Hidden in Plain Sight

by Burly Bubble

Quiet Meeting

Fluttershy was running again. From the paparazzi. Again. This time it wasn't a frantic run, though. She knew she would be getting away from the crowd shortly, so she was almost at a trotting pace instead of a gallop. She ducked between stores and weaved between the narrow streets until she came across the alley she had gone down last time. She made a sharp turn into the alley, and before anypony could even realize what she did, she vanished. The crowd that had been chasing her stared into the empty alley, confused. One had even went and checked in and behind the lone dumpster in the alley. Nothing. The crowd drifted away slowly, sad that they hadn't gotten to really see the model.

Fluttershy giggled as she watched the confused crowd walk away. She felt a little guilty about how sad some of them looked, but she was soon over it.

"Hello again."

Fluttershy turned around. Standing behind her was the stallion she had met before.

"Hello." she replied, "Um, I don't think I got your name last time."

"Oh. I didn't even realize. My name is Hidden."

"Well, with that name your cutiemark and invisibility problem make sense." Fluttershy giggled.

Hidden turned red.

"Anyway, my name's Fluttershy.

"That's a pretty name."

It was Fluttershy who turned red this time.

"So," Hidden said, sitting down, "What do you want to do. We could talk, or we could read books. I brought several."

Hidden's horn light up with magic as he removed several books from his saddlebag. She hadn't even noticed he had saddlebags with him. He aligned them neatly in a line then turned back to her.

"Just in case we can't think of things to talk about. Whenever I turned invisible when I was younger, I always went to the same unicorn who helped me turn visible the first time it happened. Whenever she turned my visible again, we usually went to the library and quietly read together. Most of the time she made me read a spell book so I could learn to fix my invisibility myself, but even after I learned how I still went to her when I disappeared. She knew I could fix it myself at that point, but she also knew she was my only friend, so..."

Hidden's eyes unfocused, as if he were looking into the past along with remembering. Suddenly he shook his head and blushed.

"I was blabbering again."

"No! Your story was really touching. It's adorable that you went to her even after being able to fix it."

Hidden turned red again.

"Well, do we read or do we talk?" Hidden asked.

"Hmm, let's talk for a bit. I talked about my problems yesterday, now it's your turn. Everypony needs someone to confide in. Otherwise all those bottled up emotions can make you feel even more alone."

Hidden hesitated for a moment, then began to tell her his tale. He started where he had already began, with the unicorn who had helped him become visible again. When she asked her name, he paused for a while. He eventually sad, while looking at the ground that he'd rather not say. Fluttershy quickly said that was fine and smiled to try to cheer him back up. Hidden took a breath and began his story again.

Hidden had continued to go to the unicorn for several years, until he was nearly a full grown stallion. Around that time, she began to encourage him to go out into the world to discover his real talent, besides disappearing. At first he had ignored the idea, wanting to stay with her. After a while though, her constant urging finally made him agree. For a few years, he wandered from town to town, trying to find something that could change what he was meant to be. He didn't want to remain a pony that turned invisible for a talent. He wanted something more.

Unfortunately, he didn't find it. He returned home and sought out the mare he used to read and talk with. But she wasn't there. He asked around frantically, searching for anyone who knew what happened to his friend. Eventually he found someone who knew. They simply said she was gone. She had just disappeared without a trace. The news had shocked Hidden, and left his heart hollow. From that day he wandered Equestria, unseen. He walked from town to town, hoping to find evidence of his beloved friend. However he never found her. He had, in fact, been in the alley the day before because he had wanted an out of the way place to think where to search next.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy whispered, tears in her eyes, "I'm so sorry. I wouldn't have asked you to tell me if I had known it was so sad. I-"

"Don't worry about it. In fact, thank you. It really does make me feel better to tell somepony my story."

Fluttershy sniffed. She really hadn't expected such a sad story. She had thought her problems were bad, but his... his seemed unbearable.

"Hey, it's okay." Hidden put a hoof on her shoulder, trying to comfort her, "I've been over it for a while, but I haven't given up hope for finding her. Maybe we should call it a day, it's getting late."


"No buts, models need their sleep. Besides, I know she's out there. I just have to find her. And I will. Don't being worrying about me when you have problems of your own. I promise I'm fine."

Fluttershy nodded and wiped her muzzle. She shook her head and began to think more positively. His story may be sad now, but it wont end sad. He'll find his friend again and she'll worry about fixing her own problems.

"Alright," Hidden's horn flared with magic and the books flew back into his saddlebag, "So I'll see you tomorrow?"

T-tomorrow I have shows and art galleries that Photo Finish says I have to go to. Does the day after tomorrow work?"

"Absolutely. See you then."

Hidden's horn flashed one more time and he disappeared, meaning she was visible and he was probably gone. Fluttershy sighed. His story still made her sad. She shook her head once more, telling herself he would be fine. She began to trot home, hoping Angel wouldn't be mad at her for staying out late again. She hoped their next conclave would be have a more happy tone.