The Forgotten Prophecy

by flutterderp sparkle

Chapter VI

Twilight sat in a room lit by a dim lamp and furnished with only a table, two empty chairs, and the chair Twilight was sitting on. She sat chained to it, waiting for the policeponies to come back in with their judgement. After what felt like a day, they finally came back.

"Twilight Sparkle, you are under arrest for attempted murder and assault," said the first policepony while the other one came over to unchain her. "You will now be taken to your cell."

"But I never attempted to murder anypony! What could I have possibly gained from that? The only reason I'm in Ponyville is to make friends and learn about friendship!"

"We don't care about the means! That's just our problem when trying to find out who did it, not when we have clear evidence on who it was. Oh, and, just so you know, we don't know yet whether it was attempted or not. Spike's still in the intensive care unit, under critical condition. He could still die, in which you'll be charged for murder," said the policepony taking off her chains.

"Wait, Spike's in the intensive care unit? When did this happen? Is he okay?"

"Well, you seem to care a lot about the dragon you attempted to murder last night."

"How could you think that I tried to murder Spike? I would never do that!"

"That's not what the evidence points to. One: Spike, when he was found and taken to the hospital, was mumbling about you being the assaulter. Two: the most important of the two pieces of evidence, we found dried dragon blood on your face. We did some lab testing and found out that it was identical to Spike's blood. Now take her to her cell." The other policepony started putting leg braces on her.

"Right away, sir," replied the other policepony, making the last preparations to take her away.

"No! I've been falsely accused!" Twilight started to flail in the policepony's grasp. "You're looking for somepony else!"

"I tire of this," the policepony not holding Twilight said as he took out a tranquilizer dart and shoved it in Twilight's leg. "Sleep tightly...," he mumbled as Twilight eased into the induced sleep.

. . . . .

It was around midnight when Twilight woke up from her dart-induced sleep. Or, she thought it was around midnight. There is no way to really tell in a cell that has no windows and no clock. After a few minutes of sleeplessness, Twilight attempted to look at what little surroundings she could see. There was a sink and the bed she was sleeping on. The whole place had a musky scent to it, like nopony had bothered to clean it in a long time.

So, deciding that there was nothing else to see, she attempted to go back to sleep. However, moments after she actually got to sleep, she woke to the sound of the poof of somepony winking into existence from a teleportation spell. She slowly sat up and opened her eyes to find the room illuminated by Nightmare Moon's magic. She also noticed another presence, which she recognized as Discord.

"What are you two doing here?" Twilight frantically pushed herself as far away from the newcomers as she could go, squeezing herself next to the wall. "And how did you get in here?"

"Dark magic can be very powerful," said Discord. " And we're here with an offer to assist you."

"How could you assist me? Both of you are evil!"

"By helping you get your friends back," said Nightmare Moon.

"How can you do that? I hurt all their feelings, and they all hate me." Twilight had a pained look on her face.

"There's always a way. We'll give you a piece of paper, a quill, and some ink," said Discord. "At this time tomorrow, we'll put down the magic damper in your cell for one hour only. Give us your response in that time. Send it to where you first found the Elements of Harmony."

Nightmare Moon placed the quill and the ink on Twilight's bed. "We'll be hearing from you in twenty four hours," she said, then both her and Discord teleported out.

"They can get me my friends back? But I don't know whether I can trust them. They are Discord and Nightmare Moon," Twilight said to herself. "But, I guess it's probably worth the risk. I still have a full day to decide, so I should get some sleep now." She started to drift off into sleep.

. . . . .

Beep, beep.

Beep, beep.

Beep, beep.

Beep, beep.

"We're losing him, doctor!"

Beep, beep.

"Just a phew more seconds..."

Beep, beep.

"There! Now hand me the defibrillator!"

Beep, beep.


Beep, beep. Beep, beep. Beep, beep. Beep, beep. Beep, beep.

"His heart beat is returning back to normal, doctor."

"Good. Now, let's finish patching him up and get him to his room."

. . . . .

Twilight woke to the sound of a policepony yelling at her from outside her cell. She guessed that, since there were only one or two ponies, including her, in this station, the policeponies were able to wake them up personally instead uf a trumpet or other loud item.

"Well, Twilight, you're lucky," said the policepony, after Twilight was off her bed. "We just got word from the hospital saying that Spike survived and is now out of critical condition. Now, you'll only be charged with attempted murder and assault."

"Well, that means less time until I get back to my life with the friends that now hate me," mumbled Twilight sarcastically. "I kind of wish I could be here longer. Maybe then they would listen to me." Although, if I accept Nightmare Moon and Discord's offer, then I'll be out of here tomorrow, with my friends back. But I still question if I can trust them.

"Well, when you're done mumbling with yourself, get out of there. You have work to do." Twilight could hear the door to her cell open.

The day seemed to go on forever, one laborious task after another. The only brakes Twilight ever got were lunch, dinner, and movement from one task to the next. And all that day, the only thing Twilight could think about was the offer made to her. She could risk everything on the gamble that Nightmare Moon and Discord would keep their word, or she would be betrayed and would be better off waiting to get out of here and hoping her friends would forgive her. After the long day, the time came for her to decide.

With the magic dampers down for the hour, Twilight used her magic to lightly illuminate the room and wrote her response:

Nightmare Moon and Discord,

After the day you gave me to decide my decision on your offer, I have decided that I will be accepting the offer.

Twilight Sparkle

As soon as she finished writing her letter, she sent it to the ruins where she had found the Elements of Harmony, and stopped emitting light. It seemed like not too long ago, she had been in those ruins with five ponies that she had figured out were her friends, ridding Nightmare Moon of her evil. Now, she might be returning to that place to accept an offer from the same pony that she had used the Elements on.

After a few moments of waiting and thinking, Twilight was suddenly teleported out of the station and into those ruins. Seeing them brought more nostalgia to her than when she was thinking about it moments ago. The nostalgia increased when she saw Nightmare Moon, but disappeared when she saw Discord. She suddenly got serious.

"So, when are you going to get my friends back?" she asked.

"Be patient. Just cast this spell and you will regain your friends and more," said Nightmare Moon while Discord pulled out a book from a secret compartment in the structure that had once held the Elements of Harmony.

"Here is the spell," he said, opening the book to the page that contained the spell.

"When one is desperate to gain one's friends back, new friends will form. One will be assimilated to the new friends' way, and the Elements of Chaos will be reunited," said Twilight as she cast the spell.

When Twilight cast the spell, she saw five shadowy figures appear. But she didn't get enough time to see any features. Right after she caught glimpse of them, she fell to the ground. It felt as if an electrical shock was flowing through all her nerves, and a single drop of chaos was put in her blood stream. The drop cycled through her body, turning her heart to stone, and eliminating every emotion that stood in the way of becoming an agent of chaos.

Seconds earlier, she had been the Twilight of light. The spell destroyed that Twilight, and had reborn her as the Twilight of darkness.

To Be Continued...

In the sequel, Twilight of Darkness