//------------------------------// // What Happened? // Story: What Happened? // by AmethystFire //------------------------------// What happened? Seconds ago I was sitting on a rock with my woodland creatures. Then, the lights went black, the light Princess Celestia gives, disappeared. Now I am here in a cold, dark, and damp room. Tied to the wall. All I can hear are screams, screams of ponies. It deafens me... I feel alone, no pony around, just thoughts and the drip drip of the condensation of the cold cell. My hooves hurt, almost bleeding from just hanging for maybe days. Thoughts of my friends, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Spike, and my dear woodland creatures. The door of the cold cell opens, I try not to say anything. The words hurt now... My voice is crippled by the beaten mind of mine. "Ye're being moved outta here Fluttershy!" a soft voice said. I haven't heard a soft voice for mere days. It sounded happy, and southern. The door of my cell creaks open. My eyes hurt from the beating and the darkness for days. I look towards the door and saw an orange blob. Things aren't clear to me, the orange blob was all I could see. I couldn't say anything, the darkness came again as I close my eyes. The voices of 5 ponies in the room... "FLUTTERSHY!" I heard a southern voice, British like voice, happy voice (happier than usual,) smart voice, and a tough voice. Their voices sounded like they were in shock. I woke up to the light again, but this one was comforting. I saw the blobs again over my head. "Fluttershy?" the pink blob asked. I couldn't answer... I knew that the pink blob was Pinkie Pie. The bright color of her fur was nice, seeing another pony other than the screams of the ponies above me. "Why ain't she answering?" the southern accented orange blob asked. "Her voice probably hurts from that dampness in the place she was at. She might not be able to talk for a while, possibly forever if the nerve is damaged enough." a male orange blob said. "Can't she see anything?" the purple blob asked. "Why don't you ask her?" the orange blob answered. "Fluttershy, if you can hear me... Please nod yes if you can at least see us." I nodded my head painfully. My neck felt like something was stabbed into my flesh, that was soft. Pain to excruciating to even move once again. I leaned up to see all the blobs in the room. 5 blobs in the room, I look at my hooves. I could only see them. They were bandaged... They still hurt from hanging on that wall of the cold, damp and dark room. "Fluttershy! Can you see us clearly?" I nodded my painful head once again. My friends, they seemed scared. For me, I really want to say something, but, my voice, stricken by pain. They all were there. I wanted to cry tears of joy, but my eyes wouldn't. I tried to open my mouth. But nothing came out. "Is she trying to tell us something?" Twilight said. The doctor handed me a clipboard and pencil... "This is your only way of communication." he said. I wrote, What happened to me? They didn't answer my question. They were scared. I demanded an answer by tapping the on the clipboard. "You were captured by Discord followers. They took you and put you in a cell while you were out. They wanted to kill you. But if Applejack hadn't of gotten us there in time, you would've been dead." Twilight answered. I looked up to my side and saw Applejack... I took my hoof and pointed to her. "Applejack! Fluttershy wants to say something." Rainbow Dash said. I wrote on the piece of paper saying, Thank you. I truly did owe Applejack. But I know she doesn't care. She looked at me, I was holding the clipboard, my eyes, wanting to cry. But they still wouldn't let me. "Yer're welcome Fluttershy. I knew that ye were missing. I can't let everypony lose the element of kindness." My eyes didn't hurt anymore, tears streamed down my face as I saw Applejack cry as well. The strongest pony I knew, crying. "She came to us in a flash." Twilight said. "She was like AHH!" Pinkie Pie screamed. It made my ears ring she screamed so loud. But that's our usual Pinkie Pie. I was enjoying the comfort of my friends voices. Better that the terror in the screams I heard when I was in that cell. Then the light went black again. No sounds for a while, no comforting light. Then I saw the light again, and the blobs. I knew they were my friends. "She's awake!" Pinkie yelled. "Quiet now dear, give her time." Rarity said. I wanted to say something, but there was no pain... no words... My voice is gone. I grabbed that clipboard and wrote, I don't think my voice is here... "Yes Fluttershy... Your voice is gone, you won't be able to speak anymore. I'm sorry. We tried all we could. Twilight tried too, but nothing worked." the doctor said. My eyes widened, I really can't speak, and if I can't speak, I can't talk to my woodland friends. Angel, Tank, Winona, Opalescence; I can't even talk to my pony friends. All I have is writing and nothing more. Pure silence for Fluttershy... No more words that I can say. My heart sank. What will happen to me? The rest of my life... Will I lose my friends?