Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Talk or fight?

Very short chapter due to some work I had to do.

Chapter 72

Five minutes after school let out

I slowly ascended towards the lone cloud that hung over the school. I know I should head home, but come on! Mr. Bleak is evil! Beating me with a ruler, my face still hurts!

I landed on the small cloud and stretched out my body.

Time to relax.

I dropped and rolled onto my back. Sleep, take me!

"Blank flank, blank flank!" I heard a very familiar chant from below.

I waved it off, poor kid. Who ever it is, I'm just to lazy to give a fuck right now.

"Leave me alone!"

My eyes shot open. Those two little bitches better not be messing with the pony I think they are!

<I don't understand what you just said...>

I peered over the cloud.


Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon was pointing and laughing at Fawn. Making fun of her blank flank.

My eye twitched. I've had enough of those two.

[Lets beat them down!]
<No lets beat them down with words!>
{Sorry Break, but I'm going with Dawn again.}

I jumped off the cloud and glided to the ground. I landed a few yards away, out of sight.

"Please, leave me alone!" Fawn yelled, standing tall and brave.

Diamond Tiara snickered, "Make us blank flank."

Silver Spoon nodded, "Yeah, make us."

Fawn wavered slightly, "I-I..."

They both laughed, "Do something blank flank... Oh wait, you can't because you're a blank flank!"

Okay, that's all I can take.

"Hey! You two stuck up snobs! Over here!" I yelled, stomping over to them.

The turned and snickered to one another, "Oh look, its the freak."

I stopped when I was a foot (Hoof?) away. Stay calm Lance, don't lose your cool, "Tell me, why are you two messing with her?"

They looked stumped for a second, liked they didn't know the answer.

Diamond Tiara then smirked, "We don't have to tell you. You're just a freak accident of nature!"

I shrugged off her insult. Due to years of being made fun of, I've grown use to it. You can't make me mad just by name calling or pitiful insults. You're gonna have to do something that really ticks me off.

I crack my neck, "You don't have to tell me. Now, I'm going to try and be nice here. So, leave Fawn alone, or you'll regret it."

Silver spoon smiled smugly, "You wouldn't hit a filly. You said you was against it."

I looked at her, no emotions playing on my face, "I am against it, but I've been known to break my own morals. I'm not afraid to hit a filly if they're being a bitch."

Diamond Tiara stuck her nose into the air, "Sure you would. Come on Silver Spoon, lets leave those losers."

You know what? Fuck keeping my cool! I've been holding this in to long!

I held up a hoof, "Wait, I've got something to say."

They looked at me, "What?"

{Dawn, keep me calm while I rage. Don't let me get to angry. Break, stay the fuck back.}
<You got it Lance!>

[Oh shit! Time for a famous Lance Greenfield rage speech!]

I licked my lips, "First off, why the fuck are you two even making fun of others. I mean, what makes you so special? Oh look at me, I'm Diamond Tiara and I have a fucking tiara on my ass! What's it mean? It means nothing! What kind of talent is that?! The ability to be a tiara? Your fucking lame. And you! Silver Spoon! What the fuck does that spoon even represent?! Does it mean you can spoon your self better than others?! Does it mean you can deep throat?!" *Clears throat* "I've had it up to here with your bullshit! How would you like it if I started making fun of you and picking on you?! You know what? That's what I'm gonna do from now on! I'm going to treat you like you treat others! Like shit!" I stomped the ground, almost losing my self control, "Now, I want both of you to leave Fawn and all the other kids here alone. Or next time, I'm coming for your ass! Don't take this warning lightly, because I'm dead fucking serious!"

<Feel better?>
{... Yeah.}

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon was on the ground, mouths open in shock.

I think I scared some sense into them.

Diamond Tiara suddenly became enraged, "I'm getting my daddy's bodyguards on you!"

Silver Spoon recovered seconds later, "Yeah! She's going to get her daddy's bodyguards on you!"

I fucking hate it when they repeat like that!

They both jumped up and ran off towards the gates.

I smiled and walked over to Fawn, "You alright?"

She nodded, whipping her face, "Thank you Stripes."

I chuckled, "No problem, I've always hated those two anyways."

She cocked her head, "How? You've only been here a day or two."

Shit! Talk your way out of this Lance! "Well, I've known them longer..."

[*Sigh* I hate how you rage and then are useless in a conversation.]

*Clap clap clap*

What the... AHHH! Mr. Bleak!

He was trotting towards us, clapping his hooves, a smile on his face, "Bravo my boy, bravo!"

I rub my hooves together, "For what?"

He chuckled, "For showing those two whats what. Of course, I still like your rage towards Trixie. I still laugh about that."

How did he kn... Oh yeah, memories. I hate this guy.

Fawn sifted back and forth, uneasy.

I chuckled, "Don't worry Fawn, he's not that bad outside of school."

Before Fawn could answer, Zorrow ran past us.

"OH GOD! HELP ME SOMEPONY!" He yelled as he ran towards the school building. Behind him was Big Macintosh, a pissed off expression on his face.

"Get back here and fight like a stallion!" He yelled as he to ran past us.

I looked at Mr. Bleak and Fawn, "What just happened?"

Fifteen minutes early

Zorrow gulped as he made his way towards the barn. He finally worked up the courage to talk to Applejack, and he wasn't backing down.

Seth was behind him, bored out of his mind, "Hurry up dude!"

Zorrow ignored him as he finally stepped up to the barn. He knew she was inside, he had been observing her awhile ago.

Seth walked up beside him and sighed, "Lets get this over with, shall we?"

Zorrow nodded, a smile on his face.

As he went to open the door, something dropped on his back. He looked back to see a coil of rope.

Seth chuckled, "For good luck."

Zorrow smiled, "Thanks man."

Seth pushed open the door, "Go get her tiger."

Zorrow walked in, followed by Seth. Upon entering the barn, they saw Applejack and Big Macintosh moving barrels of apples around.

Zorrow inhaled and walked forward, "Hey Applejack."

She looked up and smiled warmly, "Well howdy... uhh, what's your name again?"

Zorrow chuckled, "Its Zorrow."

She tapped the floor, "Ah knew it! What brings ya around here?"

As Zorrow talked to Applejack, Seth walked up to Big Macintosh.

"Hey, Big Mac."

Big Macintosh turned, "Yeah?"

Seth smirked, "Zorrow is going to force Applejack to have sex with him."

Big Macintosh's eyes widened, "What?"

Seth pointed to Zorrow's back, "See, he's even got the rope ready to tie her up with."

Big Macintosh growled and began to stomp towards Zorrow.

Zorrow smiled as he finished up his sentence, "So, would you like to go on a picnic?"

Applejack thought for a second, "Well Ah..."

Big Macintosh grabbed Zorrow's shoulder and spun him around, "Now tell me, are ya really gonna do that to my little sis?"

Zorrow was confused for a second, but smiled, "Oh yes! Its going to be fun! We're going to eat and play games maybe." Zorrow pulled the rope off his back, thanking Seth for the idea, "And I'm going to learn how to hog tie. Applejack could help me with that. You can join us if you want, you can sit on one side of her and I get the other."

Big Macintosh snorted, steam coming out of his nostrils, "I recommend you run while ya can!"

Zorrow became very confused, "Wha..."

Seth held up a sign, 'Run dude! I told him you was going to have sex with AJ, and you just made it worst!'

Zorrow's eyes widened, "OH Hell!" He spun and galloped away from the enraged brother and the now confused sister.

Big Macintosh gave chase, ready to teach this guy a lesson.

Present time

I laughed at Fawn's joke, even it if it wasn't that funny.

Mr. Bleak was lightly chuckling. "You two are..." His head snapped to the side as five large stallions entered the school yard. All of them wore blank suits and badass sun glasses.

They stopped a few yards from us and eyed us, "Which one of you was mean to Diamond Tiara?" One said, gesturing to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, who stood at the back of the group, smug smiles on their faces.

I stood and stretched out my back, "I did."

The one in the front smiled, "We have orders from her father to show you to respect his daughter."

[YES! A real fight!]
<I don't like this! There's no way we can fight a full grown stallion with muscles, especially not five of them!>
[Pfft, five is nothing. We fought a over powered griffin and Graze. WE CAN DO THIS!]
<Frederic fought the griffin, we was just the punching bag. Graze was a friend, so it doesn't count.>

I chuckled, "Oh? Well," I stood up on my hind legs, "Come at me bros!"

They all laughed and began to advance.

Mr. Bleak stepped up beside me and unfolded his creepy ass wings, "Want some help?"

I smiled, "Yes. Oh yeah! I got the badass teacher on my side!"

[Lets do this thing!]
<*Sight* Let's get this over with.>

The five stallions kept advancing, all ready to fight.

I looked up at Mr. Bleak, "Shall we teach?"

He looked down and smiled, "We shall."

We both jumped forward, hooves raised.