Blind rage.

by JT


"Father?" A small voice rang out through the ice cave. "Father? Where are you?"

"I am here son, what is it you wish?" A dark, foreboding voice questioned.

"Father, I know of how I was found, and I know of Celestia's evil. I have but one question."

"And what is that?"

"When do I kill her?"

The dark voice chuckled. The noise bounced off the walls of ice.

"Soon, Shadowkin, when you are ready, may you claim your justice."

"Oh, and Father? How will I get to her?"

"Trust the shadows my son, for the darkness hides it's children, and frightens those who do not accept it's embrace."

"Father? How will I kill her? She has magic, and I....I....Am.....I'm Blind."

"Hush child, for the time for your rest is at hand. As for your lack of sight, I am working on a way to make you see again. Now go to bed, I shall be by in a moment."

"Yes, Father."

A Child walked through several arches of ice, his hands feeling along the way. His jet black hair contrasting with the blue ice. He came upon a door, his hands feeling for a handle. Once his hands locked on to something, he pushed it open. Feeling along his walls, he found an object of rather soft proportions, feeling like silk. He spread back the heavy covers and climbed inside. It was cold, but, he liked the cold. Always had.
A few minutes Later, shadows wafted in to the room. covering the floor, before massing to the side of the bed.
A stern melodic voice began to ring inside the cave.

"You are my Child."
"My warrior of Shadow."
"All your enemies fall before you."
"Dying is all they can do."
"You purge my land, of it's blight."
"You are my Shadow. My Darkness."
"Who keeps me hidden from all plight."
"You fight with ferocity."
"Being all you can be."
"You are my Son."
"You are my Soldier."
"You are the One."

The dark melody ended, replaced with the light snoring of a young child.
The shadow seemed to dissolve, a solid form rising out of it.
the King laid a gentle hoof over the child.
"soon, your training will begin. Soon you will regain your sight."

"Soon, we will have our revenge."