Years of Growth, Days of Dying

by FlutterPal

Chapter 3

Applejack glared at what was supposed to be a story. But all she could see was couple of words on a paper that most definitely made no sense at all when you put them into a sentence. Her career of writing was going to fail hardly, despite her work of trying to get bits.

If she took this in to publish at the local Publish Shop in Manehattan, once the workers looked at it for one second the paper Applejack wrote it on would be torn in half faster than a bunny on racing day. Or at least, that’s what AJ would give as an example.

She glared at the sentence even more, until she actually found out how to put the words she wrote down- Red Apple Acres Acre All Apples- and switch it up until it made sense. It could be Apple Acres All Acre Red…

The thought of that made her go face-down onto a table that Applejack just noticed was there.

“What!?” she shouted, all of a sudden just realizing that she worked so hard to write those words without a hard surface, almost tearing the page. “I did all that for nothin’!”

With that, she slapped her own face with a hoof and cried, knowing that her family would lose everything she ever known without those bits.


Fluttershy stretched her wings out and almost immediately wobbled from the pain that came. The muscles pulled tightly from soreness.

Maintaining her balance, she folded her wings to her sides and limped to the kitchen. She pushed the door to the kitchen open and covered her eyes from the dim morning light coming from the only window there.

Flutters went right away to making breakfast by getting out a box of cereal with her hoof out of one of the many cabinets, shutting it as she put the cereal on the counter and made her way to the fridge. Fluttershy opened the fridge, grabbed a carton of 2% milk, and set it on the counter. Lastly she flew up to another cabinet and grabbed a small bowl out of it, setting that on the counter as well.

Quickly, she made some cereal for herself and brought it on a small wooden table. Almost immediately afterwards she made a quick little bowl full of food for Angel Bunny and set it on the floor in a usual spot for it.

Fluttershy gobbled up her breakfast unlady like before trying to stretch out her sore muscles from exercising yesterday once again. But like last time, the pain was too much to bear. Before Shy maintained her balance, she fell to the ground with a loud ‘thump’.

Hurt even more this time, Flutters rubbed her head with a hoof and got up from the wooden floor, still wobbly.

She was able to get to her bed and lay down before she fell on the floor again. Fluttershy quickly got a notepad reminding her to get a trip to the spa a couple miles out of Ponyville soon.

Suddenly, Shy heard a creak and a twist and saw Rainbow Dash at the side of her bed in the blink of an eye. “Dash?” she said quietly. “What’s wrong?”

By the looks of it, Rainbow had been in a hurry to get here. Her messy rainbow mane was a little more messy than usual, she was sweating even though it was the middle of fall, and Dash was breathing heavily. “Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash gasped out in deep breaths. “Di-did you get the news yet?”

Fluttershy shook her head, starting to worry.

Dash handed her a roll of paper with fine printing. Shy grabbed it gently from the cyan pony’s hoof just before unrolling the papers gently. Rainbow reached a hoof over and flipped a few pages and stopping when a picture of Twilight Sparkle- Fluttershy’s friend- was displayed below an article title that said, “Celestia’s Head Student Gives Us Knowledge of Prophecy".

Flutters began to read the article the seemed to pull her in just from the title.

Twilight Sparkle uncovered a prophecy about a month ago and after hours and hours of studying, she reports the people who will go on the journey that was stated in the prophecy. . She says that as she was studying, there was a bright flash of light with a vision. Twilight Sparkle saw a rainbow and pink butterflies. She says the vision ended with a yellow pony and a sky blue pony, both Pegasi, going on a journey. She reports to us that they seem familiarly like her two friends, living in Ponyville, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. All she can say now is that she hopes they read this newspaper.

Fluttershy was shocked. She dropped the newspaper and hugged Dash as hard as she could, but definitely did not squeeze Rainbow to death. The cyan Pegasus put on a cool smile and hugged back. “Yeah, isn’t that good news? We actually ARE the ponies of the prophecy!”

Shy nodded. “But you DO know that this will mean more training?” Rainbow Dash stated smartly.

They both stopped the hug and she nodded again, this time a frown now planted across her face. Rainbow chuckled. “Ok, it’s not THAT much work! Come’n, now we have train if we will save whatever is wrong with Equestria.”

“I know, I know…” Flutters whispered. “But do you want some breakfast first? I have some cereal and milk…” She was not able to finish her sentence, for Rainbow Dash went in and kissed Fluttershy on the cheek, quickly and hugged her tightly. The butter colored Pegasus had the deepest red on her cheeks, burning hot. “Well, since we’ll be on an adventure together… Well, I’ve had this feeling f-for a long time, a-and I-I sort of kinda like you…” Dash stumbled.

Shy smiled and nodded. “T-Th-That’s ok… I guess I sort of do too…” Flutters returned a kiss on Dash’s cheek. Letting go of the hug, the yellow Pegasus settled down on her bed and closed her eyes.

Rainbow Dash left at the flick of her wings and a trail of rainbow smashing through Fluttershy’s now open window. But if she said goodbye, or talked to her in any way before she left, Flutters didn’t notice. She was too happy. And had one thought on her mind right now:

Maybe this trip won’t be so bad after all.