Curator of the Stars

by Sepulcher

Message #3 - From Curator Ω to Curator ξ

Message - From Curator Ω to Curator ξ

Thank you for alerting me to the presence of... six different Apex Species, Curator ξ.

Please stand by and continue running scans on the star and planet while I contact my superiors.

As for your questions that were directed towards me, I shall do my best to answer them in as short of time as possible.

How intelligent are the E.I.'s that control the Drones?

They are 'super smart' as they learn like we do, and are even capable of passing judgment on decisions that would befuddle us. Sometimes, morality only gets in the way of doing what must be done.

What does this mean, Esteemed Curator Ω? Could this be the planet that we have been searching for?

I cannot say. The signs are pointing towards it being the One, but without more Observations, it could simply be a very rare and interesting planet.

-Curator Ω

Message Response - From Curator ξ to Curator Ω

Thank you for answering my questions. I will do as you command and await your orders, Esteemed Curator Ω.

-Curator ξ