Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom


Newest audio videos are up.
Part one
Part two

Fair warning everyone. This chapter gets a little dark down past the happy times, so just be prepared. I'll try and keep this as none gory as I can.

Chapter 74

"The time is now! Begin step one of the plan."


I'm a full blown idiot. I'm walking through Ponyville right now, completely lost. No, I'm not lost as in I don't know where I am. I'm lost as to where my destination is. The orphanage

I mean, I've been here almost ten months, and I've never even heard of an orphanage being close to Ponyville.

After walking around for a hour, I finally decided to ask somepony. The first pony I asked told me it was outside of Ponyville, about a mile north of the Hospital.

Even after getting directions, it still took me half an hour to find it. What? I don't know which way north is.

Upon arriving at the orphanage, I saw a weather beaten brick building. It was a one story building, but was fairly large and pretty long. A sign hung up on the outside gate, 'The Lucky Pony Orphanage'. The 'L' had fallen off the sign, making it seem like... never mind.

[Haha! The Fucky Pony Orphanage!]
{Okay, that is pretty damn funny to hear.}

I took a deep breath and went to adjust my goggles... well shit, I forgot them. To late to go back and get them now.

I began walking towards the double doors that lead inside. I felt a sense of dread at entering this place, it just gave off an eerie feeling.

I stopped at the front doors, hesitant.

[This feels like one of those horror movies. You know, the one where the guy gets ripped apart by kids!]
<Children of the Corn?>
[... Maybe... I can't remember, its been to long.]
{Not helping!}

I pushed the doors open and walked in.

[That's a surprise.]

The inside of the building wasn't like the outside. The walls were colorful and had many paintings from kids hanging up. There was a few couches and chairs sitting around, and up ahead was a desk with a yellow mare behind it.

Wow, this place could pass as a hospital... a very nice hospital at that.

After taking everything in, I made my way to the front desk.

When I was in front of it, the mare looked up and tried to smile happily, "Good evening sir. What brings you to The Lucky Pony Orphanage?"

I smiled back and rested my forehooves on the desk, "Oh you know, to make a ponies life just a little bit better."

She nodded, and pointed to a door, "Just go through there, you can look at all the children and pick one to adopt."

I held up a hoof, "Not necessary my fare lady, I already know who I'm here for."

She raised an eyebrow, "Oh? Who might that be?"

I grinned, "The filly named Little Fawn."

Finally, a small real smile inched its way onto her face, "Really? You really want her?"

I smiled proudly, "Yep!"

She pulled out a few papers, "I'm so happy that poor dear has finally found somepony who wants her. She's been here so long." She then tapped her chin, "And just today, she ran through those doors crying. I hope nothing bad happened."

Damn it! Its my fault, "Well, what do I have to do to adopt her?"

She smiled and pushed the papers towards me, "Fill all those out and sign at the bottom of each and she's all yours."

I cocked my head, "That's all I got to do?"

She nodded happily, "That's all you have to do."

"That's easy." I picked the quill in my teeth and began to work on the papers.

Five minutes later

I dropped the quill and smiled, "Done!"

The mare smiled and began gathering the papers, "You're all set, now, all that you have left to do is go back there and pick her up."

My smiled widened, "So, just through that door?"

She nodded, "Yes, she should be the eight bunk bed on the left."

I give her a thankful nod and make my way to the door.

I put a hoof to the nob and prepare myself. Its going to be awkward, thanks to that little kiss, but meh, I'll power through it.

I pushed the door open and stepped inside.

Inside the room was many colt's and filly's running around and enjoying a few toys that lay around. However, once I stepped in, they all turned to me. Looks of hope in their eyes, but once they saw what I looked like, a few looked away and went back to playing.

Number eight bunk, number eight bunk. I kept repeating that to myself, looking at the left side of the room.

I began walking down the role of bunks, counting them off. A few of the kids followed me, a look of curiousness on their faces. I stopped at the number eight bunk and saw right away it was occupied, the pony in the bed had the covers pulled up over them.

I hope this is her, "Hey Fawn."

The covers flew off the bed as she sat up, "Stripes... I mean Lance! What are you doing here?!"

I chuckled and lowered myself, "Taking you home."

She sat there confused for a second, but then smiled, a single tear in her eye, "Y-You adopted... me?"

I smiled and nodded.

She jumped out of bed and ran into my embrace, wrapping her forelegs around my neck.

I held her for a few seconds before pulling back and standing up, "Come on Fawn, its time to go home."

She sniffled and went back to her bed and pulled out a small cloth bag, "Let me get my things."

"You're adopting her?" A small female voice said from behind me.

I turned to see a filly, about half my height, she had a look of authority to her, "Yes, is this a problem?"

She glared, "As a matter of fact, it is. Little Fawn is due for a punishment tonight."

I gave her a glare of my own, "And why is that?"

She stood up tall, trying to show me that she was in charge, "She yelled at a few of the other children when she came back today. I think..."

I held up a hoof, "Nope, say no more. That was my fault and I take responsibly."

She rolled her eyes, "Its her fault for yelling. Now, if you would be so kind as to leave and let us carry out her punishment, that would be great."

I shrugged, "I'm leaving, but I'm taking my daughter with me."

She scowled at that and began to speak, but I held a hoof to her face, "No, don't speak. I don't want to hear another word out of your shit filled mouth."

I twisted to see Fawn standing there, a small bag slung over her back. I chuckled and picked her up, "Lets get you of of here." I put her on my shoulders and let her sit up on my neck. She rested her forehooves on my head, causing me to laugh.

"You are not to take her out of here!" The annoying filly said.

I grinned and turned towards her, "You just never shut up, do you?" With that, I spun around and made my way out of the room.

I could hear the filly behind me complaining to the others. All this did was increase the size of my smile.

As I trotted past the front desk, the yellow mare waved, "Goodbye Little Fawn, we'll miss you."

Fawn twisted around and waved back, "Bye Ms Lemonade. I'll miss you too."

I snickered, Ms Lemonade.

[That's a funny name! Haha!]

As we stepped outside, Fawn hugged my neck, "Thank you so much Lan... ummm, can I call you... Dad?"

I chuckled and kept up my steady pace towards Ponyville, "You sure can. As long as you feel comfortable with it."

She tightened her hug, "Okay, Thank you so much Dad."

I smiled brightly, "Your welcome Fawn. Now, guess what?"

She released her tight hug and leaned over my head, looking me in the eyes, "What?"

I chuckled, "You have a baby brother."

She let out a small squeal, "I do?!"

I couldn't help but laugh, "Yep! His name is Spark, and he's the cutest colt you'll ever see."

She began bouncing on my back, "Hurry up Dad! I want to see him!"

<Move it Lance! I want to see Spark too!>
[Yeah! Hurry it up!]

"Hold on tight Fawn." I said as I unfolded my wings.

She wrapped her legs around my neck.

Lets get home and show Twilight our new daughter!

[Fuck! What was that!]
{What are you talking about now Break?}
[Dude, I just saw that pony from before. The one from the forest.]

I looked around, but didn't see anything. Who the hell is that? I'm so going to find out. But first, to get Fawn home and explain this to Twilight.

The Royal Palace, Canterlot

"No! Nova, Star Chaser, obey me!" Luna shouted as she chased the two young foals around. Not even a month old, and they was already flying and performing magic. Of course, they are Alicorn foals.

Frederic stood on the side lines, chuckling to himself as he watched his beloved wife chase their kids around. This was one of the moments he's been waiting for. The moments he gets to spend time with his wife and kids.

Luna jumped into the air and caught Star Chaser, "Got ya!" She turned for Nova, "Okay Nova, I got your brother, now come down here."

Nova just giggled and flew up higher.

Frederic let out a laugh, "Honey, you're going to have to fly up there and get her."

Luna looked at him and smiled, "How about you do it Mr. I stand on the side lines."

Frederic spread his wings, "Oh, I will do it." He propelled himself upward towards his daughter.

He flew up in front of her and held out his forelegs, "Come here Nova."

She began hovering towards him... but shot past him suddenly.

He chuckled, "That little cheater." He spun around and flew after her.

Dali's house, Canterlot

"Of course I signed all the papers Twi, I'm not as stupid as you think I am." I said as I sat on the couch, my arms behind my head.

I had brought Fawn home and let her run off to play with Spark. I then told Twilight what I had done, and to my surprise, she wasn't that worried about it. In fact, she actually loved the idea of us adopting Fawn, she's just worried I forgot to sign something. Typical Twilight.

She chuckled, "You're not stupid... most of the time that is."

I raised an eyebrow, "I see... You think I'm stupid, huh?"

She rolled her eyes, "You know what I mean."

I shrugged and sat up, "I might. Have you seen Dali lately?"

She nodded, "Yes, a hour ago. A few minutes after you left. She said she and Drax were going to Ponyville to eat out."

My suspicions are now conformed, they are dating. Good for them, "Well then, I think its time me and you had a little fun."

[Lance, as much as I want to fuck the hell out of Twilight, I really want to get to the bottom of this mysterious pony thing.]
<Wow, Break turning down sex. Never thought I'd see the day.>

Luckily, I didn't have to do anything, Twilight beat me to it, "Not tonight Lance, I don't think its a good idea with Fawn living here now."

I try to act disappointed, "Oh... well, I'm going to go to Ponyville and check up on a few things."

Twilight gives me a nod, "Be back soon, okay?" She then leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

I then made my way to the door, "While I'm gone, you should get to know Fawn."

"Will do." Came her response.

I then stepped out of the house and sighed, so much to do and very little time.

Thirty two minutes later

I landed a few meters from the Everfree Forest. I'm not sure I want to go in there, its becoming twilight out. I don't want to be in there during the night.

[Fucking pony up and get in there!]

I sighed, might as well get in there. Or Break will force me.

I took a deep breath and walked towards the forest. I forced my way into the tree line, which was very tight, and popped out on the other side.

Damn, this forest is thick! There was overgrowth everywhere. Yeah, this was going to be hard as hell to do.

I forced my way through the weeds and broken trees, but it was a slow process. I wish I had a machete, then this would be a cake walk.

After a good twenty minutes, I came to a small clearing, not very big. Just a few feet across, but enough to take a break in.

* Crunch*

What the hell was that?!


Oh shit! Somethings getting closer!

The bushes in front of me began to shake.

Oh God! My freaking heart is beating like crazy!

I prepared for something to jump out in front of me... but was caught off guard as something slammed into my side.


I looked up at my attacker, nope, not a bunny.

It was the pony I had seen in the forest. I looked her over quickly.

Yeah, that smile is scaring the shit out of me.

She was on top of me, holding my forelegs down with her forelegs. She was sitting on my stomach, holding the rest of my body down. This is creepy...

I cleared my throat, time to find out who she is, "Uhhh.. Who are yo-WHAO!"

She leaned down and began kissing my right shoulder. Not cool!

"Stop it! I'm marr-FUCK!"

She sat up, blood dripping from her lips, a small piece of meat was hanging down from her teeth.


I began to fight against her, but fuck! She's to fucking strong!

She smiled and slurped up the piece of meat in her mouth. She then licked her lips and leaned down again, but this time put her mouth next to my torn ear, "I've been watching you for sometime now. Dreaming of your taste. But you know what? You taste even better than I thought."

There goes my sanity.

I push upward, trying desperately to escape. But, she held on strong.

She giggled to herself and leaned down to my bleeding shoulder. She inhaled deeply and shuddered, "Oh the smell... I must have another taste."

She then began to run her tongue along the torn meat.

Oh God! That stings like a motherfucker!

She sat back up and examined me, "Hmmm, what shall I try next?"

"Nothing! Let me go!" I screamed.

She giggled and leaned down, "But you're to tasty to just let go." She then began to kiss my other shoulder.

I clenched my teeth and prepared for the worst.

My loud scream echoed through the forest as she tore out a large chunk of my flesh.

She chewed it and just laughed at my face. Which was scrunched up in pain.

She then took bites out of my right leg, each chunk she took out of it equaled a loud scream of agony from me.

This pain was indescribable, worst then all my stupid stuns combined.

She then moved her attation back to my left leg and did the same thing, taking chunks of meat our of a few places, but leaving enough for it to still resemble a leg.

Oh God, she's just toying with me!

She finally sat up, her face covered in my blood, "Mmmm, so good. Why do you taste so good?"

Last chance Lance. I forced myself upward, but screamed out in pain as I felt the muscles in my forelegs snap and break. I collapsed back on the ground. Knowing my fate was already decided.

She licked my neck, "Mmm, more."

I thought of my family, Twilight, the mare I fell in love with. Spark, the son I always wanted, but won't be able to see grow up. Fawn, my new daughter. Frederic, the only guy I think of as a brother... Why does my time have to end now? WHY?!

She began to slowly bite into my neck, getting closer to the main vain.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM YOU CRAZY BITCH!!" I heard a familiar female voice scream out.

As my vision blacked from lose of blood, I saw a vine shoot out and hit the pony on top of me, causing her to fly off me. But, she also took a small chunk of the side of my neck with her.

There was a few more heavy stomps and then silence. Then came the sound of vegetation being trampled.

Suddenly, Vinetion appeared above me, tears in her eyes, "Oh Lance..."

I felt myself slip and everything around me went black.

Fuck you cliffhangers!