//------------------------------// // Thank you // Story: What Happened? // by AmethystFire //------------------------------// In this dark room next door to me. My heart was racing, because of the things that had happened to me. Coming to my head, but I really wanted to thank the pony that gave her voice and her life for me. "Jewel Charmer, you have a visitor." the doctor said. She rolled her head towards the door. Her eyes had no color, she truly was dying. Tears rising in my teal eyes, I couldn't look at my new friend. "I would like to be alone with her." Jewel Charmer requested. My friends and the doctor left the room to give Jewel Charmer and I sometime together. "Thank you Jewel, I'm glad that you were doing some good for yourself to go to the land beyond Cloudsdale." I said. "You're welcome Fluttershy, I just thought that this was really important. I needed to leave this world anyways. I've been around for too long. It was just time, and giving my voice was the thing..." "How can you still speak?" "The doctors didn't take it all out of me. Just enough that it would help you speak. Your voice is so beautiful." "Thank you."