The Life Returns

by Dress72

015 Life's Awakening (Multi-perspective)

“I think I get it. Intending to cancel magic with wind will result in failure because the wind isn’t constantly there, allowing the magic to slip through, and once it has ahold, then it can’t be countered. But if you are intending to move freely, then the wind is constantly there because it has to block not only magic, but any debris that it encounters as well. The fact that he fought, even if what looks like subconsciously, gave the wind protecting him a second purpose. It gave him enough strength, or force, to do all that he did, even throw the guards,” I reasoned out in a reasonless situation.
I was being forced to train on how to use my apparent “passive ability”, being held within my own mind, by a mysterious dark blob of a figure, and when I reasoned this out, the figure praised the explanation and re-enforced the statement.
I didn’t quite like the figure as it wouldn’t announce itself, and it was keeping me from my son. The only reason I complied with it was to get back to Jake.
Going back to the recap, I worked for what seemed like an hour, realizing the ability, using it, and figuring out how to use it to protect myself, no help from the blob.
When I did finally get how to use it correctly, the blob thing said, “Congratulations. Aside from the 42 days you wandered about in your subconscious before arriving here, and the six days it took you to finally comply, it took you a total of 15 days to figure out this technique. All for a grand total of 63 days.”
“63 DAYS! IT HAS ONLY BEEN THREE-FOUR HOURS AT THE MOST!!!” I yelled at it, not wanting to believe what it was saying.
“That is just your perception of time. In reality, your mind has been weakened, and temporarily shrunk, leaving it to process and think at a rate that is undetectable to anypony who tried following it, unless they followed for over a week, continuously. You know, safety measures and all.”
“WHAT THE FUCK! YOU BASTARD!” I shouted. I lunged at it, going at impossible speeds right from the start. If my mind was slowed down, then I would speed it back up. The blob was taken aback at my sudden outburst and speed. It moved, to the left, but I followed it, intending to go faster and faster. I felt no resistance against me as I went along. I nearly caught it, multiple times even.
“Stop this foolishness!” It commanded, but I didn’t follow the command this time. I felt something break, and my consciousness started to fade, yet I continued my goal.
The more I went around on the glowing platform, the quicker that it went past me. I ended up starting to go past it in under a tenth of a second, and the thing was at least a mile long. I continued to chase the specter, but it went up, into the black abyss that surrounded the platform. I flew up, going continually faster. I felt my consciousness start to return as I flew, nothing slowing me down.
“You are stronger than I thought,” I heard the voice say from somewhere below me, “Good. You will be useful when they come.”
I ignored the voice, no longer concerned with catching it. I felt my mind restore to its former self, and then, a dull pain across my body. With the pain, a sound of something crumbling. I continued to feel a sudden, rhythmic pain, accompanied by the sound. I realized that all around me, there was no longer any darkness, and with the end of the rhythmic pain, I stopped. Looking around, I found myself once again in Canterlot, but there was a purple force field around us. I looked where I just came from, and saw a rather large hole within the top of the castle, going down dozens of stories. Something was coming out of the whole. Something I saw as similar to the blob within my mind, and I prepared myself.
As it came out, however, I saw it as Luna, and remembered that the thing had said something about itself and Luna placing the same spell.
“How long was I dead?” I asked Luna when she approached. It looked like she was having difficulty reaching me.
“About 62-64 days!” she shouted.
“Fuck! I knew it! That thing wasn’t lying.”
“Are you producing this wind?! Wait, that thing, what are you talking about?”
I realized that the wind that I was using in my mind, had transferred over to this world, releasing my intention of going faster, as I had achieved my goal, the wind died almost instantaneously, and Luna, who was flapping fairly hard against the wind, quickly closed the distance before regaining control.
“Yes, I think I was,” I replied. I was about to answer the second part, but was interrupted.
“Daddy!” I heard Jake call. Looking for him, I saw him on the balcony of the tower I first landed on when I came here. I then saw something I may forever loath and cherish, Jake flew to me, nothing helping him stay aloft (except for maybe the wind).
___ ___ ___
The nurse in charge of checking up on White Wind felt a slight breeze. Thinking it was coming from an open window, she went around, checking each one. For each one checked, however, the wind picked up. Thinking that somepony was playing a trick on her, which happened often and always turned out to be one of the princesses, she checked the room thoroughly. Finding nopony else within the room, aside from White Wind, she went to check him.
At that point, however, Princess Luna burst into the room, also attempting to reach the same pony, also struggling against the wind that forced most of the in the room to spin violently. Before either of them reached the body that had been laying in the only bed in the room, stood with all spells on it broken, jumped, and flew through the three foot thick concrete floor at speeds that could have broken the sound barrier, and continued through the other 32 floors that with relative ease.
At this point, the nurse fainted from the shock of her dormant patient, stand up, and literally break through enough footage of stone work for three defense walls. Luna on the other hand, followed.
___ ___ ___
Luna was walking down the hallway, about to meet with her sister, who was currently in her room, preparing for Day Court. Red Wing was currently with Celestia, learning about the history that Luna was absent for. As she walked, she felt something break her spells that she placed on White Wind. She knew that she had reinforced the spells multiple times, that Celestia had even placed a few, and for them all to break at once took a tremendous amount of magical power. She diverted from her path, and made for the room White Wind rest in.
She was glad to the extent that his room was in the center of the castle, just behind where the court sessions took place, because it was one of the most easily accessible rooms within the castle, being directly between her room, and Celestia’s room.
When she entered the room, her current worries were put to rest, while new ones arose. White Wind wasn’t in danger of dying, but he was producing a wind similar to what Red Wing had produced, except much more powerful. Almost as soon as she entered the room, White Wind stood, and proceeded to drill though 96 feet of stone, leaving a crumbling trail after him.
“Well that’s new,” Luna said as the nurse fainted. She had to wait for the wind to die down, and for the stone to all fall before she could even attempt to follow. When it cleared up, however, flew into the open fairly easily, but hit the torrent of wind that White Wind was still creating as soon as I exited.
Struggling to get to him, White Wind yelled a question at her, “How long was I dead!”
Luna was taken aback, not expecting him to be aware that he had been dead, “Somewhere between 62-64 days!”
“Damn it all. That thing wasn’t lying!”
“Will you stop this wind?” Luna continued to shout, “Wait, ‘thing’, what thing?”
The wind stopped, and Luna saw that White Wind was about to answer when he was interrupted. “Daddy!” Red Wing shouted. He was at the balcony of Celestia’s room and when he was spotted by his father, he jumped off the balcony and flew. Luna could see the mental pain that missing his son’s first flight and watching Red Wing’s practiced flight caused White Wind.
___ ___ ___
Celestia knew that Luna was coming to get Red Wing from her. The two princesses had arranged it so that she would have Red Wing in the morning up until she had to go to day court, and Luna would take over for the rest of the day. They worked this out for two reasons. First one was to keep Red Wing occupied and busy so that he didn’t have much time to think about his father. The second was so Celestia could teach Red Wing about the stuff her sister couldn’t, like the history of the past 1000 years.
It was nearly time for Luna to arrive, so Celestia could go to day court, when she felt the spells she put on White Wing, which she did to her sister’s persuasion, snap. There was no warning about it, no testing of the spells strength or of the other spells placed, just a pure, clean break, like it had destroyed all the spells at once with ease. Whatever the thing was that broke the spells, Celestia could feel that it was a formidable being. She made sure that Red Wing was occupied, and stayed with him.
Almost five minutes later, the castle shook, and a loud, deep, grumbling sound was heard and felt from where they were. Shortly after the shaking started, a fierce wind arose. Celestia couldn’t stop Red Wing from entering the balcony by the time she realized where he was going. As the filly went left the room, the wind died down, and Celestia heard him shout ‘Daddy!’, before flying to meet with him.
___ ___ ____
Shining was organizing the mass amount of extra guards. It was part of his job to make sure that the civilians were safe, and the threat against the princesses forced him to post guards at every door, and on most every roof. Everything was declared clear, and he renewed the force-field, causing his head to ache painfully.
It was about time for Celestia to be heading to day court, and Twilight and her friends where arriving at any time now, but he couldn’t go see his sister, as he needed to go check on the princesses. Currently, he was on one of the high walkways by the front gate, and he needed to travel down to the main hall and meet Princess Luna at the stairs of Celestia’s tower. Making for the stairs that lead down to ground level, Shining felt the ground violently shake, followed by a high torrent of air. The source of the torrent was easy to find, as it came from the center of the castle.
White Wind. At least Shining, realizing that White Wind was now awake, could get him to join the RG right away. He could use two excuses: one that the princesses reimbursed those who bought lessons from him, the other to pay for damages. When the wind died, Shining saw Red Wing fly to his father.
___ ___ ___
Rainbow Dash had just arrived with her friends at Canterlot. They were forced through a spell that left a tingling sensation throughout her body. Upon entering the city, they were confronted by a high winds, exclusive only within the field. The wind die quickly however, and she thought nothing of it. The only things currently on her mind was the Sonic Rainboom for the wedding, and even that was put into shadow to one thing: seeing White Wind, who she thought was currently still in his death-like state.