A New Reality

by ThecynicalGingerpony

And so it begins

A purple alicorn hummed as she was working on putting up some books she had gotten that day. Her mentor sent her some spell books to practice with.
Her name is Twilight Sparkle. She loved getting to hear from her mentor, Princess Celestia, but the books made it even better. One of the books was one she requested though. It was one she actually used before.
She laughed at herself as she remembered it. She had nearly gone crazy about making sure her life was organized to the T and ended up going back in time to warn herself about it. It was pretty nuts, but it did teach her a good lesson.
She had asked Celestia to send it to her so she could take a look at the time travel spell. She thought that is she could make it last longer, it could be useful. But going back has repercussions on the future.
When the books were all picked up, she looked through the other mail that Derpy had given her. It was all the normal things; jumk mail, party invites from Pinkie Pie, a coupon from the bookstore. Then she saw a letter in a purple envelope that was addressed to "My Princess".
Twilight froze up with the sight of the the purple paper and dropped it. Every time she got one brought terror to her very soul. Ever since she became a princess, she had been getting these letters. Derpy said she never remembered getting the letters. They always called her "My princess" and never called her by name. And it was signed by somepony named Onyx. Onyx talked about everything from their day to how precious she was to them.
"Twilight, are you alright?" The alicorn jumped as her baby dragon, Spike, came up from behind.
She took a deep breathe to calm down and nodded. "Yea, I'm fine." She used her magic to rip up the letter and throw it away before turning to him.
"Now, let's go get to bed. It is getting late after all." She lead Spike back upstairs and curled up in bed.
She hadn't told Spike about the letters. In fact, she hadn't told any of her friends about the letters. She didn't want them to worry. Besides, it was just letters. Not like anything can happen with letters.
It was in the dead of night when a young unicorn teleported into the treehouse belonging to the new princess. He couldn't believe he was actually there.
He made a dim emerald-colored light come from his horn as he looked through the books on the alicorn's bookshelves. After a little bit, he found it. The book containing the time travel spell. He had heard of this spell when listening to stories of Twilight's adventures. He was happy that the mare requested it.
"Now, to make you great." He said as he studied the spell.
"Who are you? Twilight!" The young dragon screamed when he saw the stallion. He wasn't sure if he should be glad that he came down for a midnight snack. He tackled the stranger while waiting for his friend.
"Spike?!" Twilight turned on the light to reveal their guest.
The stallion had a light grey colored coat. His mane was jet black with grey streaksand was made of short curls. His shiny green eyes pierced through Twilight as their eyes met. In a different situation, he would be considered handsome.
Twilight noticed that his cutie mark was a black gem with green flames surrounding it. The gem is what made it click. "Onyx."
He smirked as he stood up, flinging Spike off of him,"I am flattered,Princess. And here I thought you were paying attention to me. He kicked over a trash bin, making pieces of the letter fall to the floor.
"What do you want?! Twilight screamed as she ran and tackled him.
Onyx dodged and grabbed her. "Simple, dear. To see you be great. What to join me?" He chuckled and his horn started to glow brightly as he started to cast a spell."
"Twilight?!" Spike ran towards them just for the magic to blow him back. He opened his eyes just to see she was no longer there. "No....Where did they go...?"
Twilight groaned as the bright light burned her eyes. She saw Onyx standing in front of her. "What did you do?" She looked around to see a meadow.
A smirk came across the muzzle of the stallion. "I just thought you would like to see the show." He pointed up to show her what he was talking about.
In the sky was a small blue filly with rainbow mane and she was flying really fast. That was when Twilight realized what it was. It was Rainbow Dash. And she was going to make the Rainboom that gave them their cutiemarks.
"No way..." She couldn't believe it. He got the time spell to work and they were still here.
She looked over at Onyx to see his horn glowing brightly. He sent a blast at Rainbow Dash, hitting her out of the sky. Her body froze and time seemed to go in slow motion as she watched the teal pegasus fall. This couldn't be happening. "No...how....how could you...?"
Onyx looked at her. "It isn't like she is gonna die or anything. Other pegasi should be retrieving her now." He jumped very slightly at the death glare he got from the princess.
"Do you know what you did!? You could of killed my friend! You-!" It then clicked. The sonic rainboom didn't happen. The same boom that made her and her friend's cutiemarks. She looked at her rump to see her mark fading. "No...No! What is happening!?"
Onyx smiled. Everything was going as planned. "Just what was suposed to. See you in few years, my dear. Time for our new present."
Before Twilight could say anything,a bright light surrounded them. She closed her eyes, afraid of the future she was about to see.