Fighting is Magic: Story Mode (Background Six Edition)

by Lance Skyes

Doctor Whooves: Doctor Whooves vs Discord? +Epilogue

The Doctor never would have expected himself to be standing here, the triumphant champion of the Equestria Battle Tournament. He never would have thought he’d wind up in the spotlight for anything for at least another week, but here he was. At least he managed to go the whole tournament without revealing that he was a Time Lord. (Though some of his foes did give subtle hints. Good thing ponies are ignorant.)
“Fillies and gentlecolts, foals of all ages,” Princess Celestia announced as she addressed the crowd. “It’s time for the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Doctor Whooves, please step forward.”
The Doctor stepped forward, beaming with pride, but deep down unsure of what was going to happen next as Princess Celestia levitated the prize money and the trophy that depicted two ponies fighting each other.
“The winner of the Equestria Battle Tournament is-”
“Hold it!” an unfamiliar voice called out. “You call that fighting? I’ve seen Weeping Angels fight better than that. Pun intended. Whatever that was a few minutes ago, it certainly wasn’t a fight. This kind of mistake needs to be corrected.” Suddenly, there were two blinding flashes of light. When they disappeared, the prize money and trophy had followed suit.
“Where’s the trophy?” The Doctor asked. “What did you do with it?”
“Oh, I took it for safekeeping,” the voice said. “Why? You want it?”
Not really, The Doctor thought to himself. Still, whatever this is, it must be what The Master warned me about. “Yes,” The Doctor finally said. “I do want that trophy.”
“Hmm... nope. Sorry. As politely as you asked, I’m afraid you still don’t deserve it. Unless...”
“Unless?” The Doctor asked. He certainly had a bad feeling about where this was going, but he wasn’t going to gamble on this with the fate of Equestria as his chips. “Unless what?”
“Unless you agree to do one thing for me.”
“Name it,” The Doctor said, his voice firm and confident.
“Agree to take me on in my own dimension,” the voice replied. “If you agree to face me in my own dimension and defeat me, I’ll let you have the trophy and money back. The choice is yours, Doctor. Take me up on my offer, or walk away with nothing like the coward we both know you are.”
“Don’t do it, Doctor!” Derpy shouted. “It’s obviously a trap!”
“Derpy’s right,” Lyra said. “You’ve already defeated Princess Celestia. You don’t have to prove anything.”
“You can’t seriously trust this voice,” Bon Bon said. “It’s evil and we all know it.”
“You don’t have to do what he says,” Vinyl Scratch said. “I can still throw you that party if you don’t have the trophy.”
“Doctor, listen to us,” Octavia said. “He’s trying to trick you.”
“I’m sorry,” the voice said, “but did I allow any of you to speak? You need to learn your place, and I know just how to do that.” There was another flash of light and when it faded, all of The Doctor’s friends had duct tape on their mouths.
“Remove that tape this instant!” The Doctor shouted. “Leave them out of this. It’s me you want.”
“Funny you should mention that again,” the voice said. “Agree to face me in my dimension, and I’ll remove the tape.”
“Then so be it,” The Doctor said. “Whatever it takes to stop you from picking on innocent ponies like a coward.”
“Me? A coward?” the voice asked. “You’re sure one to talk. We’ll see who the real coward is when I’m done with you.” There was another flash of light and when it faded, The Doctor was gone.
When The Doctor opened his eyes, he couldn’t believe what he saw. In the distance, he could see the buildings of Ponyville, but they were floating and some of them were upside down. The ground looked like a purple and pink checkerboard, and to top it all off, there were clouds made from cotton candy raining chocolate milk.
“What in god’s name...?” The Doctor asked as he looked around. “How did I get to Ponyville several months in the future?”
“Well, thanks for ruining the surprise,” the voice said. “I’ve had this plan in the works for years. Still, I shouldn’t be surprised bringing a Time Lord to my replica of the future.”
“If this really is a replica of the future I think it is, then I can probably guess who’s behind that voice.”
“I thought you worked in the future, not predicted it. I suppose suspense is redundant now.” Then, in a flash of light, the voice revealed its identity.
“Discord,” The Doctor said. “Spirit of chaos and disharmony.”
“Well, it seems each of us knows the other well,” Discord said. “I’d say it’s good to see you again, Doctor, but I’m the spirit of chaos, not lies. Now, down to business.”
“Alright,” The Doctor said. “What do you have in mind?” Of course, The Doctor already knew the answer.
“I want you to face me in combat,” Discord said. “But we’ll play by my rules. After all, this is my dimension.”
“Name your terms.”
“Instead of a best two out of three match, we will fight only one round, with a time limit, of course. I know how long you’d be willing to drag this out. Beat me, and the trophy and prize money are yours. As well, I shall grant you one request. But if I win, I get to do as I please with you. Do you agree?”
“Yes,” The Doctor firmly said.
“Ha!” Discord laughed. “You foal! You have fallen right into my trap. Prepare to be defeated.”
“We’ll see about that,” The Doctor said. “You know how hard I am to best.”
“Round 1, fight!”
The Doctor wanted to waste no time on Discord. He was easily defeated fifteen centuries ago in Equestrian history, so The Doctor thought this was going to take no time at all as he galloped forward and struck Discord with a powerful high-level punch.
“Ouch!” Discord shouted. “That hurt! I think you broke something.”
“Did I?” The Doctor asked. “Or are you still trying to play me for a foal?”
“I can’t get anything past you, can I, Doctor?” Discord asked with a maniacal laugh. “I didn’t even feel that attack!”
“Really?” The Doctor asked. “But I threw all I had into that punch. You should have at least felt something. This doesn’t make any sense.”
“Oh, Doctor, what fun is there in making sense?”
The Doctor didn’t answer. He simply pulled out his Sonic Screwdriver and tried to find something he could use against Discord.
“Do you really think that will work?” Discord asked. “You’re pathetic if you think I’m going to leave anything laying around for you to use.” Discord then fired a blast of concentrated chaos from his paw. It was so fast, The Doctor didn’t even have time to dodge the attack.
The regular confidence The Doctor had rushing into anything was quickly being lowered as he noticed how much damage Discord had dealt in that one attack.
Discord quickly took advantage of The Doctor’s lack of confidence and unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks that The Doctor was powerless against. Occasionally, The Doctor tried to hit Discord with a punch or a kick, but Discord seemed entirely unaffected.
“Well, Doctor,” Discord said once The Doctor seemed almost finished, “this has been much more fun than our last encounter. However, this is where our battle ends.”
“I’m not finished yet,” The Doctor said.
“Oh, but you are.” Discord then pulled a glass out of nowhere, filled it with chocolate rain, and threw it at The Doctor.
“Oh no,” The Doctor said. “Is this what I think it is?”
“If you think it’s a chocolate grenade...” Discord started as the glass started to glow.
“Oh god da-!” The Doctor shouted as the glass exploded. As he was caught in the explosion, The Doctor let out a high-pitched scream that he thought he had heard somewhere before, but never out of his own mouth.
“I’m sure you and I both know where we’ve heard that before,” Discord said with another maniacal laugh.
“You... son... of... a... Dalek...” The Doctor weakly said. He then fell to the ground, utterly defeated.
“KO! I win!” Discord shouted. He then materialized a pair of sunglasses and put them on. “Well, Doctor, looks like it’s game over for you. Yeah!
“I hate you so much, Discord,” The Doctor said. He then rested his head on the ground and exhaled. “I never would have guessed this is where it all ended.”
“Now that’s not the Doctor I know,” a familiar but evil voice said, causing The Doctor’s ears to perk up.
“It can’t be...” The Doctor said. “Master?”
“Yes, it’s me,” The Master’s voice said.
“How is this possible?” The Doctor asked. “Where are you?”
“Well I’m not in this dimension. I’m actually in your TARDIS. Somehow, it’s letting me communicate with you. I don’t know why it’s letting me do this after I stole it like I did, but I’m not looking this gift horse in the mouth.”
“Wait, you stole my TARDIS?”
“Yes. I had originally planned on surprising you with my latest plan for defeating you and conquering the universe, but obviously that isn’t how things worked out. Anyway, I guess next I’m supposed to encourage you to get up and defeat Discord.”
“And how do you plan on doing that, old friend? He’s impossibly powerful.”
“Oh, Doctor, you of all people slash ponies know that nothing is impossible. I have to go, now. Your TARDIS is starting to recognize me.”
“Master, wait!” The Doctor called, trying to reach into the air with his hoof as though to catch The Master. But it was too late. The Master was already gone. However, The Doctor did notice something about his hoof. His injuries were starting to fade away in an orange mist. In that moment, The Doctor knew that, whether he liked it or not, he wasn’t finished with Discord.
“Are you ready to surrender, Doctor?” Discord asked as the Time Lord got back onto his hooves. However, it took Discord another few seconds before he realized that The Doctor had started to glow an orange-ish color. “No. It can’t be.”
“I’m not finished with you yet, Discord,” The Doctor said as the orange glow got more intense. “Well, I am... but the next guy isn’t.” Then, The Doctor erupted in what could be compared to a volcano of Regeneration Energy that was so bright, Discord had to actually shield his eyes.
(Watch this video if you don’t watch Doctor Who, or you’ll be confused in the next part.)
After a while, The Doctor’s form actually began to morph while still erupting with Regeneration Energy. As his new form finalized, he let out a scream of pain and the Regeneration Energy disappeared, leaving behind a pony that didn’t look like The Doctor anymore.
“This... can’t be...” Discord tried to say as the pony who took The Doctor’s place examined himself.
“Okay,” The Doctor said as he looked at his legs. “Light brown coat. Not much contrast from before. Still got four legs. That’s good.” The Doctor paused for a moment to kiss one of his forelegs. “Teeth... I may never get used to being an herbivore. Chin... I can’t catch a break on the chin, can I? Mane...” The Doctor’s expression turned to one of horror as he stroked his mane with his hoof. “I’m a mare! No. No, I’m still a stallion. And my mane is still that boring shade of brown. I’m a magical colorful horse for Celestia’s sake!. If I can’t be ginger, can’t I at least have some color on me?” The Doctor then looked behind him to examine the rest of his body. “Cutie mark still doesn’t change. Wings? Ooh, those are new.” The Doctor flapped his wings once to see if he could work them properly. “Those will come in handy. There’s one more thing, though. One more thing I’m forgetting. I’m, I’m, I’m-”
Before The Doctor could finish his thought, Discord teleported right in front of the Time Lord. “You’re about to be defeated,” Discord said.
“No, it’s not that,” The Doctor said. “Give me a second. Every time I regenerate, one thing always happens. Ah, I’ve got it. Can I have a sandwich?”
“A sandwich?” Discord asked with obvious confusion.
“Yeah. A Time Lord is always hungry right after he regenerates. You know what? We can skip the sandwich. I’m gonna need more time than I’ve got to go through the part where I figure out what foods I like and don’t like now. Let’s just get to the battle.”
“Very well,” Discord said. “Round 1, fight!”
“You make the first move, Discord,” The Doctor said. “Or are you afraid?”
“How dare you insult me like that, Doctor,” Discord shouted. “Take this!” Discord then proceeded to fire a ball of concentrated chaos at The Doctor. The Doctor dodged this attack by flying into the air and then proceeded to strike Discord with a flying kick.
“Augh!” Discord shouted. “That actually hurt! I thought you were opposed to violence!”
“I usually am,” The Doctor said. “But you’re pretty much begging for a good thrashing.” The Doctor then struck Discord with an uppercut.
“You asked for this, Doctor!” Discord said, pulling out another glass and filling it with chocolate rain.
“Now’s my chance,” The Doctor said as he pulled out his Sonic Screwdriver and aimed it at the glass. Before Discord could do anything, The Doctor caused the glass to detonate right in Discord’s paw, overwhelming him and causing him to scream like a little girl.
“Are we finished yet?” The Doctor asked. “Ready to surrender?”
“Actually, I was about to ask you the same question,” Discord said, using magic to pull The Doctor towards him.
“Put me down!” The Doctor shouted. “I haven’t gotten entirely used to being airborne for extended periods of time yet!”
“Oh, poor Doctor still wants to keep his hooves on the ground,” Discord mocked. “If it were anypony else, this would be funny, but it’s pathetic for you, Doctor.”
“What are you planning now?” The Doctor asked as he realized he was within Discord’s grasp.
“For starters, this!” Discord shouted as he began strangling The Doctor. “What’s the matter, Doctor? No clever comments to make this time around?”
The Doctor did his best to escape, but Discord’s grasp remained firm no matter how much he struggled and squirmed.
“I’ve waited an eternity for this moment, and now, not only will I be one of the few creatures in the universe to have defeated you, I’ll be the only creature in existence who will be able to say that I’ve killed The Doctor twice!” Discord said with a maniacal laugh. “It’s all over for you, Doctor!”
“Not... while I’m... still breathing!” The Doctor shouted as he gave Discord a powerful low kick, causing Discord to drop The Doctor.
“Right in the solar plexus,” Discord groaned. As Discord recovered, The Doctor took advantage of the situation and unleashed a combo he called the Flying Dalek Buster, which was pretty much the regular Dalek Buster, but making use of The Doctor’s ability to remain airborne. “This can’t be happening. Not to me.” Discord then fell to the ground, defeated.
“KO!” The Doctor shouted. “I win! Flawless victory!” The Doctor then walked over to where Discord lay. “Alright, Discord. I’ve beaten you. Now give me back the trophy and prize money. And as for my wish... I want you to make it so that Rassilon and the Time Lords stop hunting The Master.”
“You would seek to help one of your greatest foes?” Discord asked.
“He’s not one of my greatest foes. He’s one of my oldest friends.”
“Oh, gag. Spare me.” Discord then snapped his fingers. “There. Rassilon is off The Master’s back. Happy?”
“Very,” The Doctor said. “Now, return the prize money and trophy.”
“Not this time, Doctor,” Discord said, snapping his fingers. This caused all of the events of the tournament to be erased from everypony’s mind. Even The Doctor, who Discord had returned to his previous form, would have thought it was little more than a dream. Discord then began to laugh wickedly. “Just you wait, Equestria. Soon I will show you true chaos. And this time, even The Doctor won’t be able to save you...”