Let's Play: Equestria Online!

by Jakinbandw

Still Alive

Still alive

Well that could have gone better.

I suppose it could have gone worse too. I mean I did get a free ride and it seems like Quick Search is okay. That's always good. Shame about dinner though. At least I get to find out why people do drugs. It really does make the pain go away.

Oh, yeah. Thanks Trails

So yeah, Quick Search texted me today, and we set up a meeting outside of Equestria. Oh... huh. It won't let me talk about where I come from. Oh well, at least I have this.


Anyway so we texted and I offered to take Quick Search out for dinner. I thought it sounded like a good idea. We could meet and talk, and get to know each other. Do whatever people do on first dates. Maybe even end with a hug if it worked out, or just be friends if it didn't.

You know, the usual stuff.

Didn't quite work out. I wonder if they'll let me keep the knife?

Sorry, am I wandering again Trails? Bleh, I'm having a hard time thinking.

So anyway, I showed up early to the restaurant. I always have for dates. Sometimes if I have nothing to do I'll show up really early, up to an hour. If there is nothing to do I'll just sit there and read stories on my Iphone. It's a good way to pass the time, and it lets me calm down.

So anyway, I was just sitting their looking at my phone and glancing up occasionally when I saw Quick Search pull into the parking lot. I put my phone away and was just about to step outside when I saw a guy go up to the door of her car and pull it open. I didn't want to cause problems so I hesitated for a moment to see if this was family or something.

It wasn't.

Did you know that stallions can get really upset when what they perceive to be their mare goes out and finds a new colt friend? Did you know that some stallions perceive a mare to be theirs even months after a breakup? Did you know that they sometimes get violent?

If you did, you are smarter than I am.

But don't worry, because I am not ignorant of this fact anymore! I got to learn something new tonight! Yay!

So anyway, I saw that the stallion obviously was yelling at Quick Search so I went outside to stop him. I figured that I would show up and then it would be a two on one so he would leave. So I walked up to him and said something like, “Hey, leave her alone.”

Then of course he turned to me and told me to, “Mind your own business. This doesn't concern you.” Something like that.

So I cross my arms, put on my best glare and go, “Considering that Quick Search was coming to see me I think it does.”

Quick Search I mean. No Quick Search. Ah, you are probably right Trails, she wouldn't want her name out for everyone to see. Sorry, I'm not thinking so well.

So anyway the stallions face went all hard and he turned to face me and swore at me a few times. I ignored this because really swearing is something that happens when you can't think properly. Then all of a sudden he took a step forward and said “I'm going show you what it means to be a real man you-”

Um, I don't think I'll transcribe the rest of that.

We were about the same size, and I am wearing my leather jacket and so I laughed at him, “You really are going to fight me over this? What's the matter, can't find any other mares that will put up with you?”

I think this might have been a mistake in retrospect. I wasn't thinking clearly though, and I wanted to show him what a real insult was like. I seem to remember seeing his face go dark right then and he reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. I would like to say that it was really big, but it wasn't. It was probably no bigger than your average steak knife. The Stallion, whose name I still don't know, swore at me again.

I of course took a step back. I really hadn't expected him to do something like this. Even now I don't know what he was thinking. He probably could have taken me in a fight, so the knife was just overkill. I don't think that he was a sociopath or anything.

Huh, I think the last round of pain meds are starting to wear off, I'm a little less giddy, and a little more sore.

Anyway, I took a step back, and Quick Search reached out and grabbed the stallion's hoof that wasn't holding the knife, “Don't do this!” she said, sounding worried and scared.

And then the stallion punched her hard. Her head hit the dashboard of the car, and she cried out in pain. I remember seeing her clutch at her face, and I remember losing all fear.

I don't remember much after that.

I'm pretty sure I rushed him.

I'm pretty sure he tried to slash at me, but my leather jacket is pretty tough and he didn't cut through it.

I remember punching him in the face.

Somewhere along the line we fell to the ground. He was on top, but I managed to push him off. I remember feeling a bit sluggish, like my lower body didn't want to move. I noticed that he no longer had the knife and managed to stumble to my feet before he did. He looked at me and then climbed to his feet and took off running.

I remember feeling relief flooding through me, and then I remember the numbing pain that started to spread from my stomach.

I remember looking down and seeing that the knife had gone through my jacket and into my gut.

Oddly enough this was when things snapped back into focus. I turned to Quick Search and said in as upbeat a tone as I could, “You know, we should probably go to the hospital before I die. Would you mind driving?”

Quick went over to me and I saw that she had a can of mace. She walked over to me, “Are you okay?” She asked.

“I'd be much better if I didn't have a knife in me,” I replied keeping my upbeat tone. It is a defensive mechanism I have to stop from panicking in case you are wondering. I find that by pretending to be upbeat and happy, I can actually keep myself calm. It works really well. Despite that I could feel my legs starting to give way, and I leaned against Quick Search's car.

Quick Search's blood drained from her face, “Just a second, I'll help you in.” She did so, and I was careful not to move the knife. I knew bad things could happen if I did that.

I don't remember much of the drive. The pain started to get worse and I was focusing on keeping my strength for when we got to the hospital. Maybe it wasn't a smart thing to do, but when we got to the emergency entrance I got out and walked in despite Quick's protesting. She opened the doors for me and I checked in.

All of a sudden I found myself being lifted onto a stretcher and my jacket being cut open so some nurses could stick an IV into me. I saw them put some type of drug into the IV, and after a few minutes the pain started to go away. While this was going on some mounties showed up and started asking me what had happened. I tried to tell them as honestly as I could, but I'm not sure how good a job I did.

Things really blur at this point. I think I went in for surgery. I'm honestly not sure. All I know is that I woke up a while ago and managed to convince a nurse to let me borrow their pony pad. I called one of my friends and they will bring me my pad later I think. I'm also not sure where my phone ended up in all the confusion either.

Sorry, here comes a nurse and I think she's going to give me another dose of morphine. I'd better stop here for now.

Hey Forest? Could you write something down for the visitors that read this? You're more coherent than I am right now.

Note from Forest Trails

My Treasure was badly wounded tonight. I am worried for him. What he didn't say was that he is in a lot of pain, even with the medication he is getting. Celestia has told me that it will be alright, and I believe her. I do however have this fear that the stallion that did this might come back to finish the job, and there would be nothing Celestia or I could do to stop it.

It is strange, in the stories I read when a stallion gets hurt protecting a mare it is always portrayed as romantic. I can't see the romance in this right now. All I can do is hope that he will be okay, and wonder why such a terrible thing happened.

I am sorry. I can't do this right now. I am too worried to write the type of endings my Treasure does. I'm going to end this here, and then go speak with Celestia again. Maybe I'll ask to see Quick Search and talk about what happened. I want to know as much as I can about what happened tonight.

Forest Trails