Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

The 'not so fair' fight

Chapter 73

"Shall we begin our plans?"

"No, not yet. The time is not right."

"Then when?"

"When the time is right, and he is ready."

"But, in his current state, it would be so much easier if we did it now!"

"Silence! We will wait!"

"... Shall I prepare the letter?"

"You may."


My hoof connected with the first stallion's jaw, and made him stagger back a few inches... but it had little to no effect on him. He showed no sign of pain or discomfort... shit.

He rubbed his chin, a smile on his face, "Boy, you just hit the wrong stallion." He took a step towards me, laughing to himself.

"FALCON PUNCH!" I heard Mr. Bleak yell as he slammed his hoof into the side of the stallion's face.

The stallion flew to the side a few yards before coming to the ground with a heavy thud.

(1 down)

Mr. Bleak let out a loud laugh, "Another bitch added to my list!" He then jumped towards two of the others.

The other two advanced on me.

{I'm in trouble here! Since I'm younger, my normal strength isn't enough. Break, how would you like to kick some ass?}
[Fuck yes! I thought you would never ask!]

My body shuddered slightly as Break took control.

I cracked my neck, "Lets dance."

I sprung forward and pointed my head downward. I slammed into the first ones face, breaking his snout slightly.

He stumbled back, holding his bleeding nose, "You foal!"

The second stallion threw a punch, which I easily dodged. They may be big and strong, but they are very slow.

I throw a punch of my own, hitting him in the chest. Damn, I wish I was taller.

The first stallion charged me, catching me by surprise. He slammed his head into my side, knocking me to the ground.

I gasped for air and slowly stood. I stood there, head hung, playing the weak and hurt kid.

The two stallions walked towards me, laughing at how easy this was.

Once they was within range, I smirked.

[I've been wanting to do this for a long time! And this young body is just what I needed.]
{What are you about to do?}
[You'll see.]


Mr. Bleak charged towards the two stallions, a large grin on his face.

Once he was close, he flared his wings and stopped suddenly. The sharp wind hit them, causing them to shield their eyes.

Mr. Bleak smiled and jumped towards the first one. He used his forelegs to lift him off the ground, and was now standing on his hind legs.

The stallion recovered and slammed his right hoof into Mr. Bleak's snout. He then used his hind legs to buck him in the chest.

Mr. Bleak's smile never left his face as all this happened.

The second stallion slammed his head into Mr. Bleak's stomach.

Mr. Bleak chuckled, only slightly winded. He took his right hoof off the first stallion and grabbed the second one by the neck.

He lifted them up to eye level and smiled smugly, "Which one of you are going to be the unlucky stallion?"

The one on the left slammed his back leg into Mr. Bleak's stomach.

Mr. Bleak looked at him amused and reared back his head. He then slammed it into the stallions head, sending him flying out of Mr. Bleak's grasp.

(2 down)

Mr. Bleak put the last stallion up to his face, "You know what? He was the lucky one."

*BANG* *Crunch*

Mr. Bleak turned his head to the left to see Lance in midair, his hoof outstretched, and one of the stallions flying backwards.

(3 down)

Lance spun in the air and slammed his back hoof into the other stallions face. The stallions head snapped to the side, but he quickly recovered.

He reached out and grabbed Lance's back hoof and slammed him into the ground. He then gave him a hard kick in his side, causing Lance to coil upward.

"Stop it!" Fawn screamed out as she ran towards Lance and the stallion.

Mr. Bleak shook his head, "This isn't going to be good... poor guy." He then looked back at the stallion in his grasp, "Where were we?"


I lay on the ground, holding my side. That's going to be a large bruise in the morning.

The stallion above me had a large smirk on his face as he looked down at me.

This is humiliating! I can't move... Thanks a lot Break!

[What? I did my freaking best! He just surprised me!]

"Stop it!" I heard Fawn scream out.

Oh come on! Stay the hell back Fawn!

The stallion looked up and snarled, "Stay back you filly!"

She stopped right above me and glared up at him, "Leave him alone! He's done nothing to you!"

The stallion raised his right hoof.


He brought it down towards Fawn, but something stopped it inches from her face. A smoking hoof, already starting to burn his leg.

He looked down at the owner of the hoof and was met with the rage filled eyes, eyes filled with fire.

"DO NOT TOUCH HER!" I yelled in a voice that echoed with two others. All three voices were filled with rage.

I threw his hoof upward and bucked him in the chest. This caused him to rear upward on his hind legs.

I sprung off the ground and slammed my hoof into the bottom of his chin.

His body flew upwards. I growled and flew upward and caught him, holding his face close to mine, "WHY CAN'T EVERY FREAKING PONY LEARN TO LEAVE FILLY'S ALONE!"

I then slammed my head into his. Man, I love having a hard head! I then threw him downward with great force.

When he hit the ground, he made a fairly large crater.

I landed outside of it and looked in.

He was groaning, but clearly not capable to fight anymore.

(4 down)

I forced myself to calm down, which wasn't easy.

"Good job." I heard Mr. Bleak say behind me.

I turned to see him, a large smile on his face, "Where's the other guy?"

He smirked and pointed behind him.

When I looked behind him, I saw the last stallion tied up in the swing set, bruises all over his body.

(5 down)

I chuckled, but then became serious. I looked over to where Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stood, looks of shock and horror on their faces. I growled, "Leave! Now, before I do something we'll all regret!"

They instantly took off running for the gates. Obviously scared out of their minds.

I sighed. I hope they'll leave all the others along now.

Mr. Bleak chuckled and sat back, "Go on."

I looked at him, confused, "What?"

He smirked and rolled his eyes.

Fawn ran up and threw her hooves around my neck, "Thank you so much Stripes!" She then pulled back and looked into my eyes.

[Oh fuck! Lance, get back!]
<Lance! Listen to Break!>
{Wha... What's going on?}

She leaned forward and pushed her lips onto mine. Giving me a passionate kiss.

My eyes shot wide open. My breathing almost stopped, and my nerves went on a rampage. This can't be happening! Oh God! This is going to make my plans very awkward!

She continued to kiss me while I just stood there shocked, trying to compute what was going on. Yeah, I'm that stupid. I'm not smart enough to just push her off me. I hate myself!

After a few seconds, she broke the kiss and backed up, a large smile on her face. But, it soon faded when she saw my face, "I-I'm... I'm so sorry Stripes... I just..."

She went to turn and run, but I stopped her, "No wait, I'm not mad. Its just... how do I explain this..."

"He's married." Mr. Bleak said, a large smug look on his face.

Oh, fuck you Mr. Bleak!

Fawn looked confused, "But... he's so young... How?"

Mr. Bleak stepped forward, "Watch this..."

He put his hoof on her head and her eyes went wide, and her pupils became larger.

I looked up at him, "What are you doing?"

He smiled, "Showing her your memory of how you became a young colt and a few others about your personal life."

I glared, "Oh, I really fucking hate you!"

He smiled proudly, "Of course you do." He then removed his hoof from her head.

She blinked and looked at me, a blush on her face, "I'm... really sorry... I didn't know."

I smiled and let out a chuckle, "Oh, its fine. I completely understand why you... well you know..."

"Kissed you." Mr. Bleak finished for me.

I sighed, "Yeah, that."

She smiled weakly, "Thanks..." She then looked saddened, but held her fake smile, "I should get back to the orphanage..." Then she said under her breath, "Since I'm no longer wanted here."

She then turned and took off running.

I started to follow, but Mr. Bleak put a hoof to my shoulder, "I think you may want to get home. There's a surprise waiting."

I looked up at him, "How do you know all this?"

He smiled and ran his hoof across his lips, "My secret."

Two hours later

I slammed into the ground outside Dali's door. Flying after a fight like that isn't a good idea... I hope that wing isn't broken or something.

I force myself to stand and enter the house.

Upon entering, I see Vinetion and Twilight talking to one anther.

Oh shit....

Twilight looked at me and smiled brightly, "Lance! Vine has something for you."

I looked at her, "Oh?"

[On your toes Lance, she may have a follow up prank planned.]

Vinetion forced a smile, "Well yes... Look Lance, I'm sorry for going back on a promise and pranking you. But come on, you wasn't you! You was Bitch Magnet!"

I chuckled, "Okay Vine, I forgive ya. Now, what do you have for me?"

She stomped the ground and a small red and black flower sprung up in front of me, "The cure for the Poison Joke... just take it as a 'I'm sorry' gift."

I smiled happily, "Thank you Vine! What do I do with it?"

She pointed to her mouth, "Eat it."

I smiled and plucked the flower, "This better taste like candy." I crammed it in my mouth and chewed, "Nope, taste like straight up shit."

They both laughed at me. I love making Twilight laugh.

I swallowed the last of it and suddenly seized up. My muscles tensed and began to pound and my head was spinning out of control.

Warning, what your about to read is a lot of random cussing. You've been warned and everything you're about to read will not make a bit of sense XD

"Oh my fucking mother fucking head! This bitching flower is fucking shit from fucking hell! Fuck you Vine! Fuck you sideways with a fucking chainsaw! You should have bitching told me this would hurt like a motherfucker! Bitch ass whore! I'm going to fuck...."

Five minutes of full on cussing later

".... Whore bag." I finished off my long stream off cussing and uncurled my self from the fetal position. Sweat was all over my body. I could feel Break and Dawn still raging on about the pain we just went through. I mean, fuck! I can't even describe it!

Twilight chuckled, "Feel better?"

I shrugged, "Yep!" I looked myself over. I'm so happy to be back to my regular age. Now, to put my plan into action.

I then turned for the door.

"Uhhh... where are you going?" Twilight asked.

I turned, "Oh, you know. To make a life a little bit better. While I'm gone, could you please bring the couch from the basement into our room?"

She sighed, "I don't know what you're up too, but I'll go alone with it." She then looked at Vinetion, "Wanna help?"

Vinetion shrugged, "Sure, why not."

I smiled and walked out the door. Once outside it, I had a though. Where was Dali? I haven't seen much since we got back from the Ski Resort. She's been spending a lot of time with Drax... you know? I don't even want to know what they're doing.

I unfold my wings, "Lets do this thing!"

[On ward Silver!]
{I'm not Silver! Well, actually, that fits. Do it again.}
[To the wind Silver!]

I jumped into the air and propelled myself towards Ponyville. I had a mission and a duty to perform, and I wasn't about to back down from it.