//------------------------------// // The Kind-hearted Mare // Story: Survivors Guilt // by Zedexx //------------------------------// Well, my first fanfic. I know its not brilliant and there may be mistakes here and there but it is a work in progress. I originally had this part split into two chapters, but it seemed really short so if you notice any inconsistencies in the writing, please keep that in mind. Any mistakes I notice or parts of the story that could be better, I will fix. If there is anything that you don't think sounds right, let me know, and i will probably take a look. Without further ado i present to you, Survivors Guilt. P.S I tried to incorporate some of the jokes and gags from past episodes, such as the party cannon. Tell me how that went. P.P.S Thanks to FlamingDiskord and Danyman258 for Ideas and help in correcting grammar and reading over this story when I need help and for help with the title. Survivors Guilt -Chapter One- The Kind-Hearted Mare Fluttershy’s eyes were heavy from lack of sleep. It had been a long night. Angel had fallen sick the previous day and Fluttershy, The kind-hearted mare that she was, took it upon herself to tend to Angels every need. If he felt just a bit too cold or a tad too warm, Fluttershy was there to help. Not that she wasn’t willing of course. In fact she, was quite the opposite. The yellow pegasus loved taking care of animals and Angel was indeed very special, however she still couldn’t deny that it had been a long night. She was only just waking up from a quick nap when she heard a knocking at the door. “Coming” she sort of halfwhispered. It wasn’t so much her shy nature as her lack of sleep. She opened the door to find Applejack and Pinkie Pie standing before her. Pinkie was jumping up and down on the spot barely able to hide her excitement. She took a deep breath, clearly about to launch into song when Applejack cut her off at the last minute. “Ain’t No need fer that now, Sugarcube” she said in her usual southern drawl. Pinkie looked upset that she couldn’t sing her song. “I was going to give you a singing telegram” she explained, “but instead I’ll just have to tell you the boring way”. “Now, don’t you worry now” said Applejack quickly. “I’ll explain” Pinkie looked even more upset. “Ya see” began Applejack “to celebrate the best cider sellin’ season we ever had, we decided to throw us a little celebration. You, Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity and of course Pinkie here are all invited. Along with any friends should ya’ll want to invite any. There will also be some of the extended apple family there to”. Fluttershy wasn’t too keen on the idea of meeting Applejacks family, not because they weren’t nice, but rather because they talked so much. However, Fluttershy had an excuse this time. “Oh no I couldn’t possibly! You see Angel has fallen a bit ill and I simply must take care of him. Maybe, if he gets better, I could come over later?” This, of course was a lie. Fluttershy knew Angel wouldn’t be better for a few days, maybe a week. “Ah well” said Applejack, disappointed but clearly understanding of the situation. “Maybe some other time then?” She smiled and walked off with Pinkie, who was still hopping up and down. Fluttershy shut the door and made her way to her room where Angel was sleeping. She lay down behind him, closed her eyes and smiled. It was going to be a long week. Laughter and cheers echoed throughout the barn, interrupted by the occasional bang from Pinkies party cannon. A particularly large one sent some ponies a few steps back, scared of an impending disaster. When they realised it was all safe, they resumed their laughing and shouting. No Pony noticed the discarded cigarette lying in a puddle of spilt cider. The flamed took hold fairly quickly, though no pony noticed. It was about to begin creeping up the wall when Braeburn saw it. “Aww fu-“. He was interrupted by a scream, then several more. The flame had grasped The wall and was quickly spreading. There was no way to fight it, nothing to do except run. The fire was quickly spreading through the whole barn. Ponies scrambled to get to the door, not to get trapped in the smoke that now surrounded them. Twilight was the last to realise what was going on. “where everypony going?” she asked, but she realised soon enough. Without hesitation she ran. She was running so fast she barely had time to notice the falling pillar before it trapped her. Outside the barn, Everyone was gathering. It was a good 5 minutes before Rarity noticed twilight had gone missing. Without alerting anyone she ran into the barn to find Twilights Unconscious body lying beneath the wooden pillar. She tried pushing it aside but the wood burned her hoofs too badly. She screamed. Big Macintosh came running into the barn to see what was going on. It didn’t take him long. Before Rarity knew he was even there, Big Mac had pushed aside the pillar and began dragging twilight out. As Rarity followed she noticed something else. A shadow, lying on the ground, a familiar sounding moan. Rarity gasped, accidently inhaling a large amount of smoke. She coughed and staggered to Pinkie Pie. Suddenly, Rarity caught a whiff of burning cotton candy. She was on fire! Rarity screamed again. It was all she seemed able to do. She inhaled more smoke, too much this time and fell to the ground. Fluttershy looked out her window and noticed a billowing cloud of black smoke. Her eyes widened as she realised where it was coming from. She quickly ran out the door towards Sweet Apple Acres. It seemed as if the whole of Ponyville was already there. There were doctors, fireponies and regular citizens, all wanting to know what had happened. Fluttershy made her way to the front of the crowd. She hoped, she prayed her friends were alright. She saw rarity unconscious, she saw Twilight with a burn across her back. Last, she saw Pinkie, Her Mane singed and massive burns all across her flank and torso, being loaded onto a stretcher. Fluttershy couldn’t believe it. Her friends, The only ones whom she really felt like herself around, Like this. It was too much. Fluttershy felt ill and threw up a bit of her breakfast on the ground. She passed out.