//------------------------------// // Hiding // Story: I get a break // by xCloudx //------------------------------// I struggle out of the chair and fall on my face. “Ow” I need to stop falling on my face. I get to my feet to see scoots is gone. Must have gone to school. I stretch and crack my neck and look around. Nopony up. I begin to head for the door to see something odd. Okay very odd. Outside the window stood a small puppy. Well puppy Cerberus I guess. “The hell” I mumble under my breath. I open the door and I am charged by the tiny beast. He stopped a couple inches from my feet and began barking with his three little heads “Aw look at you big and nasty.” I bent over to pick him up when the unexpected happened. The once cute puppy Cerberus turned into a giant man eating monster. It barked loud enough to arouse some ponies out of their homes. Screams could be heard as I looked at big ole beasty. “Well Fido..” before I could say more a head picked me up and tore into me squirting my blood everywhere “AH FUCK BAD FIDO!” I scream out as I am thrashed around. The middle head let go of me sending me flying through the air. I crash into a nearby home. “You dun goofed!” I yell at the monster. He snarled as it came charging at me. More screaming and panicking from the ponies. I jump into the air and onto fidos back when he got near me. He began howling and trying to shake me off. “Oh no you don't Fido!” I grip its head and begin to pull. It yelps in pain as I hear its flesh tearing from the yanking. After a good minute of pulling I tore off the middle head leaving a puddle of blood dripping from the head as I threw it. The beast began roaring even louder arousing all of ponyvilles sleeping residents. I was flung off his back crashing into the ground. I got to my feet quick and stared down the beast and pulled out my blade. He began to charge at me full speed I stood my ground holding my sword. As he was about to reach me I ducked holding my sword high slicing the beast stomach open. I could hear a sloshing sound behind me and the sound of death. I turned back around to see the body disintegrating into nothing. I could hear galloping towards me as I sheaved my sword with a smirk on my face. “Dante!” I turned around to see who was galloping towards me “Oh hey twilight!” I talked as if nothing ever happened “What was that thing!?” she asked worried “Well my dear twilight that was a monster and I just killed it” she facehoofed “I know that but how did it get here?” I shrugged “Hell if I know the world doesn’t like me so it throws crap like this at me.” She sighed “You are so much trouble to have around” I gave my best shit eating grin that has ever been made “yes but im worth it” I begin to walk towards where I was thrown into. “Damn.” Is all I could say as I looked at the damage that he made me do “When I find out what this demon nightmare whatever it is im going to shove a pineapple up its ass.” I sighed and walked away from the hole and began my way back to the library with twilight. When we entered the library I spoke out “Hey Twi can you send a message to celestia about this?” she nods and yells “SPIKE!” At the top of the steps I could see the small little dragon groggily getting up “What is it?” he then noticed me “What is he doing here?” I smiled a bit “Oh you know just going to show twilight how skin a dragon” his eyes went wide and he dashed away. “Dante you didn't have to do that.” I smiled “Yes I did” I began to head towards the door when a purple glow surrounded me “Oh you’re not leaving yet!” twilight said nearly screaming. I smiled “You sure about that?” she nodded. Well escape time! “Why can’t I go?” she looked upstairs “Not until you apologize to spike” challenge accepted “Fine I will!” I pouted and stomped as I went up the steps “Stop that stomping young man!” I glared at twilight “Watch it sparky” she smirked and I continued up the steps. I stopped and looked at the window “LEEEERRROOOYYYYYYY JEEEENNNNNKKKIIIIIINSSSSSSSSSS!!!” I yelled as I barreled out the window I could hear shouting “DANTE GET YOUR FLANK BACK HERE!” twilight yelled. I laughed as I flew away from the library nopony makes me apologize. I flew around a bit with nothing else to do hiding from twilight. As I lay on a cloud closing my eyes I could feel pressure on my chest “Hi cloud!” pinkie shouts “Hey pinks and its Dante now and please be quite im hiding from twilight.” She put a hoof to her mouth and asked “Cloud I have a question?” “Go ahead ask and like I said it’s Dante” she rolled onto the side of the cloud “Dante are you ever going to leave us?” I look at her “Only when I need to I am on vacation after all.” She smiled “Do you pinkie promise?” pinkie promise? “What’s that?” she stood up “cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye!” I shrugged why the hell not “Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye.” “YAY!” she screamed and grasped me in a tightening hug “Pinks . . . your . . . cru-“she let go and had her usual grin “Thanks Dante but I have to go now bye!” I waved “bye pinks” then she disappeared. That girl never stops being random. I lay my head back down to hear something moving “Got you now” twilight murmured “NOPE!” I yelled out as I flew away from the enraged lavender unicorn “I WILL GET YOU!” she screamed out I flew for a good 10 minutes before landing outside a cottage. There were animals everywhere so I assumed it was fluttershys. Lolly walked around the corner “Hey Dante” “Hey Lolly” “What are you doing here?” I smile “I pissed off sparky so now she’s trying to get me to say sorry so I just noped my way out of there.” She began laughing “Wow Dante.” I look at the box in her hands “Where are you going?” she shrugs “ask fluttershy she knows.” “Where is she at?” she motioned her head towards the door. I walked towards it and opened it up to see fluttershy reaching a hoof out to open it. She jumped back a little when she saw me “o-oh hi cloud” I smiled a little “Its Dante.” She hid behind her dangling hair like she always does when im around “W-what are you doing here?” “I’m here to see if I can come with you and Lolly to where ever you’re going I have to hide from twilight.” “Can I ask why? I mean if it’s okay with you.” “Well I sort of um I don't know how to put this. Jumped out her window and scared spike.” I could hear Lolly laughing from behind me. “You should go and apologize” I shook my head “Not right now maybe later.” She frowned “okay Dante” she then exited her home and motioned for us to follow her to wherever she was taking me and Lolly.