A Bad Day to Fish

by FlashKenshin77

30 - Hunt for a Lost Treasure

A Bad Day to Fish
By FlashKenshin77 & Furious Bacon

Chapter 30 - Hunt for a Lost Treasure

Michael walked down the Canterlot castle corridors, the sun shining through the stain glass windows. He stopped a few times, asking directions to a certain princess’ room, guarded by two quiet Shadow Guards. They stared at him impassively, waiting for him to walk closer. He walked up to them and eyed the door. “Is Princess Luna in there?” He asked nervously.
The guards nodded. “Yes she is.”
He hesitated for a moment. “Um… is it possible for me to talk to her?”
“Depends on what you need to talk about, she’s very busy.”
He hoofed the ground. “I-it’s about a favor she asked me to do a while ago…”
The guards shared a glance before they opened the door. “Proceed carefully pegasus.”
He sighed and entered her personal chamber. It was dark, almost pitch black, save for a faint warm glow from a fireplace. Thick black curtains hung over a massive window, taking up an entire wall. Bookcases lined another, another room next to them, the door firmly shut. Taking up most of the room was a luxurious bed, midnight blue covers and veil. Nestled next to the fireplace sat a desk littered with scrolls and quills. Luna’s horn glowed brightly in the dark room, hovering over near the desk.
He gulped, making his way through the darkness. “P-princess Luna?” He asked, breaking the silence.
She paused and turned her head slightly. “Good evening Michael, what do you need?” Her voice slightly cold.
He stared at his hooves. “I… I came here to talk about what you asked me to do.”
The room dropped several degrees, his wings rustling nervously. “Indeed? And pray tell, what do you need to discuss?”
“I-I’m sorry but I can’t…”
She stood up in front of him, staring into his eyes. “What do you mean you can’t?”
He suddenly wished for the power of instant transmission, staring back at her in fear. “I-I’m no leader and anything but a killer.”
“So you’re just going to let everypony down? What about that Martin you babble on about? He put you in charge for a reason.”
He cringed. “Twilight’s taking my place, sh-she knows more about than me…”
She sighed. “Once again, Celestia’s student comes to the rescue. And I thought you wanted to help, I guess Discord was right.”
“W-what do you mean?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. The people back on Earth said it best; you are a failure at everything. It’s no wonder why you wanted to stay.”
His mouth opened in shock before he lowered his head, staring at the floor. “I-I’m sorry…”
She rolled her eyes. “Remember our deal human, if you don’t follow through, I will take back what’s mine. Both the eye and body.”
“I… why did you ask me to help you?”
“Because neither of us had a choice in the matter. When Celestia appointed Martin the Grandmaster, she forced both of our hooves.”
He dared to glance at her. “I don’t understand, why do you hate Martin?”
“It’s not hate, it’s more like hesitation. I still remember the last Grandmaster and his friend. We saw how well that turned out for them.” She sighed again. “I understand that you feel that you can’t do it but now isn’t the time for your petty feelings. I’m ordering you as the Princess of the Night to do as I commanded or I will do something drastic.”
“I don’t know if I can. W-what is it that you’d need me to do?”
“Keep an eye Martin and watch the Elements, Celestia is planning something.” She paused. “I know you’re close to the Element of Kindness, don’t hesitate to use her if need be.”
He stared at her in shock. “W-what? Why would you want me to watch them? I doubt Princess Celestia would do anything.”
“You don’t know her as well as I do. She’s always plotting something. I had to learn that the hard way.” She said, her horn glowing.
He stumbled a few steps back. “I-I’m not sure if I could spy on my friends…”
“Which is why I’m taking an extra measure.” She said as a medallion of her cutie mark was forced around his neck. “This medallion can let me see your thoughts and hear what’s going on around you, if you so choose.”
He gulped. “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this…”
“It’s not up for debate.” She pointed at his eye. “When you agreed to that bargain, you became a vassal of mine. I can choose to exert more control if you’d like.”
He flinched and backed up towards the door. “I-I’ll do as you ask Princess…”
“Good.” She turned back to her desk, sitting back down. “And don’t remove that medallion, it would be rather… unpleasant.” She said, going back to her scrolls.
He nodded and left, closing the door as he stared at the stone floor. What have I gotten myself into? He looked down at the medallion, trying to think what to do.


Everyone was still in the meeting, gathered around the table as they looked over the map in the middle. Vandir tapped his beak as he eyed the map. “Are there really no records of the Order’s HQ?” He asked, looking up at everypony.
“There may be some but Princess Celestia never told me where and I scoured the entire Royal Library.” Twilight said, studying the map. “We assume its near the old castle in the Everfree but that’s only my educated guess.”
Vandir sighed. “How can there be no record though?”
“Look it was over a thousand years ago, things get lost.” Dash said as she waved a hoof dismissively. “Why don’t I just go do a fly by over the Everfree and check it out?”
Vandir turned and stared at her impassively. “You think you can just find it like that? Celestia know’s what kind of magical barriers have been made to keep it secret.”
“Puh-lease! I could find it in my sleep. I found where they were keeping Fluttershy didn’t I?” She boasted, flinging her hoof over Fluttershy’s shoulder.
Vandir sighed and shook his head. “If you could just find it by flying over the forest, they wouldn’t have survived thousands of years.”
She glared at him. “You saying I can’t do it?”
“Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying.” He said flatly.
Dash slammed her hooves on the table. “I accept that challenge! No pony ever said this future Wonderbolts never tried the impossible.” She launched herself into the air, the chair flying back. “I’ll go find this ‘HQ’ of yours.”
He shook his head. “You won’t find anything.”
“Dash please, calm down just a moment so we can think this through rationally.” Twilight tried to reason with her friend.
Dash shook her head. “He challenged me Twilight, I can’t ignore that!”
Twilight groaned, massaging her temples.
Vandir leaned back in his chair. “Let’s hope there’s something in the griffin archives.”
Suddenly the room’s door burst open. “Representative Sparkle, we got news from the Desert Lands.” A unicorn guard said.
Everyone turned towards the guard as Twilight got out of her chair. “Yes?”
“It seems that the Grandmaster and Griffin battalion wiped out a major holding for the UEA. Reports also state they seemed to have killed one of their leaders.” A scroll floated to Twilight. “A pony by the name of Diable ma’am.”
Twilight grabbed the scroll and read through it quickly before sighing in relief. “Then the border should be secured for now.”
“How many did we lose?” Vandir asked.
“About one hundred and fifty soldiers.” Twilight said.
He sighed. “Not as many as I feared.” He said, as Twilight nodded.
“And ma’am?” The guard asked, looking at Twilight.
She looked up from the scroll. “Yes?”
“The prisoner that we captured earlier wishes to speak with Michael.” The guard said, his voice carefully neutral.
She blinked a few times. “I’m afraid he’s not here at the moment.”
“Oh, then I’ll tell him he’s unavailable. Thank you ma’am.” He gave Twilight a salute before walking out of the room, shutting the door behind him.
Twilight sat back down and sighed once she looked over the map again. “We still have no clues whatsoever…”
“Well… at least Martin’s ok right?” AJ asked.
Twilight nodded, reading the scroll again. “Just some minor injuries but yeah.”
AJ sighed, leaning back into her seat. “That’s good…”
Vandir nodded. “Is it possible that Martin knows where the HQ is?”
“Possible but doubtful.” Twilight said thoughtfully, looking at the map. Vandir sighed, rubbing a claw over his face. “I wonder…” Twilight thought out loud. “They wouldn’t have hid it in the crystal caves underneath Canterlot, would they?”
Regal shook his head. “No, not that we’ve discovered.”
“Rats…” Twilight groaned as Dash rolled her eyes.
“Well I’ll be back, I’m gonna go check out the Everfree.” Dash said.
Twilight frowned. “Dash, what are you trying to prove?”
“That no stupid bird-”
“Whoa there sugacube, watch what yer bout ta say.” AJ interrupted her.
“Okay, okay. Prince Vandir said I could never find the HQ.”
“Well look at it this way, no pony can.” He said.
Dash glared at him. “Well I will!”
Everypony sighed. “Just be careful, ok?” Twilight asked, looking at her friend. Dash saluted before she flew out the window, disappearing over the horizon. Twilight rubbed her forehead. “That pony, I swear.”
Vandir rubbed his neck. “At least she’s doing something. All we’re doing is sitting around.”
“Ah know whatcha mean but it’s better ta have a group thinkin’ then running around like a bunch of headless chickens.” AJ said.
There was another knock on the door. Twilight used her magic to open it. “Yes?”
The same unicorn guard stood there, another scroll floating by his head, the Order’s seal enclosed on the scroll. “Excuse me again ma’am, another message from the border arrived. It’s from the Grandmaster.”
Twilight quickly grabbed it from him with her magic and read it as the others looked at her expectantly. “Well, what’s it say?” AJ finally asked.
Twi cleared her throat. “Dear Michael, Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Dash, Pinkie, Rarity, and Prince Vandir; I send you this letter to inform you that I’ll be returning to Ponyville. I’ll be searching for something very important. Alone. If I find what I’m looking for, I’ll make sure to tell you.” Twilight put the scroll on the table.
“He can’t think we’d let him search for the HQ alone, does he?” AJ asked, glancing at everypony else.
“He didn’t say what he was looking for.” Twilight said.
“What else could it be?” Rarity asked. “Maybe it’s all sort of some plan of his…”
Twilight sighed. “I don’t know, we’ll have to ask him once he arrives.”
“Hopefully he gets here soon aye?” Michael asked, leaning against the wall near the door.
Everypony turned to look at him. “Michael, since when are you standing there?” Twilight asked, confused.
“When you grabbed the scroll, the guard saw me and left.” He faintly smiled.
Fluttershy got up and greeted him with a hug. “We should assume Martin’s gonna be here soon.” Vandir said.
Michael hugged her back. “That’s what I’m assuming. Seems like he’d send a letter when he was close.”
Vandir nodded. “We should position some guards near the train station.”
“Sounds like a plan to me.” Mike agreed.
Regal got up and walked towards the pegasi. “I’ll gather some guards.” He said, walking past them and away from the meeting room.
Michael looked at the assembled ponies and griffins, noticing the lack of a certain rainbow maned pegasus. “Where’s Dash?”
“She’s trying to find the HQ on her own by flying over the forest.” Twilight said, sighing.
“The Everfree? Isn’t that really dangerous?”
Twilight nodded. “Nothing that will stop her from trying.”
“How long ago did she leave? Maybe I should go make sure she’s ok.”
Twilight shook her head. “Don’t worry, she’ll be alright.”
“Alright… so what’s left to decide? I didn’t interrupt anything did I?”
Twilight looked around the table, each pony shaking their head. “Nope, nothing.”
“That’s good.” He sighed, the last rays of the sun glinting off his medallion.
Twilight tilted her head. “Um… what’s that?”
Michael’s face grew red. “Just something Princess Luna gave me, said if I ever needed any help to just think it and she could hear me.”
They all looked at him suspiciously. “Um… ok…” Twilight said hesitantly.
He gave them a lopsided grin. “Don’t ask me, I don’t pretend to understand princesses.”
“Well alright…” Twilight said before turning back to the ponies and griffins. “I think we’ve discussed everything we need to.”
“Indeed. So let’s call it an evening and reconvene when Martin returns.” Vandir said, getting out of his chair. Everyone agreed, following his lead.
Everypony left town hall; Vandir, Twilight, and Ganir disappeared to the library while Pinkie and Rarity walked home together, discussing something. AJ headed towards the train station at a fast trot.
Fluttershy looked at Mike and kissed his cheek. “It’s nice that you’re back…” She said quietly.
“Same here Flutters, seems like we can never have a moment of peace again.” He sighed.
She watched after AJ, the farm pony disappearing into the small crowd. “Where do you want to go?”
“I should probably wait for Martin but if you want to go to the cottage, I understand.”
She shook her head. “It’s ok, you can go to the train station.”
“Ok.” He kissed her briefly. “Meet you back at the cottage?”
She giggled and blushed. “Ok...” She turned around and with a small wave goodbye, walked away.
He smiled dumbly before shaking his head and rushed after AJ, walking up next to her and watched the guards stand there, silently.
She smiled at him. “‘Ello sugacube.”
“Hey AJ, how have you been?”
She looked at him with a sad smile. “Aww, ya know…”
He nodded his head. “I can imagine, at least he’s on his way back right?”
She nodded, blushing. “Yeah, Ah hope he’s alright…”
He chuckled. “I’m sure he’s fine.” She sighed and walked over to a bench and sat down. Mike followed her but remained standing. “You like him?” He asked bluntly.
She turned to look at him, her face bright red as her freckles stood out. “Ah-Ah … um…”
“It’s ok, you don’t need to say anything.” He chuckled, shaking his head. She bit her lower lip and pushed her stetson down over her face, trying to hide her blush. He was silent for a moment. “You know he likes you too right?” She looked at him her face bright red. “Trust me, it took a few tries to get him to admit it though.”
She hoofed the ground. “Ah..”
She smiled. “Thank ya Michael.”
“No problem AJ, looked like you need a bit of a cheering up.” He grinned.
She was about to say something when a train whistled, effectively silencing the entire platform. The train chugged its way here, the smoke blocking it. The train stopped, screeching to a halt as steam billowed from beneath it. They looked around, neither spotting Martin as the last pony stepped off the train. AJ sighed and sat back down on the bench.
“Huh…” Mike said, scratching his head.
Martin stepped off the train, armor free, covered in bandages. He looked around, holding a bag in his hand. Neither pony saw him as he darted to the bathroom.
“Huh, guess he isn’t here yet.” Mike said as cleaning ponies got onto the train and the conductor was packing up for the night. “Maybe he missed it?”
AJ sighed. “Ah guess…”
Mike nodded and headed towards the conductor. He paused, hearing the hoofsteps before turning to look at him. “Can I help ya?”
“I was wondering if a human boarded this train?” Mike asked. “Name was Martin, probably would be in a whole lot of armor?”
The conductor paused, tapping his chin with his hoof. “I think I saw some ‘thing’ get onboard.”
“Really? When did the thing get off?”
“I’m not sure, I wasn’t really paying attention when passengers disembark.”
Martin opened the bathroom door and stepped out, wearing short white robes. A short cape was attached to his right shoulder showing the crest of the Order. He hid his face using the hood and walked away with the bag in his hand, armor clattering inside.
AJ ear’s flicked at the noise and turned to see him. “Martin!” She yelled, getting up.
He ignored her, walking away as he walked pass a trash bin and threw the bag inside. He turned the corner, disappearing into town.
Mike turned as he heard AJ yell his name and watched as she took off. “Thanks again.” He told the conductor before galloping after the farm pony.
AJ paused as she reached the corner, frantically looking for Martin. Mike caught up to her, taking deep breaths.
“You saw him?” He asked her.
“A-ah saw him walk around tha corner…”
Mike looked around before unfurling his wings and took to the skies, hoping to spot him from the air. Cold air blew through his mane and fur as the town shrank. He squinted, trying to see anything unusual. He didn’t spot anything and slowly went lower to the ground. He flew just above the roofs, the streets crowded before all the shops closed for the night.
“What is he doing?” A mare asked.
“Is he drunk?” A stallion asked himself.
Mike turned his head towards the pair and they were staring at a roof, following something with their eyes. Mike followed their line of sight, quicking hopping over roofs. Not too far away, Martin was hopping roof to roof, somehow ignoring the laws of physics. Mike stared in shock. “Oh, you gotta be kidding me.” He said, facehoofing. He flapped his wings again, hovering above the ‘concealed’ human. “Hey Ezio, I think you’re in the wrong game.”
Martin ignored his friend and jumped off the roof, gracefully rolling once he hit the ground and continued to run away.
Mike sighed and followed, easily keeping up with his wings. “Hey Bueller…”
Martin ran towards a building and ran up the wall somehow, grabbing a window sill and climbed to the roof.
Mike flew after him, hovering right above him. “Apparently you’re deaf now too?!” He yelled, getting frustrated as he landed on Martin’s shoulders.
Martin ignored the pony on his shoulders, grinning when he saw a fence and smoothly slid underneath it. Mike jumped off, nearly avoiding running into it. His right eye twitched.
“You know what, I don’t care anymore.” He muttered angrily before taking to the sky, looking for AJ.
Martin continued running away.
Mike finally found AJ and landed in front of her. “Apparently he thinks he’s in a damn video game.” He grumbled.
She looked at him confused. “Wha’s a video game?”
“Think of a playable movie.” He sighed, a hoof against his head.
She thought for a moment. “Alright… where’s he now?”
Mike pointed east. “He was running that way.”
“Wha’s he doing?”
“No idea but he wants to get himself killed, that’s his own problem.” He grumbled.
AJ placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Ya wouldn’t just let him die…”
He sighed and went silent. “Maybe not.” He glanced at the direction he just pointed to. “Anything out of town that’s in that direction?”
She shook her head. “That only leads back inta town.”
“Huh, wonder what he’s doing then.”
Someone walked up behind Mike. “I was just getting a few things.”
Mike sighed and looked at AJ. “He’s right behind me, isn’t he?”
AJ nodded. “Eeyup.”
He turned around. “Hey Ezio, where’d you get the outfit?”
Martin chuckled. “I had it made just before I went to the border.”
“Ah… So how was the border?”
Martin shrugged. “Ya know, pretty dangerous but we managed to secure the area.”
Mike faintly smiled. “Good.”
AJ nervously fixed her hat, trying to hide a blush.
Martin smiled sadly at his friend. “Sorry about earlier, I needed to get some things.”
Mike waved a hoof. “No problem but you couldn’t have just said that?”
“Needed to get some rather secret things.”
“Still would’ve made life easier.”
Martin sighed. “Okay, okay got it.” He pointed at the medallion. “Doing stuff with Princess Luna now, aye?”
Mike glanced down and blushed, seemingly forgetting about it. “Yeah, she asked for a few favors since she gave me the eye.”
AJ squinted slightly at the pegasus, something not sitting right with her.
Martin raised his eyebrow. “Okay, anyways how have things been in Ponyville?”
“Nothing too serious, just an old friend of ours paid us a visit.”
Martin tilted his head. “Um… who if I may ask?”
“He lived in particular mountain, we’ve met him once or twice, rather fond of roses.”
He gasped. “Oh boy…”
“Yeah, he’s in a room at town hall if you wanted to say hi. Rose is here, somewhere.”
Martin shrugged. “Okay.” He looked at AJ. “Hey AJ, how have you been?”
“Can’t complain, the usual at the farm and such. Haven’t seen this many guards since the Summer Sun Celebrations a few years back.” She faintly smiled at him. “See yer alright.”
Martin grinned back. “Aye.”
She walked over and grabbed Martin’s hand. “Ah’ve been meaning ta show you something back at the farm.” She waved goodbye to Mike. “See ya later Mike.” She said, dragging Martin away.
He looked at Mike confused. “Uh… ok, see ya.”
Mike shrugged. “See ya later I guess.” He said, heading towards Fluttershy’s cottage.
AJ kept dragging Martin. “So what did you want to show me?” He asked.
She finally let go and sighed. “He’s lyin’.” She said flatly as she continued to walk towards the farm.
He looked at her dumbfounded. “Who? Michael?”
She nodded. “He’s been lyin’ since he got that thing.”
“You mean the medallion.”
“Eeyup. During the talks, he left to go talk ta Luna and he came back at the end, wearing that thing. He lied to us why he was wearin’ it and he lied again just now.” She sighed.
He stopped. “Do you think he’s hiding something?”
She glanced at him. “The girls and Ah think something else is goin’ on he ain’t tellin’... except Fluttershy.” She paused. “She was the only one that acted like she knew anythin’ bout this.”
He frowned. “Always something with him, aye?”
She smiled. “Look who’s talkin’.” She sighed, shaking her head. “Ah thought ya should know, maybe ya can get him ta say what’s going on.”
He shrugged. “Maybe… now, what do you want to show me?”
She blushed. “Nothin’, Ah just wanted ta talk to ya alone fer a bit before ya get stuck on another crazy adventure.”
He looked at her surprised. “Oh, ok.” He scratched his neck. “Um… should we get back to the others or go to the farm?”
“That’s up ta ya?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know, I have to get up early tomorrow. I wasn’t planning on staying on.”
“Oh…” She hoofed at the ground nervously. “Ah see…”
He sighed. “I’ll be back soon but I’ll stay till tomorrow.”
“And ya won’t take anypony with ya? Why?”
He looked away. “Except me, no one else knows what to expect and where I’m going, it’s very dangerous for non-humans.”
“Won’t cha at least take Mike, he was human at one point.”
He shook his head. “Even for him, it’s just too dangerous.”
“At least think bout it and ya know him, do you think he’d let ya go alone?”
“Probably not but he’ll have to realize he can’t come with me.”
“But yet if it was the other way ‘round, what would happen?”
“If Michael was still human, he’d have to do everything I had to do. But only if I was a pony…”
“But if Michael went on a dangerous journey like ya and he said you couldn’t come, what would ya do?”
“Well, I’d ask why.”
“And if all he said was ‘it’s too dangerous for non-humans’, what then?”
Martin sighed. “I would have to accept it, and still go with him.”
“And ya know he’s gonna go with ya whether ya like it or not.”
“But I can’t protect him from something that can’t die.”
She paused. “What now?”
He avoided her eyes. “I’ve already said too much.”
She glared at him. “Your fighting what now?”
He shook his head. “I won’t be fighting anything.”
She was silent for a moment. “Ah won’t let cha deal with that alone, even if Ah have ta go.”
“I won’t be in danger, I’m human.”
“Don’t matter.”
“Okay, fine… I’ll tell you. Suits of Armor.”
“Ya mean those things actually exist?”
He nodded. “They’ve been enchanted to kill anything non-human that enters the castle.”
AJ’s eyes went wide. “Oh buck…” She took off towards the library, galloping as fast as she could.
He watched her leave before taking off after her. “AJ, where are you going?”
“Go get Mike and Fluttershy, tell them ta meet at Twilights!” She yelled, not stopping as she disappeared into the night.
He sighed and kicked the ground. “Fuck, sorry Apollo, I said too much.” He said, turning around and taking off towards Fluttershy’s cottage.