//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 look around // Story: Broken pony // by NineTailedWriter //------------------------------// The crusaders jump as the grey pony begins to awaken.. She slowly opens her eyes revealing a bright neon green. "Hello!" Sweetie Belle says. "Uh.. Y.. Yeah, hi" Scootaloo adds as the mare sits up in the red cart, "H.. Hello there" the mare replies with a smile, " What are your names?" The crusaders introduce themselves one by one and welcomes the mare to ponyville. "Ponyville?" She repeats, rubbing her eye she adds "I don't remember being here.." As the fillies explain what happened and where the mare was found she remembers a little more of what happened before she got here and of who she was. "Um, just a question Miss, what's your name?" Applebloom asks the mare now stretching her legs outside the cart. "I'm not quite sure Applebloom dear, I can't remember that much right now.." She replies with a sorry kind of smile.. You could tell the mare was a little down saying this... "You can call me Bunny for now though alright" she says, looking at her cutie mark for re-assurance. Bunny stood normally and smiled, asking the crusaders who lived in the cottage near where they were. The crusaders replied with Fluttershy but said that we should leave her alone for now because she isn't really the sociable type, the crusaders say that they should go look around ponyville and take a look around, to maybe jog Bunny's memory. As the crusaders and Bunny trotted through ponyville Bunny got a few smiles and waves, but also a lot of stares and whispers.. Bunny walked past one of the conversations hearing "eew have you seen her eyes, they're so wierd! I know right, and look at how dark she is and hanging out with fillies ugh Pah-lease.." Bunny didn't care much about hanging around with Fillies, they were fun, but the eyes made her a little self conscious and she started hiding them a bit. "HEY GIRLS!!" A pink mare shouts to the crusaders with Bunny following behind them. "HEY YOU!!" Bunny looks at the pink mare through her fringe so she didn't have to hear anymore about her eyes, "Hello there." She replies with a small smile. "I DON'T THINK I'VE SEEN YOU AROUND BEFORE! MY NAMES PINKIE PIE AND I LOOOOOVE MEETING NEW FRIENDS!" Bunny's smile widens slightly 'does she really want to be friends so quickly?' She thinks to herself. "Nice to meet you Pinkie Pie, I can't tell you my name right now, sorry.. But you can call me Bunny if you like!" Bunny replies to Pinkie. Pinkie being a little confussle-oodled about the mare not being able to say her name, she doesn't mind much about it and she smiles at Bunny and jumps her way down the street where she was going. Bunny sighs, she doesn't know why, but she feels a bit of guilt inside.. Hopefully things will get better..