//------------------------------// // Day 7: Home Again // Story: Apples: A Love Story // by Mod On Death //------------------------------// Day 7: Home Again Right after the play, Twilight and everypony else immediately took the next possible train back to Ponyville. Rainbow Dash lead the changelings that were transporting the crysalids over to the dragon’s cave so they wouldn’t end up just following the train into Ponyville. They had taken on the disguise of pegasi so even if they were seen, they wouldn’t be shot down by any guards. There were no breaks on the way to the cave, so the entire trip ended up taking about eight hours. When they had finally reached the cave everypony took a rest. “Never thought I’d be this tired after a flight,” Rainbow Dash said, massaging her wings. “Well at least you didn’t need to help carry a giant egg shell while you were doing it,” Bob said, his head resting on the cave’s floor. “Anyway, Gerald, how you doing?” “I’ve been better,” he responded, stretching himself out with two other changelings keeping him confined. “So now we’ve got to carry this treasure down to where exactly?” “Apple Family Acres,” Rainbow Dash told them. “I told them that I’d be up here to help guide you guys there while they went over there to explain that they were about to get their money. Can’t wait to see their faces when they see that we actually got it on time,” she laughed. “Yeah, and that an army of changelings is carrying it. How about we don’t go in disguised and totally scare them, huh?” Bob suggested. “That sounds like it could only end badly. Let’s totally do that,” Gerald replied. They all laughed at the idea and seriously considered doing that as a way to get back at those brothers for all the trouble that they’ve put us through. Flim and Flam woke up that morning, feeling a bit different. Today was the last day they had to get their money or get the farm. Flim went down to greet Apple Bloom and promised to show her more of the machines he and his brother had made in the past. She’d really shown interest in their machines and he loved having his own little pupil to teach things to. Flam went down and helped get breakfast ready, going so far as to actually make some biscuits. Grannie Smith was glad to see somepony else do some cooking for once and commented that they were probably the best biscuits she’d ever had. Big Mac was sitting at the table waiting to have some breakfast. Applejack wasn’t seen around though, something that Flam found suspicious when they’d rung the bell and everypony else had come to eat. “Say, Grannie, you have any idea where Applejack might be?” he asked. “Ah feel like she’s busy doing something important,” she told him. “Best not to worry ‘bout it.” “I worry that she’ll miss out on these delicious biscuits!” Flim said, taking another. “These are absolutely divine.” “Glad you like my cooking, brother,” Flam said. The four laughed as they saw Flim’s eyes light up. At that very moment, Applejack came in the kitchen, her eyes showing a pony that hadn’t slept a wink. “Howdy y’all,” she greeted. “Don’t mind me. I’m just gonna wash myself off. Messy job. Worth it though.” The family heard the water running as Applejack washed herself off. Neither Flim nor Flam had any idea what she could be doing that was messy. She hadn’t been in the stables or pig pen, but she was covered in something greasy and brown. It almost looked like lacquer. “Well, I’m off,” Big Mac told his family. “Just hold on a sec, Big Mac. Have an announcement that we’ll be making soon. Is it ready, Applejack?” Grannie Smith yelled. “Sure is,” she replied, looking nice and clean again. “Everypony, follow me.” The group got up from the table and followed Applejack outside to the barn. She stood outside the doors, Grannie Smith joining her. Neither the brothers nor other Apple Family members knew what was going on. “Fellas,” Grannie Smith started, “Applejack talked to me last night about yer past, an’ I reckon I feel mighty shamed that that happened ta ya. I confess that me an’ some other members of our family were responsible fer you guys losing yer farm,” she told them. The brothers looked taken aback by this information. It should have been fairly obvious that the only apple orchard that was around for miles would be the one that had originally run them out, but it just seemed too convenient. “Yeah, and not only that, but we feel like we owe your family a debt of gratitude. If they’d gone and taken us over, then Apple Family Acres would’ve been lost, and a line of apple farmers would have been left without a place of their own. Your parents were definitely the better of us, and we’d like you to know that with this.” Applejack and Grannie Smith opened up the doors to the barn to finally reveal what Applejack had been doing. The thing the ponies saw was a remade sign for the Apple Family Acres. Instead of simply reading ‘Apple Family Acres’ like it always had, the sign now read ‘Flim-Flam Apple Family Acres’. The four were stunned at what they saw, the brothers especially. “So, we were wondering, would you fellas mind if we made you part of the family? By choice we mean; not by some business contract. Y’all have some pretty neat ideas, and I think that we could use that on the farm. Deal?” Applejack was surprised to see the brothers’ reactions. Flam was actually crying at the site of the sign while Flim comforted him. To them, it seemed like a dream come true. “Mam,” Flam said, taking the legal document that gave him and his brother the rights to sell cider, “you have a deal.” He handed her the paper and the family cheered. “Stop!” four of Applejack’s friends yelled out, seeing that something that looked like a business deal was going down. They trotted over to them, breathless. “You don’t need to give them the barn now. We got the money, and it shouldn’t be any longer now,” Fluttershy explained. “Oh darling, how awful was it with those brutes?” Rarity asked. “Now see here-“ Applejack tried to explain the situation before being cut off by Pinkie Pie. “Applejack, where’s the cider? What happened to it? Did they get rid of it?” she asked pointing to the brothers. She then rushed over to them and held them up by the collars. “WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THE CIDER! Talk, or I’ll use my laser vision!” “You don’t have laser vision,” Flim responded. “DON’T TEMPT ME!” she yelled. “Girls, calm down! Listen, Applejack, your family’s safe now. Rainbow Dash is coming with the ponies that’ll be carrying the money, so-“ Twilight was suddenly interrupted by the sound of buzzing echoing through the air. She turned to see that the changelings hadn’t kept their pony disguises and were snarling. “There they are!” Rainbow Dash yelled out, pointing to Flim and Flam, both still in Pinkie Pie’s grasp. “Charge!” The changelings soon dropped down on their position, terrifying everypony on the ground. While everypony closed their eyes, the horde placed the treasure from the cave into a pile for the brothers. “Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said angrily, “was that a prank?” “Heh, yeah. Bob and Gerald came up with that one,” she said, laughing along with the other changelings. “Girls!” Applejack yelled out. “It’s alright. We’ve decided to let them live with us on the farm and that they’re names also be on it. Only seems fair for what happened in the past. Besides,” she went over to the brothers, putting her hooves around their shoulders, “these fellas are natural born apple farmers. Hay, we might even give your contraptions a go and see if they work out well.” “Well, that just sounds… thank you guys,” Flam said, letting go of his usual eccentric way of talking. “Hey, if any of you are gonna make any more of those machines, can I help?” Apple Bloom asked. “Sure, kid! Be nice to have somepony else that knows what we’re talking about, right brother?” Flim asked. “It sure is.” Before anypony else could celebrate this event, the two minotaurs that originally came with Flim and Flam approached Twilight Sparkle. “Miss Sparkle?” “Yes?” she replied. She had no idea what those lawyers would want with her. “My associate and I now represent the Fast Foods of Equestria organization, and it has come to our attention that you have a Mr. Bob with you, correct?” “Yes. Why?” “Mr. Bob has an outstanding debt he owes to fast food businesses all across Equestria. We are here to request that he pay in full at this very moment.” “How much does he owe?” “Nine million, nine hundred ninety-five thousand bits.” “WHAT?!” everypony exclaimed. “BOB!” Twilight yelled. “How the hay did you manage to rack up a bill that high by eating fast food?” “I didn’t! I just- wait a second. Did you guys use my name whenever you went out to eat?” The other changelings tried to look around disinterested, whistling in hopes that he’d just dismiss the claim. He did not. “If you cannot fulfill the payment at this very moment, me and my associate will be obliged to complete your color pattern,” the lawyer told them. “What’s that mean?” Bob asked. “You’re already black and blue. We’ll just finish it by making you red all over,” he replied. The silent associate took off his jacket to reveal probably the largest set of muscles in Equestria at the moment. “Guys, I think you better pay the man,” Bob told his siblings. “Sorry Bob, but we don’t have any money on us,” Gerald told him. Bob was not looking so good right then. “Here; that treasure over there should be enough,” Twilight told the lawyers. The two inspected the pile and nodded in approval. “Hold on,” one of them said, taking a large silver jewel out of the pile and tossing it to them, “that was five thousand bits too much. That should even it out,” he told them, lifting up the pile of treasure in their large arms and walking off. “THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!” Bob told Twilight as he hugged her tightly. He then gave a vicious glare to the other changelings. “YOU guys owe Twilight for paying off your debt. Hope you can come up with something good.” “I think I know a way they repay us all,” she told him, a smirk on her face. “And sit together, now and forever For it’s plain anypony can see We’re simply meant to be,” sang the two changelings playing Jack and Sally from “The Nightmare Before Hearth’s Warming Eve”. The audience cheered as the curtain closed and applauded the play. Twilight’s decision for how the changelings could best repay her and her friends for their debt included them performing a professional play in Ponyville every Saturday for the next three years. It was a huge success, attracting ponies from all over Equestria to watch the famous actors. Even Celestia and Luna came to watch the performances. Everypony was surprised to see Queen Chrysalis come to watch the plays, but were even more shocked when she didn’t cause any trouble and just watched the play with everypony else. Luna and Celestia saw her and decided to invite her to their own private booth to watch. For the first time in memory, the two kingdoms had gotten together and not fought. Twilight and her friends had gotten private booths for the event, with Gerald being their personal servant during the shows. Cranky was given a seat as well, but he’d had enough for a while and decided to stay at home for a while. Spike enjoyed the play while he snacked on his delicious gem. Bob was also given a seat with the girls, and he loved every single moment of it. Soon he’d figure out the line that would make Applejack fall for him. It was only a matter of time. The Apple Family, along with the Flim Flam Brothers, watched the performance as well. The entire town was ecstatic when they learned that they’d be selling their cider at the play, causing a huge outcome as well as many interested investors. Applejack and Grannie Smith sold not only the cider that they’d saved, but also some of the new cider that the Super Speedy Squeezy Cider 7000 produced. They purposely didn’t tell anypony about that, but the brothers relished as they saw that nopony could tell the difference between the two in terms of quality. Big Mac invited Diced Carrot to join him and his family during the play, something he regretted whenever they would doddle over the couple. Earlier in the day, Apple Bloom gave Flim and Flam the next big idea for an invention: an automatic apple peeler. She had come up with some blueprints based on what Flim had taught her and they thought that it could work. They’d make the first prototype tomorrow. Everypony got out of their seats after the show ended and decided to head home. Twilight couldn’t wait until next week when they performed a play she’d written herself. Gerald said that he wouldn’t mind getting suggestions since he didn’t want to end up repeating too much. Rainbow Dash decided to do the same and submitted her play. Never had anypony actually see somepony’s eyes roll up into their head in order to keep themselves from reading anymore. “Hey Rarity, I was wondering I you’d mind me staying at your place. Kinda wanna get out of the nest for a while and I know you’d love to use me as a model on account of my shapeshifting and all,” Bob suggested. “I’d be happy to do so darling, as soon as your friends bring back the sewing equipment I sent them out to get in the first place,” she told him, remembering that Alex and George ended up taking most of Rarity’s supplies when she originally sent them off. They still hadn’t returned them yet. “He can stay with us!” Sweetie Belle suggested, flittering her eyes at the uncomfortable changeling. “Um, that’s alright but-“ “Nonsense! We’ll have you stay in Rarity’s old room till things are sorted out!” Rarity’s dad told him while giving him a noogie. “The wife and I can’t wait to tell you about our recent vacation. Why, we even have a slideshow! Come with us and we’ll get you set up.” Bob was soon dragged away by Rarity’s parents, leaving him to wonder what he was doing with his life. “Well, I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I could do with some average for a couple of days,” Pinkie Pie told the group. “Night everypony!” “Night!” they yelled back. The rest of the group soon went to their homes and went to bed as well. Flim and Flam were the last ones to leave the theater. “Come on fellas! Don’t wanna leave ya behind!” Grannie Smith yelled out as they were leaving. “We’ll be right there, Grannie!” Flim replied. Flim and Flam just sat in their seats for a moment before saying something. “So, we have an actual home now, don’t we?” Flam asked. “Looks like it. Wonder how it’ll work out.” “Well I hope. This town always seems to have something going on, so we shouldn’t be bored at least.” “Yeah. I’m just wondering how we’ll adapt to this new life. I mean, we’ve done well so far. I just hope that-“ Flim was cut off as his brother took out a whistle and set a tune. He then started to sing. Well lookie right here dear brother of mine, in this very town I can assure that things here will be fine, no need to frown There’s no need for this melancholy. Living life like that’s a folly. It’s time to live and not only regret. Flim cheered up and started to sing with his brother. I see here brother of mine what you are saying There’s no need of me to be kept nervous and start fraying Let’s charge the day tomorrow To hay with our sorrow! Let’s see what life’s got stored for us just yet. The two locked arms and started dancing out of the theatre, singing together in tune. Well we’ve got opportunity In this very community! You’re Flim! You’re Flam! We’re the world famous Flim Flam Brothers! Apple picking farm ponies nonpareil! The two left the theater, hope held high in their hearts. Tomorrow was the beginning of their new life.