//------------------------------// // rage, it's whats for dinner // Story: when slenderman left me in paradise // by Jimbob //------------------------------// Author’s note: thanks for all the feedback! [The demon in my head] Okay where was I? Oh, right, somewhere along the lines of demonic entity living in my body and fighting me for control. Did I mention the part that the whole demon part entering my body (no not like that sicko) felt like a acid shower because I feel that it deserves some going over I mean a long acid shower yeah not too enjoyable lemme tell ya. So after that nice little sensation I began to black out the last thing I remember is slenderman pushing something into my hoodie pocket and saying “you’ll be needing this where your going” with a dry chuckle. Next thing I know I’m in some kinda dank musky place that reminds me all too much a funeral home complete with creepy music and dead flowers. To top it all off there was a huge coffin right in the middle of the room. So in another of my brilliant display of my IQ I decide to go check out the creepy black coffin. The freakin thing was way old to boot I mean I could see the paint beginning to peel and dust settled all over it. Of course by this time I was about a foot away from the thing when I heard the noises coming from it. Well now I’m no coward but hanging around the noise making coffin that was old enough to have Abraham Lincoln in did not seem like the best of plans. So I turned around and began walking away when, of course, it flung open. All my sense were screaming “DON’T LOOK YOU FUCKING JACKASS” so of course I looked. I can now honestly say I listen to my sense a little bit more often because lo and behold in the coffin was my parent. My long dead parents who would have given ‘The Rake’ a run for his money in the ‘oh fuck run! It’s gonna kill me!’ department. Then they began to talk. “Son it has been too long” crooned my father his voice was like sandpaper and gravel being rubbed together. “You should have visited us more often” my mother cackled her voice sounding eerily similar too my fathers. “NO” I said “you are FUCKING dead! You have been dead for a long time and I’ll be damned if that’s changed!” “Haven’t you missed us?” they warbled “Sure I would have if you had given two shits about me!” I shouted barely controlling my rage “Oh but son the beatings always made you such a obeying and loyal son” said my father “And you were so pudgy we simply couldn’t let you eat too much” laughed my corpse of a mother. “And you didn’t really need a bed or blanket the cold built character” boomed my father joining my mother in laughing. Every nerve in my body screamed for me to run and hide from my memories of that horrible time but my rage overcame them wanting nothing less than to destroy them and put them back into the ground. Then I remember the thing slenderman had pushed into my hoodie and reached for it. It was a big, pitch black revolver that looked more like a sawn-off shotgun and the power this thing gave off I felt I could take on the world. So I did the next best thing I put on a warped smile and aimed. The laughter died out almost instantly. “Son put that toy of yours away it won’t help” said my dad beginning to sound angry. I didn’t care what he said it was a lie; it was always a lie with him. “Enjoy yourselves in hell” I said in low voice “because you sure as shit aren’t wanted here!” With that I emptied the gun into the coffin and my now suddenly remorse-full parents who were screaming threats about as much as they were begging for there lives. I had the familiar feeling of blacking out and woke back up in the forest. Night had fallen since I had blacked out and I was still pretty shaken up about the dream I just had. “I see you were able to face your own demons” said a voice I whirled around to see slenderman still there leaning against a tree the very essence of calm. “WHAT THE FUCK!” I screamed “Did you do that?!” “No” he calmly replied “the demon within you did that as a test of your will” “And what you thought it wasn’t important or anything to let me know that my abusive parents were going to come back and try to fuck me up!?” I was still enraged regardless that it wasn’t him. “The demon was the one to choose what would it would show not I and is, in fact still influencing you” he said not even miffed that I was screaming at him. “What?” suddenly I thought that this demon was going all inception on me and I was about to wake up again. “Look at yourself” I did and what the fuck I was surrounded by an aura of black flames. About this time I fell to the ground and began trying to roll the flames out. And dam if slenderman was about to die laughing. “Stop” he said still laughing “that’s the power of the demon you now carry” “Hold rewind there for a second you said that’s my power” what is this I don’t even…… [Yes I have so many powers little mortal] Oh goody another voice in my head screaming for my attention. Suddenly I felt very tired and wanted to get this whole thing over with. “Ok slender let’s pretend that you’re a noob that doesn’t know how to use or control his powers what do?” “First off did you just call me slender? Secondly I think I have something that might help” and with that he pulled out a small journal sized book and handed it too me. After a quick flip through of the book I noticed it was mostly empty and the pages that weren’t were in some other language. “Not to sound unappreciative but I can’t read a dam thing here” I grumbled “Hmmm how about this?” he then snapped his fingers or tentacles. Whatever. The book began to shift and change color until it was a small sized book that now read ‘Unnatural powers and you for Dummies’ “Thanks I think” I deadpanned once again he burst into peels of laughter seeming a lot more relaxed since I took one of his demons hope he stops hurting people now. “Not that this hasn’t been fun or anything but I must go others desire my attention as much as you do” he said seeming a little sad “Wait I still don’t even know how the buck to get to equestria and whether or not you are still going to go around hurting people” I said a little more that upset. “To answer you question no I will be trying not to hurt people and as for equestria” he said and immediately wrapped his arm around me right as I began to black out again. My last thought was ‘I better not make a habit of this’. I came too with a start not knowing where I was or why the sun was shining in my face. “Curse you sol” I muttered as I got up and brushed myself off. I looked around and realized I was in a forest still and began to walk towards where I thought my house was. I noticed the forest seemed more lively and colorful than usual I simply wrote it off as being the morning when I didn’t usually walk around there. [Your going the wrong way “Shut up you” [You trust the other voices in my head why not me?] he said in a sweet manner “Mostly because me and the other voice have been getting along for a while and didn’t revive my dead parents on the first date” [Well you stuck with me now] and as he began to laugh evilly I began to imagine him sitting in a high back chair stroking a white cat and cracked up. [You’ll pay for that] “I doubt that killing your host is a good thing for parasites” he had no reply for that just some dark muttering involving piranhas. After about 15 minutes of talking to myself I came out into a clearing and a small village on the horizon. “NO FUCKING WAY!!” I yelled overcome with joy. Even from this distance I could recognize Ponyville and began to haul balls that way. Oh hell this was going to awkward and awesome. Authors note: feedback is welcome and appreciated hope you enjoyed