T-the basement?"

He thinks he knows where she's going with this. "Work our way up back to here?"

She nods, smiling softly. "T-that was the plan, yes."

"Well alright then." He slides out of the bed and walks over to her, whispering into her ear as he passes. "Let's go get started then." He flicks her panty-clad flank with his tail as he walks past her.

She squeaks at this, turning to look at him walk away a moment before jumping up and heading after him, excited in more ways than one.

They quickly end up in the basement, one that Rhino made sure was well-lit and not creepy in any way when it was being constructed. Don't want foals getting nightmares if he could help it after all. He turns to Gel as they get to the bottom of the stairs. "So... how do you want to start?"

She glances around, noticing, aside from the desk with some papers scattered atop it, a couch with a blanket on it to one side of the room. She looks at him and gestures to it, confused. "May I ask what that's for?"

He smiles, his eyes trying to travel up and down her body but being reigned in. "I picked it up for you to sit on since you like to watch me work down here sometimes."

She blushes once more, moving over and running a hoof along the surprisingly soft blanket on the furniture. "And this?"

He scuffs a hoof across the floor. "Well, I'm usually not gonna be sitting near you, so I thought maybe you'd appreciate something else fluffy to keep you company."

She nods, a playful smile crossing her lips. "I see. Does that include now?" She giggles, looking at him over her shoulder and shaking her flanks at him. She saunters over to the desk, looking over the notes on it. " these have a specific order?"

He shrugs. "Not particularly. If anything they need to be organized."

As he finishes his sentence, she grabs all of the papers and neatly organizes them alphabetically and sets them on a filing cabinet nearby. "Good. I'm hoping we can use this, today." She runs her hoof over the smooth surface of the table, her mind wandering to a particularly sensual area as she spaces out.

Her slowly swaying tail catches his attention as he starts walking towards her. "Please, go on. Let's hear this idea of yours..."

She blushes a little more. "W-well, I'd bend over like this..." She leans across the desk so that her hindlegs were barely off the ground. "...and you would do whatever came to mind..." She moves to get back off the surface.

Her stallion who had crept up on her quietly, whispers into her ear from right next to her before she's more than halfway off. "Well then.. why are you getting up?"

She squeaks, stiffening at the feel of his breath on her ear. She trembles softly, turning to look at him over her shoulder. "...I-I guess I could stay on here...a while longer..." She shyly smiles at him before facing forward, resting her head on her cloth-covered forelegs.

He puts his head under her and lifts her back up to where she's as far onto the desk as she was before, with her legs dangling just above the ground. he makes note of the well-soaked fabric around her nethers as he slowly rears up and leans over her, nipping an ear lightly before speaking into it. "You did say minimal foreplay for this first round right?" He nibbles her neck just before she begins her response.

"Y-ahh..." Her words turn into a moan from the action, and her rump pushes back against his hips. "Y-yes, I did...b-but I also could do whatever came to mind..." She looks back at him, her cheeks bright blue. "...teasing or foreplay, included..."

He looks coyly at her as he shifts his hips against hers. "Hmm... to satisfy that ache of yours for the time being... or to drive you crazy and get full use out of this room before we move onto others... so hard to choose..."

She coos softly, feeling him pressing against her. "...either one is fine with'll be able to last all day with that potion, regardless..."

"Good thing we didn't have anything else planned then." He shifts so that his shaft starts rubbing it's tip up and down the soaked fabric. He presses gently against her as he leans forward and peppers her neck with kisses.

The stimulation causes her to moan sweetly, trying to push back against him. " really are a natural, aren't you?"

"I just pay attention to what you like." He moves his pride so that it lays over her back. "Now, just to let you know, I'm going to leave all of your clothes on you so I can have the enjoyment of taking them off later. For now though..." he moves downward so the the tip of his shaft pulls down the waistband of her panties as he leans next to her ear and whispers sensually, "are you ready to make a baby?"

She whimpers in need, her tail wrapping around his waist and trying to pull him in. "Y-yes, please."

His flared tip soon feels the warm wetness that is the slightly swollen petals of her lower lips. He cranes his neck around to trap her mouth in a kiss as he pushes into her familiar tunnel.

She moans quietly into the kiss, feeling herself stretching slightly around his pride. You're as big as I remember...yet it always feels like the first time... She breaks away to pant softly, squealing slightly as his medial ring enters her, spreading her walls a bit more. She clamps down in response, practically drooling on the table. ...except s-stronger...

He hilts into her as he responds Always a pleasure, love. He decides to do something slightly different from what they would normally do by slowly pulling out of her until only his tip remains, before suddenly pounding back into her so that their hips slap together.

She cries out in ecstasy and surprise at the action, her eyes rolling back in her head. "...s-so good...p-please, more..." She grinds her hips against his, taking the moment he's completely inside her to try and entice him into further action.

He obliges by repeating the motion, always pulling out slowly before slamming into her with a little more force than the last thrust. Her tunnel grips him with warmth and welcomes him every time.

Gel bites her lip, but that doesn't stop her from moaning in bliss from his thrusts. After a few cycles, she purposely clenches on his pride as he tries to slam into her, wanting to see what he'd do.

He groans in pleasure as her walls slow him down, but the feeling of her gripping him so tight only encourages him to push past it and back all the way inside her. He leans down and nips her ear to thank her for it.

She coos softly from the nip, smiling playfully to herself. When he pulls back out the next time, she makes sure to squeeze him on the way in. She repeats this pattern, relaxing and tensing with each and every thrust, knowing that he enjoys it.

He feels the pressure building in his loins as he enters her once again, but isn't particularly worried since he knows they have all day to go again and again. As he pants after hilting into her again, he thinks to her. I'm close, love... how are you doing?

B-barely holding back. She turns to look at him with a lidded gaze, a moan escaping her lips right at that moment. "P-please, don't hold back."

He leans down onto her, his body pressing hers against the desk as he suddenly pumps in and out of her rapidly and in quick succession. At the dozenth repetition, he grunts as he hilts into her and starts flooding her with his seed.

She cries out once more, driven over the edge. Her tunnel clamps down on him with a vice-like grip, trapping every ounce of the fluid inside of her.

They stay like this for a full minute, him emptying into her anf she locking him in. He finally comes to his senses and asks her a question while they are joined. "Does it... feel any different when you're in heat?"

She nods, panting softly. "...more...explosive..." She tries to unclench herself, her muscles slowly relaxing from around him. "...and...for you?"

He eases himself out as he answers. "Well... you are certainly warmer inside, I know that... and those pheromones you give off make great motivators..."

She sighs softly, squeaking as he leaves her flower with a small 'pop'. "...t-that's good to know..." She slowly gets off the table and tries to stand, relieved that her legs still work. " room down..."

"Yep... and a whole house to go." He nuzzles her lovingly. "What room next? We've got a whole floor to choose from, and i get to take my time with this next one."

She blushes brightly, slowly walking over to the stairs. She doesn't seem to notice the clear fluid trailing down her legs. "...w-well...I was thinking that you should decide..."

"Well..." Her dripping distracts him as he tries to think. "Are you alright, love? Are you still that aroused or is that just left over?"

"Hmm?" She glances over her shoulder at him, then, following his gaze, stares at her flanks, blushing even more. " mix of both, to be honest..." She shyly smiles, her tail tucking itself between her legs in an attempt at modesty.

He only chuckles as he walks over to her and kisses her cheek. "Really, love? What's there to hide considering what we were doing less than a minute ago? Come on, I think the living room is a good second round."

She shyly nods and they ascend the stairs. "...y-you should probably pick the position, this time...b-but we should avoid the couch..."

"True, want to avoid awkward moments with future guests and mysterious stains." They reach the room in question. "Are you opposed to being on your back on the rug?"

She taps her chin playfully, as if deep in thought. "...well, since it's you...I don't think I mind." She winks at him as she walks into the center of the room, laying down and rolling over on her back. She gives him a lidded gaze, her tail swishing behind her. "Like this?"

"Lovely..." He walks over to her, and since her head is the closest thing to him, decides to give her a passionate upside-down kiss as she wriggles on the floor.

She coos softly, opening her lips and licking his longingly.

He obliges as his own snakes out to greet hers. As they kiss, his tongue curiously explores her fangs, their new position making a curious amount of difference from their normal passionate kisses.

She giggles at this, breaking the kiss to smile teasingly at him. "I never understood your fascination with my fangs..."

He gives her a peck at the base of her horn. "Frankly love, I'm not sure i will either. I just seem to love every single part of you."

She squirms a little at this, her forelegs folding up against her chest. "...w-well...I do, too..." She glances between his legs, biting her lip gently at the sight of his pride. "...I-I don't mind waiting to show you, though..."

"Well, considering what I planned, you probably won't have to wait too long." He smiles as he plants another kiss on her lips, then carefully steps to each side of her as he works his way down her neck and to her chest, hovering a moment on her rib plates.

She's already breathing heavily, the plates on her barrel shifting with each of them. She's clearly wondering what he has planned, her hindlegs pressing together as she tries to hide her sudden spike in arousal.

He starts downward again, more of his body passing over her as he reaches her soaked blue fabric. He uses his nose to push it down just enough to give him access to two matching mounds. He swirls his tongue around one before clamping his lips around the other and giving it a light suck.

She squeals, her back arching from the pleasure. "Ah! Y-yes!"

His eyes narrow as his pride twitches at her noise. "Oh? Do you like this?" He gives her other teat a longer and harder suck.

She moans sweetly, her eyes actually starting to cross from this. "Y-yes! I love it!" She bites her hoof, trying to keep herself in control.

He decides to shock her with his next action. "Then what do you feel about... this?" His suddenly shoves his nose down a few more inches and gives a sucj to quite a different nub just above her petals.

She squeaks, her body tensing up as her panties get completely soaked by her juices. It takes her about half a minute to come down from the high, and she simply goes limp beneath him, panting silently. "...t-too much..."

"Hmm..." Excited from seeing and hearing her respond to his actions, he smirks as he speaks. "I wonder what would happen if I did it again... and maybe a bit more..." He pushes down her panties a bit more with a hoof so he can work before suddenly clamping his lips over the nub again as one hoof massages her teats while the other traces her folds.

She cries out as she climaxes even harder, extremely sensitive after her first one. She squirms underneath him, her panting now heavy. "S-stop...w-without you inside's unbearable...p-painful..."

He freezes in place at that last word. Slowly, he steps off her and turns around, laying next to her and nuzzling her, his face apologetic and his words subdued. "I'm sorry... I didn't know it would hurt you..."

Gel gently kisses him, her breathing slowly getting back under control. "I-it's fine...t-there was no way you could've known..." She caresses his cheek, giving him a small, warm smile. " time, just...don't give me two rapidly like that...okay?"

He remembers her exact words. "What if I'm, you know... in you, and I do other things that make you have some in quick succession?"

She blinks, thinking about this a bit. "...I...I suppose that would be fine...honestly, I just...ached from emptiness, I think..." She averts her gaze, embarrassed. "...s-sorry I couldn't help much..."

He kisses her cheek. "It's fine, love. Go you want to wait for a bit until we try again in the next room?"

She gives him a coy smile, suddenly pulling him close and kissing him deeply. Who said we were done with this room? She sneaks a hoof down and teasingly strokes his half-hard pride. You still haven't used your little friend in here.

He shivers at her touch. But you said you were sore from clenching on emptiness...

"I did..." She giggles, pushing him so he rolls onto his back. "...but I do have another way to make you feel good..." She settles herself between his legs, bringing his flaccid staff to stand straight up with her hooves as she winks at him. " to guess what it is?"

He feigns thinking a moment. "Surprise me."

She rolls her eyes and licks along his length, tenderly stroking his orbs at the same time. She smirks and clamps the sides of her sock-clad hooves around him, the notches and the cloth forming a unique psuedo-hole for him. As soon as she does this, she starts slowly rubbing along him, continuing to kiss and lick him all the while.

His pride twitches rhythmically as she works and his voice is relaxed as he leans back. "Well... that's a different feeling, good, but different..."

She giggles, kissing the tip of his flared head in appreciation before slowly taking him into her mouth, her hooves working together on him in perfect sync with his throbbing.

He feels a shiver go up his spine as she take more of him in her mouth. His hips reflexively buck lightly, though he tries to keep the movement smooth so he doesn't hurt her.

She smiles around him as she sinks even further, stopping at his medial ring. She moves her hooves up against her lips, looking up at him with a twinkle in her eye. Are you ready for this, love?

He shifts his weight a little, but nods, his eyes wide.

She closes her eyes and moves off his shaft, her hooves moving at the same pace in the opposite direction.

He looks curiously at her, wondering what she is up to.

When his tip is almost free of her lips, and her hooves are right up against his hips, she immediately and swiftly reverses direction, her hooves and lips stopping a fraction of an inch away from the ring less than a second later.

His eyes almost bug out of his head and she can feel the muscles in his hips tense all at once while he groans.

She smiles at this, quickly moving to continue the pace she had set, keeping in perfect sync as she works. Her tongue flicks around him as she bobs her head, wanting to see how he'd fare. Remember, love, don't hold back your sounds. She pauses to playfully wink at him before continuing at a faster pace, giving a melodic moan as she works him.

He groans again as she continues. "Cheeky..." His eyes roll back into his head every time she moans, the nymph taking full advantage of his weakness for her sounds. Between you a few minutes ago and this now... Another loud groan from him cuts off his thoughts as he leans up partially as his member twitches rapidly, but doesn't finish quite yet.

She giggles, her horn lighting up subtly. What was that, love? She pulls his tail with her magic as she moves just a little faster, wanting to have him lost in the throes of ecstasy. Just as an added measure, she gives another loud, lustful moan.

His hips are bucking almost continuously now as his eyes rolls back and don't come down. Any thoughts that form in his head are immediately just drowned out by pleasure and hormones. His forehooves grip the ground as he feels his release approaching.

Gel, eager for him to get release, spreads her magic down to his sac, fondling it tenderly and moving only her hooves, her mouth sealed around the tip of his pride just so she can swallow all that he is going to give her.

As she does all this, he hovers right on the brink until she lets out a single moan. His back arches as he releases, his body naturally trying to plunge itself as deep as it can into whatever hole it's in.

She lets him thrust all the way down her throat, even moving her hooves as to not impede him. Her eyes flutter closed as the warmth fills her and, when the spurts start to slow down, she pulls off him until his tip is just inside her mouth. She moans in delight, enjoying the taste of his seed in her mouth. ...somehow this just...tastes better, it because of my heat?

As his eyes roll back down so he can see, he pants out a response. "No clue... likely though... Phew... that was... intense..." He takes a minute to catch his breath before looking down at her with narrowed eyes and a wide grin as he growls. "Ready for the next room?"

She moves completely off him, smiling wolfishly at him. "Ready as I'll ever be."

Hours of passionate heat and potion fueled procreation later...

Rhino and Gel's lips are locked together as their tongues dance. Her hindlegs are completely wrapped around his waist as he thrusts into her, pinning her back against the wall of the study and suspending her in the air as he braces himself with his forelegs.

She breaks the kiss and cries out in ecstasy, resting her head on his shoulder. "Y-yes. H-harder! D-don't hold back! N-never hold back!" Her flower flutters around him, trying to get a grip on the quickly-moving shaft inside her.

His pride pumps in and out of the mare bouncing on it, a small layer of sweat coating both their bodies. Her words spurring him on, his braces his hindlegs and starts to rapidly thrust into her so much that her whole body just seems to be in a constant state of shuddering from the impacts. He hungrily takes her mouth back in his own, words no longer working for expressing his passion at this moment.

She kisses him back with just as much raw desire, her hooves trying to hold onto him in spite of how her chitin has become slippery. She finds it impossible to focus on anything other than him, anymore, and the indescribable sensations he's giving her. Her tunnel clenches on him with increasing persistence, revealing just how close she is to another peak. ...p-please...cum with me...

Of... course... His own climax close, he trades a little bit of speed for more power as his hips slap against hers and cause her to bounce as he impacts against her. He always meets her with another thrust as she comes down from the bounce, until finally he thrusts upwards into her as far as he can possibly go and holds her there as he spills into her, his mind blanked.

She squeals in utter bliss, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as the sensation of his warm seed filling her triggers her own climax. She trembles as she feels him pump slightly into her with each burst, looking down at herself in her lust-drunk haze. She giggles, rubbing her flat belly. " look like Ditzy..." She shakes her head, trying to get her eyes to refocus.

As her stallion comes down from his high, he shakes his head at what she said. "Your stomach isn't a different size, love... it just feels like it is..." He doesn't really expect her to answer just yet, seeing as she still looks blissed out.

She tilts her head, looking up at him in confusion. "...really? But I look so big..." She pokes her stomach, frowning slightly.

He just shakes his head as he starts to lower her to the ground. "No you aren't love, you're just coming down and you aren't quite all back yet. You look perfect."

She smiles, leaning up to nuzzle him. "...thank you,'re always so sweet..."

He just smiles as he unwinds her legs from around him and gently sets her on them on the floor. "I think it's a good thing this is the last room before the bedroom. We can always do that one another day, you seem to be a bit out of it..."

As soon as he lets her go, her hindlegs collapse. Instead of panicking like she has done before, she giggles, holding her forehooves out to him. "Carry me?"

He chuckles again as he scoops her up onto his back. "Come on, let's get you to bed so you can rest."

She laughs like a filly, happily hugging him. "Okay!"