Lights, Camera, Action.

by LightsCameraAction

Dear Flash,

Chapter One: Dear Flash,

Seven years ago...

Dear Flash, this is my 11th letter I have sent to you. I don't know if you have read the others, but I am a huge fan of yours. I love your music and I hope to be as famous as you some day. I hope that you can teach me some of your secrets to success, and maybe help me with my music as well. I know you have probably heard this from hundreds of thousands of fans, but I promise this one is different. I also am sending a flash drive with one of my new demos on it. I hope you listen to it, and I hope you love it. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read this.

Present Day...

LCA opened his bloodshot eyes and looked around his room. He saw his room that he had left in a mess the night before, trying to finish up his latest track. But through all of this mess, he also saw the picture of his beautiful role model on his wall. She had a flowing brunette mane with golden highlights, and the same goes for her tail. She wore shiny golden aviators that matched her mane and the spots on her flank. Her wings were spread as if she was about to take off into the sky, and fly right off of the poster. He started drooling at the thought of her being there in real life. That would be the greatest day of his life.

"LCA, it's time for breakfast!" He heard his mother yell.

"Don't worry ma, I'll be down there in a minute!" He yelled back to her.

He looked back at the poster on his wall, and smiled. He turned to walk out of the room and head down the stairs to see what his mom had made for breakfast. He walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table to wait for his meal.

"How did you sleep?" She asked him.

"Not very well, I am trying to finish up my latest track but it isn't really cooperating with me." He replied

"I am sure you will figure it out, just be patient." She said, reassuring him.

"So what's to eat? I am so hungry I could eat a horse." He said.

"Bacon and eggs." His mom replied.

"Mmmmmmm, I love bacon." He said, taking in the sweet aroma of the delicious dish.

His mother brought over a plate already dished up for him and set it down on the table, before immediately turning and going over to the next room. He slammed his muzzle down into his plate of food and started chowing down on all of it's contents, each bite tasting better than the last. He licked his plate clean, right down to the grease of the bacon. While enjoying the last of his plate's contents, he heard a knock on the door. He got up from his place at the table and walked up to the window near the door. He peered through to see who it was, and frowned at what he saw.

"Ugh, it's that annoying neighbor again, can't she just leave me alone?" He asked himself.

"C'mon, you should at least try to make some friends sweetie." His mom said. "We have been living here for almost a year and you haven't even made an effort to be social."

"Mom, I will be social when I find the right friends for me." He said, giving her an irritated look.

He walked over to the door and opened it up slowly.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Do you want to come outside and maybe hang out?" The mare asked.

This mare was the same age as him. Her name was Derpy Hooves. She obviously had a crush on him, but he didn't like her like that, or even as a friend for that matter. He had been saving his heart for someone else, and he planned on making that happen, even though his role model was five years older than him. But back to the point, this mare wanted him to hang out with her.

"This is the thousandth time you have asked me, and I have said no every other time, What do you think I am going to say this time?" He asked

She took a few steps back from the doorway, and got a sad look on her face. She hung her head, down towards the ground as tears began to slowly leak out of her eyes. She backed up slowly, and started to turn around to leave.

"Sorry to waste your time." She said under her breath, just loud enough for him to hear her.

"Oh god." He said quietly to himself. "Look, I am sorry, ok? I am just not in the mood to hang out."

"Oh trust me, I totally get it, you are never in the mood to hang out!" She yelled without turning back.

She ran off back towards her house, and he slowly closed the door, feeling bad about how he had just handled the situation. He walked back into the kitchen and took his plate in his hoof to the sink. He set the plate in the right sink, which was separated from the left sink by a median. He pushed the spout over to the right side with his right hoof and turned the water on with the left. He let the water clean off the tiniest crumbs that he missed with his tongue, and then turned the water off. He turned away from the sink, and walked back up the stairs, and into his room.