The Fire and The Flutter

by A. Tuesday


The Fire and the Flutter
Written by the_scarlet_mare-a-thonner

I couldn’t complain much about my life. Others say I easily could’ve; but I honestly couldn’t. I loved my life, despite it’s craziness and differing from the normal. I don’t get why I should be sad about it, but the other ponies I’ve met come up with some valid point anyway.
For starters, some ponies say that New Horseleans isn’t anywhere close to a Canterlot – which it isn’t. The city itself wasn’t shining and majestic like the Princess’s abode was. It was a run-down but cheerful city, a place filled with dilapidated buildings and their smiling inhabitants oblivious to all of this. The city itself was what you would call “broken”, I suppose.
That was false about its ponies, though. They went throughout the day as if nothing was wrong. Because there wasn’t. The policy of buildings in NH? “If it doesn’t collapse, it’s good enough.” So nobody cared, including myself.
Others say it was because of my move. I had lived in Ponyville for most of my youth, but certain…complications forced me to relocate, away from the family that raised me and straight into life solo in a town incredibly far away. Sure, I was separated from my loving parents, and my younger brother – but, nevertheless, I retained the idea that life went on. And went on it did.
Others still said it was because of my job. I worked in a little tavern known as “The Gilded Hoof.” I didn’t actually tend the bars or mix drinks or anything like that – I cooked food. I didn’t see too many ponies, and the kitchen was a little dirty, and the pay wasn’t the greatest, and the room I slept in above the kitchen wasn’t the biggest – but it was good enough for me. I loved my job. It was something I was good at, and always would be.
Which, I suppose, leads me to the reason most ponies attempt to sympathize with me. I cook food not because it was the only thing I could do, but the only thing I could do perfectly, with grace even. And it all had to do with my special talent.
See, when you’re a unicorn, you’ve got magic powers – everypony knows that. Sometimes you might have a wide range of ridiculous magic – you can pretty much do whatever the heck you want.
Sometimes you might have a certain “knack” for things – you can’t do everything magic, but you work that small area you do know like no one else can.
That’d be me. I know what you’re thinking; and no, my special talent is NOT baking. Something much less expected, and I’m outcast because of it.
My special talent is anything fire. Creating it, controlling it, extinguishing it – I’m a pyromaniac, if you will.
My name is Firestarter.
This is my story.