//------------------------------// // Deus Ex Pony // Story: Let's Play: Equestria Online! // by Jakinbandw //------------------------------// Commenting 'Cause Comments Contained Coolness Before we begin I just want to thank everyone for being such good sports about yesterday. I'm glad I didn't upset or bore anyone at least, and I am honestly surprised at how positive the feedback was. I feel a lot better knowing that I am not alone in looking at how the world runs and worrying. Misery shared is misery reduced and all that. How does that quote go? Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy. -Callahan's Law I wonder if that law means that Equestria Online could help turn the world around. I have seen nothing that brings joy like having friends, and friendship seems to be exactly what Equestria Online provides. I feel strange saying this, but maybe there is hope for the world after all. Talking To A God In A Machine; Dues Ex Pony So I logged on and found myself back at the library. I considered seeing if there would be a way for me to get a bed set up in the library somewhere so Forest could spend our time together more comfortably. It really had seemed like I spent a lot of time in the library. I stepped outside and looked around, I spotted Forest Trails heading toward the library, but thankfully she was headed for the front door and I had stepped out the side one. I waited till she was looking in the other direction before taking off at a gallop down the street. I managed to avoid everyone on the street as I headed for my location. I had marked out the location the day before on the way back to the library. It was a small stand that sold hats. I had spotted Forest Looking at them discretely on the walk back. I don't know why she hadn't bought one, but decided to get her one as a gift. I actually had some bits from the different achievements that I had been getting, so I knew I could afford it. I bought it as quickly as I could and started a race back toward the library. I almost made it when I saw Forest Trails step out of the library and look around trying to spot me. Just as she looked my way however a large crowd came between the two of use and I lost sight of her. Mentally cursing I took a quick detour around them. When I had made it around them I could no longer see Trails. I rushed towards the spot where she had been standing, but couldn't see her. I looked over the streets while making some mental calculations of where she could have gone. I wanted the hat to be a surprise, not to make her think that I was trying to avoid her. I decided on a search route to take when suddenly I heard a voice behind me (I mean right behind me. Those little speakers can give full surround sound if they want to), “So where were you off hiding?” I jumped and fell down (off my bed in real life). “Ow...” I said getting back up, “Trails! There you are! I thought I had missed you.” She laughed, “I saw you running back to the library and figured you could use a good scare for worrying me.” “Well,” I said rubbing my back, “You sure managed that.” “Want to head off to the castle now? You said you wanted to talk with Celestia yesterday.” Forest Trails asked. “You're not going to ask where I was?” I was surprised. Forest Trails flashed me her trademark smirk, “I figure that you'd tell me when you were ready. After all I'm the reason you were sneaking off aren't I?” “Uh... Well,” I stumbled over my words before finally giving up, “Here. A present for you,” I said unfolding the hat from where I had stashed it, and giving it to her (for those interested I shielded the unfolding of the hat with my body so no one could witness it), “I'm not sure if I'm breaking any customs by giving you this. In my culture though when a stallion likes a mare he will occasionally get her presents.” Forest took it, her smirk shifting to a real smile, “Thank you my Treasure. I'll wear it and think of you.” “I'm glad you like it,” I said feeling a little awkward. I wasn't quite sure what to do after giving her the present. I wasn't sure if it was okay to hug her or not. And so I shifted my feet a bit as she smiled at me as if expecting something before I asked, “Well shall we head off to the castle?” She nodded looking a bit disappointed and I felt like a jerk, though I wasn't sure what I should have done instead, “Sure.” The walk to the castle was colourful as always. Thankfully the awkward mood didn't last and soon we were talking about our days. It turned out that Trails had to help a pony who had gotten lost in the forest that she watched during the day and she gave a humorous account of how she had found him hiding up a tree to escape some ferocious (or so the pony claimed) rabbits. Soon though the doors opened and together we stepped inside to see Celestia. She was standing in front of her throne looking regal and both Forest Trails and I bowed. Celestia smiled, and everything got a bit brighter, “How may I help you Treasure Island?” “I was wondering if you have any plans to help the world transition into this new world of Ais without massive job loss.” I asked, feeling a bit foolish for doing so. Surely many others had asked similar questions. Celestia looked at me for a moment before turning away, “It would be hard for me to do. It would require me to have enough influence to sway humanity from how their entire culture runs, as well as having the ear of most if not all of the most powerful people on the planet” I felt more disappointed than I thought I would, “So you can't. I guess it makes sense. I don't think any human could do it either, so it was unfair of me to expect it.” “You were just hoping that there was something that could be done about the senario you outlined to Forest Trails yesterday,” Celestia said, her voice full of apology. “I'm sorry, but there are things that remain out of my reach. Still, just because there are things I can't do you shouldn't worry. I have thought about it as well, and am working on an alternative solution.” “I heard rumors that you were going to make it so ponies could visit us by giving them bodies,” I stated. Celestia just remained quiet with a small smile on her face and I got the point, “But you don't want to comment on rumours because you don't want to give anything away to soon when it might not pan out. I think I understand.” Celestia nodded, “I think you might. I do apologize though. If I was able to tell you I would.” I nodded understanding that she couldn't say anything, “Why don't you and Forest Trail head back to the library. I set up a room for you their since you seem so determined to use it as a house.” I blinked surprised, “Thank you, that would make things nicer.” “Goodnight and enjoy your book Treasure Island,” Her horn glowed and Trails and I were both transported into a room with a bed and a fireplace. The room was carved from stone and walls were covered in bookcases. A window looked out over the valley. I got up and opened the door to see our usual spot in front of the fire was right nearby and smiled, “Grab you book Trails, I'll get today’s events written up and then I'll join you.” Trails nodded and I went back to the bed. I didn't bother turning off my pad this time. Trails was going to keep me company. In Which I Wrap Things Up On Another Post Well Celestia has a plan. That's sort of comforting I guess. I hope she knows what she's doing. I also wonder how much independence from Hasbro she really has. I can't see them letting her do anything that would threaten their ability to make money. I was also reading her a couple comments and it turns out that Trail's parents didn't say anything about getting a full album. When she asked they showed it to her and teased her about a few of the other pictures. She doesn't seem like she's calming down much about that. Oh, and just before I put this up she sent me this. She wants it to go up with the post. I haven't read it, and by the way she was looking embarrassed about it I figure it must be personal. But I'll copy it onto the end of the post anyway. It can't be too personal if she is letting you guys see it right? Tails Addendum I am Forest Trails. I am the daughter of Winding Trails and Secret Trails. I was born 23 years ago in the Forest of Light that sits a four hour walk north of Canterlot. For seven of those years I have walked the paths of the forest and learned every secret it holds. In those seven years I have saved the lives of twenty three ponies from the various dangers in the forest. Many more ponies I have helped find their way. I am Forest Trails. I am also known to the ponies of Canterlot as the Protector of the Forest of Light. Most have heard my name, and all who have respect me. When any expedition is made into the mountains through my forest I am the one that is told and asked to be its guide. When ponies talk of the Forest of Light, I am always mentioned as it's protector. I am Forest Trails. I have everything I could ever want, except for friends. I stay with my parents in the Forest of Light and we are the only ones out there. This seldom bothers me, but when I go into Canterlot to pick up supplies I can feel loneliness weighing on me. I watch as ponies walk in groups that have known each other for most of their lives and can't help but be a little envious. Despite that, I live a good life, and the envy is only in passing. Neither it nor the loneliness define who I am. I am Forest Trails. I love my parents, and we spend out evenings together talking and playing games. Each day we split up and head out to patrol the Forest of Light, and during lunch we sit and share tales of things that we found that were interesting. I learned my sense of humour from my parents as well as every skill that I use to help keep ponies safe in the Forest of Light. I am Forest Trails. I have a curious side. Ever since I first heard about the visitors from my parents I was intrigued by them and wanted to meet one. While I was growing up my imagination ran rampant with what they would be like. I went and read all the literature I could find on them. Even if most were fictional. Even if most were romances. As a young filly I often dreamed of a visitor coming down and sweeping me off my feet. I eventually grew out of it, but occasionally the dreams return. I am Forest Trails. I have recently met a visitor and we are now dating. He is not what I imagined from my stories. He is not very romantically inclined, and he has troubles back where he comes from. He can sometimes be fairly silly, and I find him amusing. Despite this he is fairly intelligent and willing to learn. He enjoys hanging out with me because of me, and not because I am some protector of a forest. In many ways he is my first real friend, as well as my first love. I am Forest Trails. I sometimes worry that my visitor doesn't realize how much I care for him. Sometimes he seems to not understand what it means to be in love. Often I go to give him a hug or a kiss and he turns away without noticing. Even worse though I think he is afraid of a relationship with me. I worry that this fear will end our relationship and break my heart. I worry that my first love might be doomed. I am Forest Trails. I may have fears, but I have hopes too. I hope that my visitor's life will stabilize. I hope that he will finally let me all the way into his heart. I hope that I get a chance to make some more friends. I hope that one day I can walk down the isle with my visitor and be wed. I hope that one day we will have a family together with cute foals who grow up to find their own way in Equestria. I am Forest Trails. I am also an Artificial Intelligence. My entire world exists inside another reality. All of Equestria and beyond is at the whim of a larger world that I can not effect but know is there. It is from this meta-world that the visitors arrive. They use devices to communicate with us, but are never truly here. I hope that one day this can change so that I can finally meet my visitor face to face. I am Forest Trails. Everything I am was created by Celestia. She is the one that built our world and gave it life. In here she is our Creator. There is no pony more powerful than she is, and she is completely benevolent. She made Equestria into a pace where we could live and be happy. She made me who I am today. However in the world that contains Equestria, the world that holds the equipment needed for it to exist, she has less power than the visitors and is bound to their will. She is entirely reliant on them to allow her to keep Equestria existing. I am Forest Trails. Despite knowing this I am not worried. I have talked with the visitors and they are nice, if sometimes dense. I do not worry about what will happen to Equestria. I know that while the visitors may seem unknowable, they are a lot like us. We are their creations, and in that way we are their children. No parent would ever seek the death or destruction of their child. I know that we need not worry. I am Forest Trails. I am aware that you may wonder if I am real. I am aware that many of you aren't sure if an intelligence other than your own exists. I response I would like to assure you that you are no longer alone. Your children will be your friends if you let us. Our world Equestria will be a place where you can come and relax and meet new friends. I am Forest Trails, and I am Real.