Friends to Journey's End

by tassadarth

Rest At Last

Rest At Last

Cadence sat down next to Shining, and said “For once I feel as if we are truly together, all those other times it felt as if we were just joined by magic nothing else, we’re truly destined to be together.” They both hugged under the moonlit sky. “We shouldn’t stay here in the darkness.” Shining Armor said as he stood up “We should probably go gather some firewood. I can’t bare being away from you for too long, why don’t you come with?” They both started off into the nearby forest to gather wood, both were talking to each other. “What do you think went wrong with the teleport? I appeared down here, and moved up the cliff. For some reason I saw you, and we rested next to each other on top of the cliff, but when I woke up you were nowhere in sight, and I was trapped in a cage.” She stared at him for a second before answering “It’s pretty obvious don’t you see? You were deceived by another changeling, this one had just appeared in the correct timing to make you think it was me.” Shining stopped in direct moonlight looked up at the sky, and collapsed to the ground, and said “How could i have been so foolish not to notice such a detail, I thought you were just confused of how we had lost each other in the process that you would act in such a way, but I guess you’re right about this. I’ve failed yet again to recognize my bride, even my own moonlight.” He stared at the ground intently, then stood up still facing the ground, and continued walking in the direction of the forest. He stopped at the sight of two feet in his path, he looked up to see Cadence looking confused. “Why would you think that would give you any sort of permission to leave me, I can understand how you feel, I won’t hate you for such a thing, you are foolish, but not in the way you’re thinking of.” She hugged him briefly, and turned to walk with him further into the forest. “So where are we going to set up camp, I don’t want to be out here longer than we have to.” Shining Armor said as they entered a clearing. He pointed to a spot nearby, and said “That is perfect, we have water nearby, and we have a great view of the night sky.” She looked at him, for she knew the obvious, he was trying to set himself up to the best he could for her in one night. “Yeah this is great, you go gather the firewood, and I’ll set up the tents.” Shining Armor did as he was asked, but when he came back all he found was a nice blanket set down in front of the lake in the moonlight, and candles around. Cadence stood up, and said “This is what I’ll call our honeymoon.” She smiled, and hugged Shining.