//------------------------------// // Muddy-licious Mud Bath // Story: Cavete // by S3xySnufflez //------------------------------// Muddy-licious Mud Bath “C’mon girl... you can do it....” Applejack wheezed, clutching her chest. Dash’s kick really hurt. “Hehehe... you deserved it Apples... Rarity, just jump!” Rainbow Dash snickered with a malicious smile. “I wonder what’s wrong.” Fluttershy murmured. “I’ll see!” Pinkie Pie smiled to herself, she'll help Rarity, and hopped over back to Rarity’s side. Rarity looked up to see a blur of pink jumping toward her. Pinkie opened her mouth to speak, but Rarity cut through. “I can’t darling, I am sorry.” Rarity said, tears glistening in her eyes. “Why not? Are you saddy-waddy?” Pinkie quietly asked. She knew something was wrong. Rarity looked up, studied Pinkie with her watery eyes, she could trust her? Right? She broke down. “*sniff* I am ugly, horrible... I am not brave... not sporty... I c-can’t do a-anything w-w-w-worthwhile” Rarity sobbed, tragic tear streaming down her face. “I always feel like people underestimate me, think I am not strong enough. I just... I don’t know who I am!” Rarity croaked. Pinkie laughed, so self confidence? She can help Rarity with that. “Oh, pish posh.... Rarity, you are the most generous, most beautiful most amazingest person I know!” Pinkie said with a small smile. “Hey, Flutters, isn't Rarity the prettiest most generous person you know?” Pinkie screamed across the vast pool. “Um... yes” Fluttershy stunned by the strange out turn of events, quietly said. “SHE SAID YES” Dash hollered across back to Pinkie. “See...” Pinkie reasoned. “Thank you dear. Atleast I know you guys like me but what about others? I can see people looking at me with murderous looks, I hate myself...” wailed Rarity, no one liked her, her handsome prince even acted like a total snob to her. “Oh shut up, it’s not murderous looks you see, its jealous looks! You are a great friend Rarity, don’t let yourself forget that!” Pinkie said angrily, she was starting to get agitated. To her, Rarity was her best friend. “But sometimes, I still don’t know if people like me for my looks or for myself...” Rarity said through subdued sobs. “I mean, I have had so many people try to use me for my looks, and money. I want to know if my friends are real or not! I feel worthless, completly ugly. I hate myself. People use me so much, and then they just leave me. And I break my own heart. I don't have a life! I'm just some stupid unicorn who is invisible to everyone. Can't you just live with that?!” Rarity shot. “HAD... and NO! We can't just live with that. You are my bestfriend, I would never want to loose you! You mean everything to us. Without you, were would the element of generousity be?! WHERE? As far as I am concerend, you are the only one that can hold that greatest honor. And Yes... of course we are real.... if I weren’t, would I be here trying to comfort you? Would Fluttershy have agreed to model for you? Would Applejack have even let you touch her hat? Would Rainbow have let you dress her up for that ONE time?” Pinkie said. “No.... but.... oh... I’m so sorr-ry-y-y“ Rarity sobbed. “You guys are such good friends... how could I have ever doubted you?” Rarity said through a watery smile. Pinkie smiled. "Thats what I was looking for!" "Thank you Pinkie, you showed me that I was worth it." “Now lets get through this ugly mud puddle” Rarity said with a beam. She knew that Pinkie was right. She was worth it. She did have a life, she didn't want that to end soon. The two gals ‘hop, skip, and jumped’ over to the other side where the rest of the girls stood waiting. Rarity with a satisfied smile on her face. Pinkie whispered into Fluttershy’s ear what happened. Fluttershy smile was too understanding as she said “Out of no reason, I just want to let you know, you are a truly a Rarity” Applejack catching on said “Mmhmm! Nothing is ever good unless it is a Rarity...” Rarity blushing, thanked her friends. “See, ya got nothing to worry about! We are you AWESOME friends.” Rainbow Dash said with a roll of her eyes. Fluttershy, who had the book “Strange Sights and the Unknown” last, whipped it out of her rucksack and began rifling through pages. “Oh, lookie here! Flutters is looking for what that dirty murty schmarty mud was all about!” Pinkie said catching everyone’s attention. “Um, yes, here it is ‘Waters Of Brown: This is a rare water formation found only in the Everfree forest. Though it’s close resemblance to mud, it is much more sinister. Those waters cause you to hate yourself, and criticize yourself. Most egoistic and proud people can get through easily’ "That’s why Rainbow and AJ respectively got through easily!" "‘Sometimes laughter kills it’ That explains Pinkie! " ‘And if you believe in yourself, you can pass’ That’s what I did... oh and poor Rarity, tired from the travel and all the mud and ickiness, fell for it’s tricks!” Fluttershy finished. “Well, I am quite happy that that ordeal is over.” Rarity huffed as Fluttershy put away the book and started walking. A long way down, the girls finally stopped to rest for the night. The sun slowly falling past the horizon. Pinkie and Rainbow set up the tents, Fluttershy started a fire, Applejack collected logs for seats. Everyone settled down and conversed. The girls laughed, and enjoyed their few moments of relaxation they could find. Rarity did the favors of creating the most exquisite s'mores that happened to be on earth. Pinkie ran about setting up pranks, giggling to herself. Fluttershy sat quietly listening to Applejack’s and Rainbow Dash’s intent conversation. After the moon rose high into the sky and everything was dark, and the girls got comfortable, Rainbow Dash started her scary story. “She lived deep in the forest (just like this one)......