Queens Crown

by Jynxer Darkpon3

So is it Illegal?

The trio walked down the streets of Canterlot, Swift leaning on Shadow, and entered a grand square. Swift recognized it at once, it was the Royal Quarter. This was where all the rich and elite of the city came to get anything that they could possibly need. Nearly anything was sold here, and anything that wasn't could be custom ordered from one shop or another.

"So why are we in the grand square? I hate this place, with all the rich and well to do come to shop. The rich bastards." gripped Swift.

"Because the military hospital is close and i need to pick up a few things from the... providers in this area." replied Shadow Wing.

"Really man my sister isn't even twelve and you want to go to a drug dealer? You can just snort pixie dust and get the exact same effect as almost any drug here. Plus you can get it legally from a pharmacy."

"Your so quick to accuse me of doing illegal things. While you lead a life of crime i am an honest soldier in the Royal army. And I know your sister is still young, I did go to your... um, what would you say you live in exactly?"

That one hurt Swift alot. Him and his sister lived in a small three room apartment under a bar in the poorer section of town. The three rooms werent that big either, the biggest was an eight by ten foot block witch was their kitchen, living room and play room for Tender, not that she had much to play with any ways.

"Brother where are you and Shadow going?" asked Swift's young sister.

"We were just going to get something from a friend of mine and if your patient I might be inclined to get you a little something after we get your big, slow brother fixed." said Shadow.

"Oh great so i don't even get to go to the doctor's before I am forced to be an accomplice in one of your illegal deals."

"For the last time, I AM NOT DOING ANYTHING ILLEGAL!!!"

"Well scream a little louder and the guards may just come running right now."

"God damn it Swift, you always knew how to push my buttons just right. OK, fine I'll drop you off at the doctors then go and pick up what I need. Will that make you happy, you stubborn jackass?"


They rounded a corner and came upon a small white building marked M Clinic. Inside there wasn't much, a few chairs for waiting patients and a table with the same boring old magazines of the rich and famous that everyone aspires to be like but almost none ever are. A lady sat at a desk in front of a Pegasus Army Air Corps flag. In fact other then the camo Pegasus Air Corps flag on one wall this place looked almost exactly like any other clinic in city. There was probably the place that all those old veterans come to get their pills to help with the effects of ageing.

"Hello." said the nice women behind the desk.

"Yeah hi. I would like to get some help for my friend here, he is in kind of rough shape."

"Of course. Do you have a record of service?" asked the clerk.

"Yeah." Shadow wing pulled out a piece of paper and showed it to the lady.

She turned to Swift. "Come with me." She commanded. Swift and followed the lady down the hall to a, yep you guessed it, a white door. The room beyond was small. A there was the usual things that there would by, a table for the patient, scale, cabinet above a sink, spiny chair for the doctor to spin on taunting. It seemed like just another ordinary doctor's office. That was, until the doctor walked in.

He or she was old, but the was not the surprising part. He or she was incredibly tall. He or she must have been over six foot, with hair half pink and half rainbow that were cut at different lengths. The pink being buzzed and the rainbow in dreads. Plus tattoos that spread from her forehead to her neck witch were also pink and rainbow. And that was just what he or she looked like, what he or she was wearing was an entirely different story. No nice calming, generic white lab coat, no he had a checkered lab coat with pockets going down the sleeves. Overall she looked like Discord's bastard child.