//------------------------------// // Waking up // Story: And there I was. // by Alternivity //------------------------------// "Ugh," I groaned, "what the hell happened to me?" I slowly opened my eyes to try and get an estimate of where I was. Upon regaining my vision I was confronted by a bubblegum pink creature with blue eyes. "What the fuck?!" I cried, rolling out from underneath it, I shut my eyes again shaking my head. The hell was that thing? "Hi I'm Pinkie Pie. What's your name?" before I could respond this "Pinkie Pie" thing bombarded me with more questions,"Where're you from? When did you get here? How old are you? Why are you in a crater? " I opened my eyes and looked at the pink entity. "Stop talking for a minute and let me think dammit!" I yelled, once again closing my eyes, trying to recall any details about my life before waking up here, but nothing came, "Pinkie Pie, right?" it nodded, "Ok here's the deal, I don't remember anything before waking up right now-" "Really you don't remember anything?" I snapped my eyes open a the interruption, "Not even parties?" "Nope, not a thing," I replied. She -if her voice was an indicator- looked at me thoughtfully before springing into the air inhaling loudly and shooting off on a tangent. "Oookaaaaay then...that was, weird, "I said to no one. I decided to try to figure out where I was. Noticing I was still on my back I rolled over and gave myself a once-over. Coat of hair, black. Mane and tail, very dark blue with white streaks. Four legs, good for stability and speed. Squat muscular body, high strength. Wide range of sight, good for seeing predators or prey. With that out of the way I tested my mobility and dexterity, finding my limbs to have a high range of movement, good. I noted that my limbs ended in round bone-like shapes. "Okay time to see where I am." "That's easy, you're in Ponyville!" another apparently female voice told me. "Oh thanks," I looked for the source of the second voice finding a purple creature of similar shape to 'Pinkie Pie' standing at the craters rim, "oh great, another one" I muttered. "Any time, friend. I'm Twilight Sparkle. What's your name?" she asked politely. I tried to call up the memory to no avail, "I honestly don't know," I replied. "What do you mean?" She asked, her eyes narrowing. "I mean I don't remember it." "I still don't understand." "I have no memory before waking up just now." "I can help with that!" She cried out drawing the attention of several others. "How?" "I know a memory spell!" "I see." "Follow me back to my library!" "Um, no offence but I only just met you, why should I trust anything you say?" Well that and I'm stuck in a fucking hole! "..." "..." Her eyes widened as an idea hit her. In a literal flash she was standing about a metre in front of me. "How about I just cast it now?" "Okay, go ahead." I said calmly, a strange sensation considering that she just fucking popped instantly from one place to another. I shut my eyes as she squeezed hers tight and placed her horn - which I noticed for the first time- between my eyes. Suddenly a single image shot through my mind accompanied by the words 'Jericho Burn'. "I, I remember my name, Jericho Burn. But I still don't recall anything else." "I don't understand, you should remember everything!" "Well maybe there isn't anything there to remember? Frankly I'm just glad I now have a name. Thank you for your help Twilight." I decided that I should try walking or at least standing up. I moved my legs slowly keeping myself balanced across all four, to my surprise I was able to stand relatively easily. "That's a good start now walking might be a little more tricky," stated Twilight. "Well," I said, "here goes nothing." I took a step forward, and felt my face become well acquainted with the ground. I repeated the process several more times, until I became aware of Twilight watching me with what I took to be amusement. "Something funny 'bout a guy that can't even remember what he is let alone how to use his body?" I asked coldly, finally not face-planting "No not at all!" she said quickly, turning away with a blush. "Good to know, now that I can move, care to help me out of this hole?" "No problem!" she said touching me with her hoof. I shut my eyes and waited a few seconds before opening them again as a wave of nausea hit me. "Why didn't you warn me about the disorientation!" I yelled as another wave crashed down on me. She started stammering apologies before I cut her off. "Chill, it's nothing, just a little warning next time, okay?" I said softly, in an attempt to avoid an all out breakdown. "Thanks but you're right, I should have warned you." "Now then, it would looks like I'll need a place to stay. Do you know of any where I might find one?" "I have a spare room in the library." "I would hate to be a burden-" "You're not a burden, you're my friend. Now come on, I wanna show you the Golden Oaks library!"