My Friend Pinkie

by brilliantblaze

Ch. 2 The Promise

Chapter 2 The Promise

I pulled up to 1217 Tall point Rd and parked the old hatchback. The house was relatively small which made sense considering it was only Pinkie and her Grandma. I came up the path and knocked on the door. Except before my hand hit the door Pinkie opened it and caught my hand.

"Are you crazy?" She whispered, "You almost woke Granny." She said still holding my hand. Pinkie noticed this and let go of my hand, blushing.

I broke the silence, "So do you have your stuff?"

"Yeah, just hang on a second." She said covering her face, she grabbed her bag and shut the door quietly.

"So is your Grandma a light sleeper?" I asked as we walked down the path

"Actually it's the opposite, she's a heavy sleeper but when someone wakes her up weird things happen" Pinkie said

We came up to my car, "This is it?" Pinkie asked, "I thought you had car." She kicked the tire.

"Ease up she's sensitive." I said rubbing the hood

"She?" Pinkie asked

"Yeah, all cars are female," I said and opened the passenger door for Pinkie, "just throw your bag in the back."

I hopped into the driver's seat and started the car up, it roared to life, "So where to Miss Pie?" I asked

"To Ocoee High School!" She shouted

"Sure thing, that will be 13.95 ma'am." I said to her

"I don't have any money on me." She said still playing along

"You know what, no worries, it's on the house." I said pulling out of the driveway

Pinkie laughed, "So how did you get this car?"

"I begged my parents for a car, so they got this from a junk yard and told me I had to fix it up and pay for the gas." I said

I shifted into 2nd gear but the car stalled a bit before shifting up, Pinkie grabbed her seat as the car bounced back and forth.

"Are you sure this car is safe?" Pinkie asked still gripping her seat

I slowed to a halt at a four way stop and turned to Pinkie, "Hey, I promise you'll be safe." I said

"Pinkie promise?" She asked

I sighed and held up my pinkie.

"No, a Pinkie promise." She said pointing to herself

I smiled, "So what is a Pinkie promise?"

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." She said doing gestures along with it

"Fine I Pinkie promise that you will be safe, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." I said and did the gestures

"Good and you can't break a Pinkie promise." She said

"I won't break it, do I have to Pinkie promise that?" I asked

"Nah, one is good enough." She smiled

"Ok, now we need to get to school." I said and continued driving


The school day went by quickly but it was far from boring thanks to Pinkie. She proved our Band teacher wrong by showing that she could in fact play any instrument. I even got to taste her special cupcake recipe at lunch. School ended and Pinkie and I headed to my car.

"Why don't you switch one of your classes for Cooking?" I asked her

"You can do that?"She asked

"Yeah you can go to the office and switch Cooking with AVID since it's an elective." I said

"I'll have to do that tomorrow." She said as we got in my car, "Hey Nick."


"Can I hang at your house?" She asked

"I don't see why not, my parents don't get home till five." I smiled

"Awesome!" She exclaimed and I started up my car


I pulled into my driveway and parked. We got out and I unlocked the door, "Welcome to my humble home." I said and opened the door. We were immediately met at the door by my rat terrier Bonnie, I closed the door so she didn't run out. I let her outside and turned to Pinkie, "So what do you want to do?"

"I dunno," She said dropping her bag, "Where's your room?"

"Very end of the hall, c'mon." We came up to the door with a DEAD END DO NOT ENTER sign posted on it

"What's that for?" Pinkie asked

"My younger sister, she always messes with my stuff." I said

"I'm curious why now." Pinkie said and I opened the door

HELLO MASTER, a computer voice said as we walked in

"What was that?" Pinkie asked looking around my cluttered room

"Look down," I said

She almost jumped at the small rover at her feet, she knelt down to look at it, "What is it?"

I knelt down beside her, "Pinkie say hello to F. R. A. N. K. " I said


" F. R. A. N. K. is a personal project of mine, stands for Friendly Robotic Assistant Never Kick." I explained

"Not the best acronym," Pinkie said

"Hey I was eleven when I built him." I said

"What can he do?" Pinkie asked

"Lots," I said, "put him on his side."

Pinkie did what I said and put F. R. A. N. K. on his side.

He spun his tires, MASTER I'VE FALLEN AND I CAN'T GET UP, He said

We both laughed, "This is amazing Nick, you're gonna have that job for sure." Pinkie said

"What about you? That special cupcake recipe you let me taste was amazing, you're gonna have your own bakery for sure." I said

"Let's make a Pinkie promise," She started

"To make sure we both live our dreams." I finished

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." We both said and did the gestures

F. R. A. N. K. broke the silence, MASTER I'VE FALLEN AND I CAN'T GET UP.

We both laughed again and I put F. R. A. N. K. back on his wheels.

YIPEE! He said spinning around.

This was a promise I would never break.