//------------------------------// // Pinkie's Mission // Story: Cavete // by S3xySnufflez //------------------------------// MEANWHILE Rainbow snorted, turned around and fell back asleep. Applejack was passed out on the ground, deep in sleep. Fluttershy, was curled up in a ball, cuddling her bear. Pinkie was sleeping soundly too. She turned around and rolled on one of her whipped cream balls. The cold, mushy sweet cream oozed under Pinkie’s shirt, giving her a shiver of cold. Pinke woke up with a start, looked down to herself and giggled. “Oooo! Everyone is asleep.... should I go back to sleep?” Pinkie thought. She looked around and in a sudden realization, realized that Rarity.... was.... indeed.... GONE! Pinkie frantically looked around, to see if her friend Rarity, was hiding somewhere. Seeing that she really was gone, Pinkie ran to Rainbow Dash, trying to wake her up. “what Pinkie...” mumbled RD. “OH! RARITY IS GONE!” Pinkie shrieked. “Yea, yea.... whatev-” Rainbow dash whispered as she fell back into a deep sleep. Pinkie, running her hands over her poofy hair, ran to the next person who she knew could be a help. Applejack. “Jackie! Wake up! Rarity is gone!” Pinkie whispered. “Hu... wha? Trixie is gone? Well good riddance to her.” AJ muttered. “NO! Not Trixie! RARITY!” Pinkie sighed. “Wha? Oh, Rarity.... Pinkie, just look near the river down there, she must have left to admire herself.... that Bloody Mary thing kinda drover h-h-er t-t-t-t-rip-p-s-y-y....” Applejack mumbled trying to stifle a yawn. “THATS EXACTLY WHAT I’M WORRIED ABOUT! GAAHH!” Pinkie hyperventilated. AJ turned over, and fell asleep. Pinkie hustled over to Fluttershy, hoping she might be of help. Pinkie prodded Fluttershy. Fluttershy turned around and snored. Pinkie had only herself to save Rarity. Pinkie sprinted over to the direction AJ pointed, finding herself in front of a small river. And at the end of it, she could see a silhouette of two girls. One girl, or possibly a lady, had long hair and was taller than the other girl. Her face wasn’t clear at all, it looked hazy. The other girl, had medium length hair, and a short dress, and high heels on.... that one was Rarity. Pinke leaped over the river, and started running towards Rarity. Her feet screeching to a sudden stop. Pinkie was right in front of Rarity. She noticed that her friend’s eyes were glazed. As if she was in a trance. Pinkie turned around, and looked at the other lady. She could not see anything but a shadow. Just a shadow. Rarity, her hands outstretched. could not see anything, nothing, but she knew that warm smell of cupcakes that she would never forget. Pinkie was there. But where, Rarity did not know. But she sensed her friends presence there. Pinkie stretched out her arms, and gave Rarity a tight hug. Hoping with all her mind, that her friend will come to her senses. “Pinkie....” Rarity mumbled. Pinkie lifted her head from Rarity’s shoulders and looked into her friends eyes. Nothing, point blank expression. Rarity knew that Pinkie was there. but she could do nothing. Not even smile. She could talk, barely. “Pinkie.... help.....me..... I.... am..... stu-u-” Rarity exhausted. Pinkie, amazed that her friend could talk, stopped and thought for a minute, her eyes glistening with tears of joy. ‘How did the villagers send away that meanie weenie itchy witchy Mary? Oh! yes..... stones..... hehehehe....’ Pinkie laughed maliciously in her mind. The neon girl skipped over to the river bank, keeping a close eye on the shadow lady. Collected some rocks, and turned around. Poised for attack. Pinkie launched herself forward, throwing rocks in every direction, laughing maniacally. The shadow, assumed to be Mary by Pinkie, turned around, and smiled if she had a face. Not a happy smile, a leering smile, that taunted and jeered. Pinkie, learning that her method was not working. Leaped onto the lady’s shoulders, smacking her with rocks continuously. Mary’s’ smile evaporated, turned into a look of rage. Pinkie laughed and continued to dance on ‘Mary’s’ shoulders, crushing the lady’s shoulder bones. Screaming in pain, the lady let go of Rarity’s arm, tossed Pinkie off her shoulders and ran away. Rarity, returning to her senses, helped Pinkie up and thanked her gratefully. “Oh! I was a damsel in distress.... dear me! And you, Pinkie, only you realized that I was awake.... you were my knight in shining armor! How could I thank you enough!” cried Rarity. Pinkie was sobbing too, but not in pain. She had always thought nothing could make her really, truly sad. She realized that when it comes to losing a friend, that wasn’t true. The girls laughed at their fortune and walked back to their friends, who were still, after all this commotion; deep asleep. What they didn’t notice was as the lady ran away, her body got a figure, and a face. Rarity’s face to be exact.