A Bad Day to Fish

by FlashKenshin77

29 - Battle for the Land of the Desert

A Bad Day to Fish
By FlashKenshin77 & Furious Bacon

Chapter 29 - Battle for the Land of the Desert

Martin squinted his eyes and made out the silhouette of a griffin. “Reinforcements!” He cheered.
The ponies were silent for a moment before they loudly cheered. The griffons landed gracefully on the sand as an old griffin with an eye missing walked through the crowd. “Who’s in charge?” He asked, his voice hard as steel.
The commander and Martin walked up to him. “We are, I’m Commander Scars.”
He looked at the two of them and nodded. “General Barskir of the five-oh-first, at your service.”
Martin gave him a small smile. “Just in time as well.” The human and pony shared a look and he nodded. “How about we discuss our plans inside the tent?”
“That’s a good idea, get out of this heat.” Barskir turned to his troops. “Alright maggots, you’re on break till I get back. No one try and do anything stupid, clear?”
“CRYSTAL!” They yelled in unison, relaxing as he nodded.
Martin led the way into the tent and unfolded a map. “Our scouts reported that the Snake Water army is here. They’re doubling their army for a seize. We must act now or we’ll be outnumbered.”
“Where’s their HQ?”
Martin glanced at the map before pointing next to a oasis. “It should be right here. If we flank them from the north, the sky, and the east we’ll stand a chance. We’d have to kill their leader, he seems to be pulling the strings.”
“How strong is this intel? Last time I tried that, half a battalion was lost trying to avoid an attack on the east.”
Martin scratched his chin. “Very reliable, Commander Scars assured that only the best scouts were sent on this mission.”
Barskir and Scars shared a look. “Ok, then what are you suggesting? I take the griffons and pegasi and attack from the air while you storm from the north?”
“Not quite, I’ll come from the west and attack with Vaahala.”
“Is that the dragon out front?” Martin nodded. “Never fought with a dragon on my side.” Braskir leaned back, his talon clicking against his beak. “So you’ll attack from the west, I’ll attack from the sky, and Scars will attack from the north?”
Martin nodded with a grin. “If everything goes as planned, we’ll rip them to pieces.”
“What about the east and the oasis?”
He chuckled. “If they choose to retreat, they can only run into enemy territory.”
Braskir was silent. “You’d be surprised at what ponies do on the battlefield. When are we planning to attack?”
“As soon as possible, they can’t be allowed to double their army.”
“Agreed, I’ll go get my troops ready.” The griffin said, leaving the tent.
Martin turned to Scars. “You go get the soldier ready and I’ll go check on Vaahala, aye?”
Scars nodded and trotted out of the tent, the commander’s voice broke the peaceful camp. Martin left the tent and headed towards Vaahala, patting him on the head as he paused. “Vaahala, you ready to fight?” He growled, licking his lips. Martin chuckled. “We’ll tear those who threaten Equestria and its subjects to pieces.” He roared, startling everypony and griffin there. Martin patted his head again and walked towards the armory tent.
The smithy paused, glancing at the newcomer. “Grandmaster.” He said, dipping his head in a nod.
Martin walked over to one of the chests and opened it, smiling at the different weapons. He reached inside and grabbed a mace and dagger. He attached the mace to the left side of his waist and dagger in front. He quickly ran through his weaponry again before saying goodbye to the smithy, leaving the tent for the commander’s tent. He grabbed his helmet.
“Sir! Grunts are frosty and ready.” Scars said as he trotted inside.
Martin nodded, both leaving the tent as he went to Vaahala. The dragon bent slightly, letting his master hop up on his back. Martin grabbed the saddle rope tightly, looking at Scars. “I’ll fly ahead, wait until my attack causes confusion.”
Scars nodded. “Be careful, I’m getting that feeling again.”
“Aye.” Martin gently kicked Vaahala with his heels as the dragon launched himself into the sky. He circled the camp once before taking off towards the oasis. As they flew, Martin suddenly grabbed his chest. He gasped, it felt like his chest was burning before it spread through his body. “W-what is going on?” He asked himself. Vaahala looked up, sensing his pain. He growled softly, his eyes full of concern. “Don’t worry Vaahala.” He gasped, his voice deeper and gruffer.
I’ll lend you my power… A voice whispered, before seemingly disappearing.
Vaahala slowly nodded, putting on more speed as he closed the distance. The enemy camp could be seen in the distance. Martin narrowed his eyes and grabbed the rope tightly. “Come on Vaahala, let’s show them what war means…”
The dragon nodded, taking a deep breath before he roared. It was loud enough that it created shockwaves, the sand and nearby cacti bending in submission. The enemies below all looked up and watched as the dragon dived them.
“Dragon!” One of them yelled as Vaahala landed on the ground. He was like a shark on the ground, sailing effortlessly with the wind. The ponies shot bows and threw spears, that Vaahala easily dodged as he made it to his first pony. It gripped the pony in his jaws and bit down, the sickening crunch followed by blood. He paused, spitting the remains out. Martin jumped up, pulling out his sword and ran up the neck and head, launching himself off the dragon. The soldier’s eyes widened and with a loud war cry, he landed a soldier.
The other soldiers were on him as he pulled his bloody sword out of the body. They attacked with hoof swords and maces, a few staying back to attack him with bows and magic. He grinned as he dodged a halberd with a simple sidestep. He grabbed a wooden staff, the wood cracking as he rammed it into the attacker’s snout. He yelped in pain and let go as Martin kicked him onto his flank. He used the halberd to stab the pony in the side. He let go of the polearm and looked at the soldiers. A magic projectile shattered against his armor, the particles raining down to the sand. It was seemingly useless. He grabbed his sword with both hands, charging into the mass of soldiers.
The projectiles increased in strength and speed, slowing down the raging human slightly as more soldiers appeared out of the ground like ants. He continued to slash his way through the ponies, the blood making the sword slip through their bodies easier. They tried to block it but it was useless, the blade finding purchase and ended their lives. Vaahala was easily taking out just as many as Martin was, his talons and teeth tearing through their armor like nothing.
With a final stab, the blade got stuck in a soldier’s body. Martin let go and grabbed his mace. A soldier charged him and bluntly swung his sword. Martin grabbed the blade with his gauntlet as the soldier’s eyes widened and he pulled his mace back. With a quick and bonecrushing swing, he hit the soldier’s head. He could hear the skull cracking as the soldier let go of his weapon and sunk to the ground, his brain oozing out of the hole.
An arrow pierced Martin’s armor, just above the knee. The unicorn archer smiled and aimed again. Martin stared at the arrow. “My knee? Are you fucking serious?!” He grabbed his dagger and held the blade between his fingers. “You bastard!” He yelled, the dagger sailing through the air and hit the unicorn right between the eyes.
The unicorn fell backwards, only to be replaced with two more as they rapid fired arrows at the joints of his armor. He broke the shaft of the arrow and grabbed a nearby body, using it as a shield. He charged them, the body soaking up most of the arrows. He gasped, his armor deflecting another sword attack as the sky turned black. He glanced up briefly, narrowly avoiding a few arrows.
The griffins flew in, their formation funneling down like a tornado before they exploded into combat, their talons piercing the armor easily. The pegasi swooped by on bombing runs, shooting lightning out of the storm clouds they held.
The archers paused, glancing to the sky as Martin rushed them. He grabbed one of them by the head, another saw him and pointed his crossbow at them. Martin used the ponies head as a shield, the bolt pierced his head. The partner paused as he threw the body to the side. Before he could even react, his head caved in from the mace, the body following to the floor.
The battle seemed to be heavily leaning towards the Equestrian and Griffin armies, the enemy in complete disarray. Barksir and Scars seemed to be troubled by something, grim looks on their faces. Martin made his way towards them. “Scars, Barskir!” He yelled.
They turned their heads towards the voice, heading towards the towering human and going back to back.
“Is everything going as planned?” He asked them, dodging a halberd and hitting an enemy soldier on the side of his leg.
Barskir impaled a pony in the throat as Scars whacked another’s head off. “So far so good!” Barskir said.
“But it just seems like something’s amiss…” Scars thought out loud, dodging an arrow.
A stallion grappled feebly as Martin snapped his neck. “What do you mean?!”
“I haven’t seen Diable yet and he should be here.” There was a flash of light and Scar’s head seemed to fall to the ground, blood erupting like a geyser as his body sagged to the ground. A pony in all black with red eyes stared at Martin.
Martin stared in horror at the body before glaring at the pony.
“Nice to finally meet a human, always heard they were hard to kill.” He said with a huge smile. A pony tried to sneak up behind him, raising a mace to smash his head in. Martin took a step forward, acting like he was getting ready to attack. There was a hint of something that flashed in his red eyes before the pony behind him exploded in red, numerous cuts all over his body. The poor pony sunk to the ground. “Now that it’s just us again, why don’t we have a little fun?” He grinned before disappearing as Martin’s shin armor caved in.
Martin stumbled back and stared at the dent, confused.
“Aww, what’s wrong? Can’t your human eyes keep up?” Martin spun around, almost falling as something heavy smacked into him.
He looked around frantically. “Show yourself!” He yelled as his armor dented more and more, cuts appearing.
“Not my problem if you can’t keep up Grandmaster...” He oozed hated at that word as Martin’s helmet flew off, clattering to the ground as blood flowed from his cheek.
Martin looked around. I’m done for… I can’t see him, there’s nothing I can do… Something pierced his knee and he yelled in pain, sinking to the sand.
Somepony laughed. “Well it looks like it was just a foal’s tale after all. The great and mighty Grandmaster beaten so easily.” Before the pony could continue, Vaahala dived and tacked him as the two wrestled violently. No one could see who was winning.
Martin groaned, his vision blurred. “V-vaahala…”
A tall unicorn in a white robe appeared in front of him. “Patience Grandmaster, we can’t allow you to die yet.” His voice soothed some of the pain, Martin slipping into darkness.
He floated in darkness for what seemed like an eternity, blissfully unaware about the outside world. He was happy just floating, ignoring the pain. He could feel a burning fire in his chest, placing a hand over it as he grunted in pain. The fire spread through his body as he could feel his anger boiling. “Foal’s tale… a FOAL’S TALE!” He forced his eyes open, the world spinning as it seemed everything was moving in slow motion. He grunted in pain and forced himself to his feet, anger fueling his movements. “I’ll show you what a ‘foal’s tale’ can do.” He growled, his emblem glowing slightly.
Vaahala laid on the ground, blood pooling out of numerous cuts as the pony panted slightly, his blade red. “Bout time you woke up from your nap, never killed a sleeping person before, granted never killed a person before either.”
Martin glared at him and stood a few feet away. “I’ve sworn an oath to protect Equestria…” He tightened his grip around his mace. “Too many have fallen to your blade, this will have to end.”
“Endings a good word for it, just not mine.” He went to vanish as Vaahala grabbed his cloak and he turned around. “Get off me you stupid lizard!”
Martin stood in front of him, his shadow covered him. “You little maggot.”
He cut his cloak and disappeared, this time whittling away at Martin’s remaining armor. Martin took a deep breath and closed his eyes, ignoring everything but the attacking pony. For a brief moment, he saw a flash of steel and blocked it, the blade nearly piercing his throat. The steel began to glow as Martin shattered the steel with his gauntleted fist. “Game over.”
The pony flipped backwards and landed on his hooves. “Do you really think I only use one sword?” He reached for something in his cloak before a talon appeared in his stomach. He looked down, before he turned his head. Vaahala was there, growling weakly as he pushed more of his talon through the pony’s back.
Martin walked up to him, throwing his mace on the ground grabbed his head. “There going to have to glue you back together in hell!” He yelled and with a forceful twist, he snapped the pony’s neck.
The body convulsed a few times before it grew still. The fighting stopped as Martin dropped the body and the UEA’s poneis stared in horror before retreating. The remaining troops whooped loudly until Scar’s body was hoisted by magic.
Martin walked up to the pony, kneeling down. “Rest in peace…”
“Tis a pity, he seemed like such a good stallion.” Somepony said. Martin turned to see the pony in a white robe, leaning down to inspect Scars body.
Martin glared at the pony. “Who… are you?”
“Just a friend of a friend, you could say.”
Martin quickly stood up and grabbed his mace, pointing it at the stallion. “Whoever you are, what are you doing here?”
He eyed the mace before it suddenly tripled its weight, forcing Martin to the ground. “Well you did just kill my son, I wanted to see this ‘Grandmaster’ for myself.” He glared at Martin. “And please, no violence, I detest it… so messy.”
“Who are you!?”
The world seemed to shrink, only the stallion and Martin existed. “I’ve gone by many names… but Thanatos is my favorite so far.” He chuckled.
Martin raised his fists. “If you’re Diable’s father, that means you’re part of the UEA!”
He raised an eyebrow. “Just because my son was part of a group, you assume I am as well? Careful there young one, that line of thinking could get you in trouble.”
“Fuck you! I can see the red rose of the UEA on your robe!”
He grabbed his robe to show the rose. “Who says I just don’t like roses? Such a beautiful flower, the symbolism is interesting as well.” He let go of his robe and turned to Vaahala and bent down. “Seems my son went a little too overboard.” He gently placed a hoof on the dragon’s neck.
Martin let go of the mace, and grabbed a halberd, pointing the tip at him.
He glared at the human. “Please, if I wanted to kill him I would’ve done so a long time ago.” Energy pulsed into Vaahala, the dragon’s wounds closing. Thanatos sighed, taking hoof off the dragon. “Glad that debt is finally paid.”
Martin hesitantly moved closer. “What are you talking about?”
“It’d take too long to explain and I seem to be running out of time here. Just remember that not everypony whom they seem to be.” He said, his smile wide as Vaahala opened his eyes, looking around.
Martin growled and went to stab him in the chest. The blade when through him and he shivered and waved, like a hologram was interrupted.
“I guess you don’t want to talk. Just remember what I said.” He said, before he disappeared as suddenly as he appeared.
Martin stared at where the pony was, dumbfounded. “Wha-...” He let go of the halberd, dropping to a knee and checked on Vaahala. “Are you alright?” It licked his hand.
“What in all of the King’s feathers was that?” Barskir asked.
“I don’t know.” Martin said, patting Vaahala on the head before turning to face the griffin.
He clicked his beak a few times. “I don’t like it, that was magic way too advanced for a normal pony. What did he say?”
Martin sighed. “Nothing important but it appears he was Diable’s father… even though I highly doubt it.”
The griffin looked at the three dead ponies. “I’m just glad this battle’s over.”
“Aye but there are more battles waiting to be fought.”
“Yeah…” He sighed, glaring at Diable. “We should tally the dead, give them proper rites.”
Martin looked over the landscape, the bodies too many to count. “Aye, no one deserves to be left in a place like this.”
Barskir looked towards the sun. “It’s going to be a long day…” He glanced at the human. “You still have to pick somepony to replace Scars.”
“May he rest in peace…”
Barskir did a weird motion with his talons, twisting them over his chest. “Indeed, he was a fine warrior.”
“I’ll decide later whom I choose.”
“I suggest you choose fast or morale may be lost. He was their commander for a long time. They’re, pardon the pun, headless at the moment.”
Martin nodded. “I’ll try as fast as I can.”
“Good. Well enough preaching, let’s get to work.” The griffin sighed, walking towards the others, who were counting the dead.
Martin frowned and followed after him, helping move the dead closer to camp.