//------------------------------// // You! // Story: A time of sadness // by Slick Dash //------------------------------// Luna walked into the room, oblivious to evrypony staring at her. “My apologies my sister for my tardiness, have Twilight and her friends ari”- she stopped when she saw us all, then smiled. “I see! You’re already here, this is most wonderful! It has been too long Twilight Sparkle and friends!” She came over, and tried to shake Twilights hoof. The purple unicorn looked dazed, she was obviously unsure of what to do. Just as I had predicted she seemed torn between what she saw in the orb, and her faith the Princess’s. The dark blue Alicorn looked puzzled, she turned to another familiar face and smiled. “Fluttershy! It’s so wonderful to be in your graceful presence again, I have been working on what you’ve taught me and I hope my volume is more acceptable now than it was back then!” Fluttershy looked scared; she backed away and huddled behind the furious looking Applejack. “I-i-its...fine...” She looked to her hooves out of desperation not to look into Luna’s eyes. Celestia still stood there, she didn’t say anything to warn her sister about what they had just seen. She just stood there and watched the scene play out. Whereas I on the other hand was furious at the sight of the dark blue mare, my back was slightly arched as I hung close to the ground, almost as though I were about to pounce on the princess. Luna saw my expression she was perplexed. “What trouble’s you Rainbow Dash? Have I done something to offend or insult you?” A shiver of disgust ran down my spine as she addressed me. How dare she act so innocent! I took a determined step forward towards the night Alicorn. She looked slightly alarmed at what must have been a look of pure hate plastered across my face. “You.” I growled. Applejack crossed over between me and the Alicorn, she looked at me reassuringly. “Now Rainbow, don’ be too hasty now.” I ignored my orange friend and walked right past her. There was a reasonable distance between me and the dark coloured princess, and I savoured the time I took moving towards her. “You!” I was slightly louder now. My feathers ruffled anxiously and the muscles in my wings twitched slightly. They were ready for a chase, if one broke out that is. “N-now Rainbow... you...you can’t be sure that...” Fluttershy tried to reason with me, she fluttered over head, speaking as loud as she could while still sounding timid. I didn’t break eye contact with Lu-Nightmare! “YOU!” I screamed, I bent my legs to spring forward at the Alicorn before me. She took a tentative step back. She was scared, GOOD! I extended my legs, prepared to sail through the air and tackle the dark Alicorn. I felt myself begin to rise into the air, but before I reached a foot into the air I was pulled back to the ground. I crumpled and fell on my side. It felt as though I had been hogtied, I looked down to my hooves, my forelegs were being held by a purple haze of magic, and my rear legs were held by a mystical blue. I turned my head back towards my friends, rarity and Twilight’s horns were both glowing as they held me to the ground, they looked miserable. I opened my mouth and screamed at them. “LET ME GO!” “We can’t Rainbow, you’re going to try and hurt princess Luna.” Twilight sounded heartbroken. “SO?! SHE DESERVES IT! AFTER WHAT SHE’S DONE SHE DESERVES IT!” I looked back at the dark Mare, And screamed again. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I’M TOO CLOSE!” I felt my eyes fill with tears, Tom wouldn’t be at peace without this! Why didn’t the others understand that? “LET ME GO!” “I’m sorry darling but we can’t let you do something brash, not when there is a chance you’re wrong.” Rarity sounded as though she were about to cry, I felt the magic on my rear legs slacken slightly. “I’m not!” I thought I could move my legs reasonably well now. If I timed it right, I could throw them both off and their magic will shatter. Then I’d be on Nightmare Moon before they could recast their spells. I moved my hooves back under my body, ready to pounce again. But once again I was pushed to the ground. It was Pinkie pie, she lay on top of me trying to stop me from jumping at the mare I hated so much. “Dashie! Don’t do it! What if you’re wrong? You’ll be in way too much trouble! What if you’re wrong?” I tensed my muscles, a deep growl growing in my throat. “No...I’m ... NOT!” I tried to push up, but Applejack then joined the fray. She pushed down hard on the small of my back with her strong forelegs. “Now hold it thar Rainbow, you can’t just go bowling after the princess cos of a dream!” My rage reached its peak. “You were ready to go after a pony you didn’t know because of that dream!” I grunted from the ground. I stared into the eyes of the dark mare, she no longer looked fearful. She looked angry. I was glad to get any reaction out of her! “Now because it someone you know! AND YOU HAVE PROOF! You’re not sure anymore! TOM WOULD HAVE WANTED THIS! LET ME GO, LET ME GO, LET ME”- “Sister, I suggest you teleport somewhere else.” Celestia took charge of the situation without even a raised tone. Her sister looked at her for a moment, and with a nod she closed her eyes and disappeared with a flash of light. I screamed again, but this time it was out of loss, I’d missed my chance. Tom’s killer was getting away, and no one believed me!” out of the corner of my eye I saw something. It was a flash of light. Through the open balcony door I could see the grass just outside of the maze. Luna had teleported there, and was headed inside the twisting labyrinth. I felt strength I had never felt before. My chance wasn’t gone, not yet! “NOOOOOOOOO!” With all my might I pushed my legs up, shattering the magic surrounding them. I then threw off the two friends on top of me. I crouched low to the ground. My wings unfurled, and I began to run. I picked up speed quickly, headed for the outside. As I approached, the glass doors to the balcony closed with what I knew was Celestia’s magic! I jumped, tucking my head in as I did so. I smashed through the glass of the door, shards stuck in my fur and mane, but I didn’t feel them as they cut my skin. Adrenaline had taken over now. I spread my wings wide, and flapped for the first time in nearly two weeks! The speed I released was unimaginable. I was fast reaching a speed almost enough to create a sonic rainboom! I shot like a bullet straight towards the dark Alicorn, who hadn’t yet noticed me streaming towards her. She looked up just in time. She saw my face inches from hers. I saw the sudden fear in her eyes, I was glad, she was now feeling the fear Tom had before he died! My forehooves made contact with her chest and knocked her straight to the grassy ground. We skidded away from the mazes entrance and out towards the open statue garden. We stopped with a terrible crunch, as Luna’s head collided with a statue. Bringing us to a complete stop. I couldn’t help but look up at the stone sculpture above us. It was discord, his face was still in that petrified expression from when we had last defeated him! How ironic! The god of chaos was about to witness me kill Luna, avenge my love. And bring balance back to the world! Finally the time was here!