//------------------------------// // Chapter One: Worlds Divided // Story: Razgriz // by Blake Skies //------------------------------// Chapter One: Worlds Divided “Alright Children,” Cherilee told her students, “Stay close and remember do not cause any trouble.” A series of nods and agreement shouts came from the Ponyville Elementary class as Cherilee guided them into the stone garden outside of the palace. To be honest, she was still really nervous about taking her students back there, considering what happened the last time. But Princess Celestia assured them that nothing wrong would happen this time. And considering most of the class hadn’t seen the east end of the garden thanks to the Cutie Mark Crusaders little argument, this would be a great day. The east end of the garden held Equestria’s greatest heroes from Star Swirl the Bearded to Hudson the great explorer. Each of the students had their eyes filled with wonder and awe as Cherilee explained each and every one of the great heroes. Until they reached one, that stood out from the rest. Twist noticed it first, “Excuse me Miss Cherilee!” “Yes Twist, do you have a question?” Cherilee asked with a warm smile. “Yes I do mam,” Twist answered, “Who is this statue of?” She pointed to a caped bipedal creature dressed in armor and a winged helmet. The creature was holding a sword that was spewing fire and using his cape to shield three fillies, one of each race, from harm. “Ah a very good question,” Cherilee answered walking over with her class behind her, “This, my little ponies, is the statue of the Great Razgriz.” Applebloom trotted around Cherilee and looked up at the statue, “Why does he look so different from us?” “Because my child” said a regal voice from just left of the statue, “He isn’t from around here.” The class turned and saw Princess Celestia walk up brandishing a warm smile. Instantly the class bowed to their princess to which she simply waved off. “Your highness,” Cherilee said a bit awkwardly, “I wasn’t expecting you to be out here. I hope we’re not disturbing you.” Princess Celestia laughed, “Not at all Miss Cherilee, I was actually out on a walk myself. It’s no trouble at all.” “Oh,” Cherilee sighed, “Then would you please?” “I’d be honored,” Celestia answered before clearing her throat. The class held their breath in anticipation from a lesion from the great Princess Celestia herself. With a smile and warm remembrance look in her eyes, Celestia began. “This is the statue of the Great Razgriz, or Lord Jamantie as he is known elsewhere. He comes from another world far away, where bipedal apes called Humans reign supreme. Long ago, before the time of Nightmare Moon, he came to us when Equestria was threatened by an outside force.” “Changelings…?” asked a student. “No, aliens,” Princess Celestia answered, “A force called the Silver, led by the Evil Apocalyptyo attempted to invade and occupy Equestria. They filled the skies with great ships and covered the land with soldiers dressed in silver. Hope seemed lost, but then Razgriz came to us. Brought here by unknown reasons, he helped Equestria in its hour of need.” “Why’d he do that?” Silver Spoon asked. “It was in his nature my dear. For you see he was a Demon Lord. On his planet, Demon Lords are great people. A cross between an Archangel and a Legion Demon, they are the keepers of the peace, policemen for all races, who’s missions in life was to bring fairness and justice to the people of his home world. When he saw our plight, he did not hesitate to help us. But it came at the cost of his life. In the final battle he sacrificed himself to save all of Equestria, and for that we honor him today.” Celestia finished. A chorus of ooh’s came from the class as Celestia finished her story. When she was sure the princess had finished, Cherilee walked up, “Okay kids time to move on, say thank you to Princess Celestia.” “Thank you Princess Celestia!” the class said in unison. “Awww you’re welcome my little ponies. Now run along and enjoy the rest of your lesion.” Princess Celestia giggled. With beaming faces, the class got up and followed Cherilee as she led them on. Only Celestia stayed, looking at the statue with a somber smile. The story she had told them wasn’t entirely true, as it did go to over glorifying Razgriz’s role in that war and diminishing the role he played before hand. But Celestia did feel that it did the man she loved Justice. If he ever did listen to the story, he’d probably feel happy it was told that way. Celestia gave the statue one final nod before turning away. But when she did, she saw her Sister Luna standing on the balcony overlooking the garden. Luna’s eyes were sad as she gazed down on that particular statue. She probably had heard the whole encounter, maybe more than that, and was looking down at the statue with regret and loneliness. For while Celestia had loved Razgriz as a friend, Luna’s love for him was deeper. And Celestia remembered the heartbreaking moment of that final battle very well… …The day had been long and yet there was still no end in sight. The fields outside Canterlot marked by only one small plateau had become red with the blood of good ponies, zebra’s, and griffons that had already given their lives. At still wave after wave of silver soldiers roared over the battle field charging towards the defenders. High above, a massive spiked ship cast a shadow over the burning city. Celestia, her pink mane and golden armor reddened with blood and grease, charged back into battle sending magical pulses into the army. Each blast sent Silver after silver screaming to the ground in agony until they died. Any that dared approached the mighty warrior princess was then cut down by her magical Blade Solaris. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as the battle raged on. Using the Sun’s warming light to power her every strike, she had an unlimited source of energy. To which she used well. Celestia powered up blast after blast of magical energy that flattened areas of the battlefield while avoiding hurting any of Equestria’s valiant defenders. One Silver tried to charge her from the right. But Celestia would have none of it and impaled it with her sword. Blood ran down on to her as she pulled it out with pride. When the creature fell limp Celestia raced back into the battle. Soon the mighty princess caught up with Princess Luna, her darker night armor also stained by blood. Luna was happy to see Celestia as she cut down another enemy. “Tis good to see thee Sister,” Luna said. “Likewise my sister,” Celestia nodded as she cut down another Silver, “How fairs thee?” “We have maimed many, and you?” Luna smiled blasting another silver soldier with her magic. “We have fought well.” Celestia nodded chopping off an enemy head. Celestia looked at Luna as they fought the enemy and could not help but feel proud. She had overcome her anger and resentment towards the treatment of her night thanks to Mike’s help. But that being said, Mike was nowhere to be seen. “Where’s Razgriz?” Celestia shouted. “He chased that foul Apocalyptyo into that cave over yonder!” Luna answered. She then powered up another attack. Molding the energy into a sword, she swung her head around in a horizontal swipe. The energy blade followed her movements, magnifying as it cut its way through the Silvers. Hundreds of them were cut down in seconds, as if an entire battalion was squashed like ants. Luna gave out a victory cry after it was over. Proudly Celestia looked at the cave she was talking about. There seemed to be signs of a greater battle going on inside the cave. Then another wave of Silver’s came charging towards the duo. But before she moved away to cut down another Silver, she heard something. A shout, a cry out from Razgriz; “Wait! Don’t!” Then in a heartbeat, it all ended. A titanic explosion that blinded the soldiers and shook the entire planet erupted from the cave. Celestia and Luna were thrown to the ground, their ears rumbling from the concussive shockwave. Fire, smoke, rock, and other debris were hurtled into the air, vaporizing the plateau. Instantly the Silvers were liquefied into puddles of liquid while the massive ship vanished in the flames. When it was all over, only the defenders of Equestria remained. The spot where the plateau once stood had now become a smooth land of stone. Anything that was there was gone. Silence fell over the battlefield until Princess Luna regained conscious. When she saw the aftermath she screamed a loud and long, “NO!” Before Celestia could blink Luna took off and raced to the still settling ground zero. When she got there, the shock and distraught alicorn began to weep and sob. It was clear when Celestia arrived, that while no body was there, Razgriz was dead. Celestia was in deep shock as she sister sobbed relentlessly at the epicenter. Finally gaining some composure, Celestia approached her sister. “Luna…my dear….sister…Luna.” she said, her voice very shaky. Instantly Luna turned and glared at Celestia, “GET BACK!” Her eyes had changed; they had lost their normal white and turquoise to become a dragon like dark blue. Her teeth grit as she hissed Celestia back, “I should’ve gone with him! Why did I not join him! WHY!” Celestia took a step back, to heartbroken by the event to even console her grieving sister… …That day hung with Celestia for a long time. It even burned heavy in her heart when Luna became Nightmare moon. She had learned to live with it and put it behind her in the one thousand years since that horrible day. However before she could dwell on it more, one of her guards approached, “Your highness, a messenger from the Crystal Empire has arrived.” “Ah” the Princess nodded turning to face the guard, “I see. What is it about?” The guard’s face turned grim, “Your highness, its better if he tells you himself.” Celestia looked at the guard puzzled, “They didn’t send a letter?” “No milady,” the guard shook his head. Celestia swallowed hard. That generally meant nothing good was about to come. “Where is the messenger now?” she asked. “In the great hall demanding your presence and Princess Luna’s.” the guard answered, “I’ve sent another to retrieve the Princess of the night.” “No need,” the duo heard Luna shout, “I will meet you in the Great Hall sister.” “Be quick Luna!” Celestia shouted. Then she mumbled softly to herself, “Something is not right, something is quite wrong.” Then she jumped into a quick gallop. As she ran through the castle, all Celestia could keep her mind on was what new evil was threatening Equestria again. But none seemed to come to her mind. Just as the sun princess reached the doors to the Great Hall, Luna caught up to her. “Perfect timing dear sister,” Celestia nodded. “To you as well Tia,” Luna agreed, “Whom do you think is threatening us this time?” “You speak as if it is a regular occurrence,” Celestia giggled. “I’d be lying if I said it was a joke.” Luna said with a smug smile. “Well in any case, like the countless foes before we will face and defeat this threat to Equestria.” Celestia said using her magic to open the door. The messenger stood in the middle of the hall, a petrified look on his face, a bag with a bloody base sat near him. When he saw the princesses enter, instead of becoming more relaxed, his expression got worse. The already caramel colored crystal pony practically screamed when he saw them, “Princesses! There’s been an attack upon the Crystal Empire!” “Be calm my little pony,” Celestia soothed as the duo walked in. “It came out of nowhere! Killing innocents at random! Took two battalions just to hold it back!” he screamed and panted. “Easy,” Celestia said, “Who did this?” “I do not know that is why I am here.” the messenger whimpered. “Must be a villain of old times,” Luna murmured. Celestia nodded, “Do you have any evidence of this attacker?” The crystal pony nodded. He opened up the bag and reached inside before placing the contents on the ground. What he brought out horrified both princesses. The already ice white coat of Princess Celestia turned even wider while Luna’s became a sky blue. Their expressions mortified with fear beyond any previously known. There before them was the severed arm of a creature, with a long silver blade protruding from the wrist. “Impossible….” Luna said her voice barely above a whisper. The two princesses were so stunned by this; they barely heard a guard scream at them: “YOU’RE HIGHNESS! AN ATTACK IS OCCURING RIGHT NOW AT PONYVILLE!” At that moment, a single thought entered Celestia’s mind. Equestria was in need of a miracle. ----------------------------------------Meanwhile in another realm---------------------------------- My name is Michael Adams, I am a Demon Lord. More importantly I am the Demon Lord of the New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut districts. To my colleges I’m known as Lord Jamantie. To the rest of the world, I am known as Razgriz. I’ve been in this business for about three years now, keeping all the races of Heaven, Hell, and the Human world in line in my districts. There’s one other important fact I must mention; I was born a Human, the first Human to become a Demon Lord. Back story aside, life as a Demon Lord is extremely tough. However being slammed through three walls of a mausoleum made mostly of marble is even tougher. To say nothing of the fact that I was fighting, a level seven vampire with a hunger issue. After the dust settled and my senses returned, I gripped the hilt of my sword. The flame blade had been extinguished in my impact, so I had to restrike the flint at the top to reignite it. Just as the flames extended from the hilt and formed the sharp metal like substance that was my fireblade, my enemy jumped through the hole I had made. He hissed at me with his fangs, but I returned the gesture with a stone like glare through my red eyes. “That wasn’t very nice Joshua,” I said to the Vampire. He didn’t respond, he just hissed at me. Then in a flash he rushed me. I brought my sword up to defense as the Vampire lashed at me with his claws. This wasn’t any normal vampire, as I had mentioned previously this was a level Seven vampire. That meant this sucker could transform his body to become basically a humanoid bat. I had already de-winged Joshua the last time I had fought him. Oh yeah it wasn’t the first time he and I crossed paths, in fact this was the third time I had to fight him. And just like the previous three times this one was because I caught him feeding off an innocent human instead of his usual Animal prey diet. Now he and I were locking blades again. After protecting myself for several seconds from his claw slashes, I managed to gain a good footing and go on the offensive. Finally I drove home the attack by charging up a fire ball and sending it into Joshua’s stomach. The attack blasted him through a wall and out on to the lawn of the cemetery. Breathing heavily, I extinguished my blade and walked out towards Joshua. He was struggling to right himself as I drew nearer. “Please Razgriz!” he struggled to say, “Please don’t judge me I was hungry!” “And I’d be inclined to believe you if this weren’t the third time you have used that same defense!” I said walking up to him. I glared down on the beaten vampire, my eyes piercing into his soul. “Your crimes are the non-consented drinking of blood from a human being, aggravated assault on said human, assault on a Demon Lord, and unwarranted violence. How do you plead?” I asked him as I stretched out my right arm and hand making them parallel to the ground. “I’m innocent man, please, I was just hungry!” he pleaded. I shook my head, “We’ll see. Judgment!” With that I snapped my fingers and brought my right hand to my left cheek before clenching my fist. In my clenched fist, black smoke whirled around as the Demon Lord Council conveyed the evidence. When a ruling was made seconds later, I brought my hand to my right hip and opened it. The smoke then turned red. “Guilty,” I said, “Your sentence is twenty years in Darkling Prison.” “No…” Joshua said with fear filling his complexion. But in the next second he began to fade away in a cloud of black. Of course the vampire fought every single second of it, but soon enough he was put away. I took a deep sigh of relief when the process ended. “Everything finished milord?” a deep and gruff voice asked from behind me. I turned around to face a large, burgundy colored, old Dragon. “Everything is finished Gidrah, let’s call it a night.” “Agreed, I think your mother is still not too pleased at you being out this late for your regular patrols.” Gidrah agreed. I smiled and walked over to the old dragon before climbing up onto the saddle. When I was onboard, the Dragon flapped his wings and took to the air. I met Gidrah a few days after I became a Demon Lord, in fact he found me. My predecessor, Lord Godriech, was a known Dragon Rider and when I inherited his powers so too did I gain his Dragon Riding abilities. It wasn’t uncommon for Demon Lords to have trusty steeds, which Gidrah was. In fact most did, each coming with their own unique quirks. Gidrah for example could change his size from his full size of twenty feet long to about the size of a small lizard. He even could turn himself into energy and become a part of me, a trick I still don’t know exactly how it works. Anyway; by the time Gidrah got me home later, it was very late. Mom was probably asleep by now so I didn’t want to wake her. I kept my noise to a bare minimum as I climbed in through my bed room skylight. Once I had it closed, I whispered, “Vanquishment achieved.” My Demon Lord Armor began to evaporate off me and fuse itself back into the pentagram seal on my left shoulder. Since I am human my Demon Lord Powers, armor included, could be sealed away in this magical seal when I do not need it. The only powers I have access is my Demonic super strength, my Angelic super hearing, and my elements heat vision while I am in human form. When I do need all my abilities; only a special Key can unlock all of my powers when it is pressed upon my shoulder seal coupled with my own personal chant. This is a golden power coin, no bigger than a silver dollar. On the front is the engraving of a black Raven while on the reverse is a matching pentagram to that of my seal. When I transform, my clothes that I have on previously as well as all items I have on me are placed into the seal before being replaced my Armor and cape. My eye color also changes too, from dark blue to bright red. I also gain a demonic gruffness to my voice but that’s where the changes end. When my transformation was complete, the power coin appeared before me floating in midair. I snatched the coin out of midair before placing it on the nightstand next to my bed. When that was done, I changed out of my clothes and into pajamas. Then I knelt down by the foot of my bed for a short prayer. When that was complete, I crossed myself and said “Goodnight Gidrah.” “Goodnight Milord,” Gidrah answered. I crawled up into bed and soon drifted off to sleep. It wasn’t a long sleep as the sun rose probably five hours later. But it was summertime so I knew that Mom and Gidrah wouldn’t mind me sleeping in. That however, didn’t happen. When the clock struck eight in the morning, I was awoken by a strange sensation in the back of my head. It was a sensation as if I was being called somewhere. When I woke up, I knew exactly where I was being called. And if I knew, I knew that Gidrah knew as well. “Milord,” Gidrah said as I rose from the bed, “the Council beckons us.” “I know Gidrah, I can feel it. I’ll get a bath started.” I said climbing out of bed. “No,” Gidrah said extending his wing to stop me, “They want us to attend this personally.” I froze. Usually Demon Lords on the western Hemisphere would submerge themselves in water to transmit themselves to the council chambers. This method was similar to astral projection and would make a Demon Lord to appear like ghostly holograms within the chambers. It’s only one of the many tricks water can do for Demon Lords; probably the most important is that of being able to heal a Demon Lord from any wounds. Getting back to the point; when the Demon Lord Council summons you personally, it’s never for a good reason. “Great,” I said, “That means we’re off to Romania.” The Flight over to Romania was a long flight, but it did allow me to catch up on my sleep. Mom was okay with me leaving anyway, since I told her that something big was in the works and to not expect me home tonight. I think by now she’s used to my line of work, considering she was married to a Nassau County cop. Anyway, after about three hours and ten minutes of Gidrah flying at or above the sound Barrier, we reached the Hoia Bacu forest in Romania. The Hoia Bacu forest, also known as the forest of the dead, was home base for the Demon Lords. It had been that was since August 12th, 1160, when the seven extraterrestrials that became the Demon Lord Council came to Earth. Residents steer clear of the forest, claiming it to be haunted. In a sense they aren’t far off. The trees above ground are actually chambers that hold the captured souls of Darkling Prison. Many psychically inclined people can hear the screams of the occupants, but everyone who enters the forest sees the trees as trees. My eyes however see the occupants as ghostly images hanging in front of the trees. For a Christian kid like me, it’s the closest thing to hell I can go. After we landed, Gidrah shrunk in size and hopped onto my shoulder. “Ready Milord?” he asked me. “Yes,” I sighed, “Let’s get this over with.” And with that I began my walk into the forest. As I walked through the forest, all the souls imprisoned in the prison began screaming at me for mercy or of their innocence. But I ignored them all. Demon Lords are nothing if not completely impartial, and considering that in the long history of Demon Lords only one person has been misjudged, whoevers placed here deserves here. Soon as I walked through the forest, I approached what was known as “the circle.” A perfect circular area of complete nothing, no trees, no grass, and not even a weed would grow in this area. This area was the entrance to the underground Demon Lord chambers. But as I reached the circle, I happened upon a chilling sight. Imprisoned within one of the trees closest to the circle was a creature of nightmares. It stood seven feet tall with two hands that had three daggers as fingers. It had no head, and on its body was four rows of Teeth aligned in two crescent moons that ran parallel to each other. In between those crescent moons was a single red orb that acted as its eyes and mouth. “A silver razor.” I said. “Impossible.” Gidrah said, “That simply cannot be here.” “Yea,” I nodded, “They’ve should’ve been sealed away.” I looked at it with anger and rage filled eyes. I had encountered one of these monsters before, nearly two years ago… …I was resting on a pillar at Hicksville train station waiting for the 2:59 to Ronkonkoma. It was a warm, sunny day in May. Farmingdale State College had just wrapped up my second semester there and I was only going back to finalize some things. Plus I had been invited to my friends Graduation so I knew I couldn’t pass it up. While the world was bustling around me, I was simply resting on the pillar reading the daily newspaper and listening to a song. Actually I was blasting the song, and sure enough Gidrah wasn’t too pleased about it. “Will you turn that racket down!” he shouted within me. “Easy Gidrah, it’s only Iron Man.” I laughed. “I don’t care, it’s too damn loud!” he snapped. I continued laughing as I reached into my pocket and paused my song, “There, better?” It was no secret that despite my upbringing, I was a huge Rock/Metal fan. So it wouldn’t come to much surprise that I have “Iron Man” on my playlist. “Much,” he sighed, “Anyway, what are you reading milord?” “Another news article, you and I made page 2 again.” I told him. Gidrah didn’t answer, but I could tell he wasn’t too happy about that. Rule number one about the Demon Lords was that they were to guide humanity from the shadows, enforcing the law and keeping those who wish to destroy and control at bay. However I was never a true believer in that helping humanity from the shadows would do any good at all. That was because of a story I heard once when I was a kid, when my mom would alter stories about the bible just to keep it original when I re-asked for them. One of them she told me was about a Paul-Like character that was named Razgriz that went from being a destroyer of the holy land to a helper of Jesus’s cause. One of Jesus’s lines from that story that stuck with me was that “…All these people have the potential to be good, they only lack the light to show them the way. I can be that Light Razgriz, and you can be the one who guides them to it.” That was particularly why I chose the name Razgriz when I became a Demon Lord, or at least chose Razgriz as my public name almost a year ago. Now like any normal superhero, I have never revealed who I truly am. But I did take pride in my alter ego getting attention. Especially after my first arrest, Kratic. But that’s another story in itself. Just as I turned the page, a train heading to Penn Station pulled in on track two opposite of mine. I glanced at the train as it pulled in and thought nothing of it. All that changed however when the train began to disembark. I began to have my danger senses go on full alert, as if an unspeakable terror was on that train. Closing my paper, I looked towards the rear car of the train. The final person to step off that train, sent chills down my spine. He looked like any normal fellow, except he had a bald head, stood seven feet six inches, and was wearing a grey suit. But what made me cringe was the fact he had a pair of red iris for eyes. I began to slowly rise from my resting position as the man looked at me. I felt extremely uneasy and began to reach for my pocket that held my power coin. “Gidrah, what is that?” I asked. “I’m not entirely sure milord, there’s something strangely familiar about it. But I can’t…” he started. Just then the man’s arm shot up and a bloody silver chain shot from his arm. I had just enough time to shout, “Everyone off the Station!” At the end of the silver chain was a long dagger aiming right for me. I just managed to get out of the way in time before it impacted and destroyed the pillar. Rolling over myself, I got to my feet and pulled out my coin. The creature launched another attack at me from his other, and I managed to avoid that one too by leaping out of the way. “Okay my friend, you now have my attention.” I said raising my power coin to my shoulder. Once I was sure no one was around to see me, and surprisingly I was blocked out of a camera’s view by the smoke of the destroyed pillar, I placed the coin to my shoulder. “The Fire burns red, the fire burns bright.” I chanted, “All of my enemies shall be vanquished tonight!” A ring of flame suddenly appeared around me. The fire then shot up into a pillar that incased me in fire. My right hand slid down my left arm until both my writs met. When they did I opened up my right hand fully, activating a small ember about a meter in front of me. I then moved my hands shoulder length apart; the ember followed making a long trail. This long trail then turned into a rectangular, thin layer of haze. My hands clenched into fist and came to my side as the door closed on me. As I passed through it, my clothes vanished and my Demon Lord Armor now covered me. . I opened up my left hand as my fire sword hilt appeared. When I clenched it, the pillar of fire blew itself out. My “alter ego” Razgriz was standing there in my wake, cape fluttering in the wind. The creature seemed unimpressed at my little transformation display. Suddenly, in a gruesome scene I shall not describe, its skin fell off it. Standing there in its wake was a creature I was completely unfamiliar with. Gidrah however, recognized it immediately. “No…” he gasped, “…A Silver Razor, it can’t be.” “Well you’re new.” I said to the creature while ignoring Gidrah’s horrified stature. Just then the monster rushed me. “And Deadly!” I shouted igniting my fire sword to block. The creature retracted its chains and charged with its three talons like hands. I managed to block the attack with my blade. But the creature was strong and nearly knocked me off the station. It struck again and again with its talons, but I blocked each of them. I tried to strike back but the creature wouldn’t give me any openings. Then after following through with one of its strikes, one of its hands then suddenly changed direction and back handed me. The strike was so hard it sent me flying. I crashed through stone and steel as I rocketed down the station, finally coming to rest on the station’s bench. Catching my breath, I got to my feet as the monster fired another blade and chain attack. I waved my right arm around in a circle that created a small shield that blocked the attack. “Milord, you must kill it!” Gidrah shouted. “Gidrah,” I grunted, “You know the rules. Thou shall not kill!” “That doesn’t matter with these things! You must kill it in order to…!” Gidrah started. He never finished that sentence. Just then the silver blade cut through the shield and scared my face. Then the monster rushed me with speed I had never seen before, and with one punch it knocked me off the station. I hit the pavement hard and rolled for several moments before the creature landed several feet away from me. In a fit of pure frustration I charged up a fire ball and sent it right at the Silver Razor. The thing stumbled back for a moment. Then something weird happened. Electricity began to arch around it as it straightened itself out. “What are you doing?” I said. Just then a small black hole appeared where the red orb used to be. I began to get sucked in despite my best efforts not too. When the pull became to great, my strength left me and I was dragged into the black hole. However I wasn’t done yet. I jammed my blade into the top of the creature, trying to claw my way out. But it was futile and I was dragged in, blade and all… …That day began an adventure I’d much like to forget. I would find out later that after I was sucked in the black hole collapsed on itself and the creature exploded. However there was the pressing matter of this thing. “Why are you here?” I asked. It said nothing. “Answer me!” I snapped grabbing the red orb. “Leave it alone Lord Jamantie!” a voice told me. I looked towards the circle and saw Lord Grata, the speaker of the council, standing there. I did as he ordered. “What is that thing doing here Grata, it’s not supposed to be here.” I said. “Exactly,” Grata told me, “That’s why we called you here.” Then Grata began to lead me into the circle and we entered the lair of the Demon Lords. We both walked through the underground caverns towards the council chambers. The chambers were surprisingly void of life as we walked through; I guess the council was holding this meeting secretly. Soon I approached the council Jurors themselves. The council themselves were a group of beings that no earthling has seen in person. Their likeness is transmitted on seven slabs of granite shaped in perfect squares. And even then their images are merely outlines. But do not misjudge these beings, for they uphold the law and social order better than I’ve ever seen anyone before. The seven members of the council did not go by names, but by numbers, we simply referred to them as Jurors. Juror one addressed me first, “Lord Jamantie welcome. Two years ago you were transported by one of Apocalypto’s Silver Razors to the planet of Equis am I right?” “Yes your honor.” I answered. “It is there you fought a massive battle against Apocalypto and then returned after the battle’s completion?” Juror two asked. “Yes your honor.” I answered. “Well since that time we have kept a close monitoring on the planet of Equis.” Juror six said, “Recently we’ve picked up events that seem to point to attacks upon the planet and its occupants. We believe these attacks are being taken out by Apocalypto’s Silvers.” “And we believe that one of these Silvers managed to reopen the portal between these two worlds.” Juror four added. “Impossible,” I said, “Apocalypto died on that planet. He died and took his forces with him.” “While we do not dispute that fact.” Juror seven said, “These recent events are troubling.” “Lord Jamantie, you know that planet better than any of us. We would like you to return to that planet and investigate. If it is Apocalypto, he must be stopped again.” Juror one commanded. I bit my lower lip as my heart sank. Going back to Equis wasn’t high on my to-do list. Despite what the Council believes, I didn’t leave there by choice and there was a lot of heartbreak on that planet. But I couldn’t refuse a direct order from the council and they were right, I knew that planet better than anyone. So I nodded, “When will I leave?” “One moment.” Juror three said, “Be forewarned, a thousand years has passed since you last were there. Your likeness may seem strange and out of place to those creatures you call Equestrian Ponies.” Then a silver bracelet floated down before me. “Here, take this. When you put it on, you will have the same form of the others there. Only take it off when you transform and try to avoid direct contact if you can.” I looked at the bracelet, and then back at the Council, “Very well.” “Good Luck Razgriz,” Juror five said, “And may Justice prevail.” I then grabbed the bracelet and everything went black.