//------------------------------// // What is my Favorite Crossover? // Story: Ask Chatterjoy // by Chatterjoy //------------------------------// Chatterjoy yawned as she woke up. The sun filtered its annoying golden rays into her bedroom. The mare hated the morning, it was always hardest to get out of bed and not just sleep for an eternity. The grumbling Pegasus crawled out of bed; she scooted across her cloud floor and to the door of her house. It was a Sunday so Chatterjoy did not care about her appearance today at all. As far as she was concerned the only ponies that would likely see her, would only see her getting her mail. The white mare finally lifted herself from the floor since opening it required her to open it with her hooves. Chatterjoy’s eyes were barely open as she walked to the mailbox that rested on the end of the cloud. Her eyes immediately shot open, no she had lied her mailbox rested on the ground near the edge of her cloud home. Chatterjoy sighed and flapped her wings to glide down to her destination. Quickly opening it she grabbed the letter from inside, she noted it was from a friend of hers but not wanting to be out in the dreaded morning sun longer than she had to flew back to her house. Once inside she set the letter on her table and pulled out some breakfast. She munched slowly and sleepily. As she finished her meal a knock sounded on her door. “Coming!” Chatterjoy yelled irritably. She hated guests in the morning. Actually she hated everything about the morning. She opened the door and Rainbow Dash stood on the other side. “Yo! Chatterjoy, we need a referee over at the Ponyville track!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly. The white Pegasus just stared at her blue opposite and slowly blinked. Rainbow Dash smiled awkwardly, “That means I’m asking you.” Rainbow Dash swore she could have seen a light bulb light up over her head. Chatterjoy still continued to stare at the athletic pony across from her as if she was waiting for something. After what seemed like endless waiting Chatterjoy moved. The Pegasus had moved back into the house and silently closed the door on Rainbow Dash. “Chatterjoy please! Other than Applejack you’re the only pony I can trust with this!” Rainbow Dash pleaded. Chatterjoy did not respond and the moment Rainbow Dash was about to leave, the white mare opened her door again glaring. “Fine, what time?” Chatterjoy growled. If it was going to be this morning, Tartarus help the pony that stood before her. “This afternoon! Try not to break yourself before hoof okay?” Rainbow Dash asked and quickly flew off, most likely preparing for whatever she needed a referee for. Chatterjoy shrugged and went back inside. Her autumn eyes quickly caught on to the letter she had carelessly thrown on the table. Sighing, she went and opened it. Hey Chatters! Long time no chat eh? I was just eating and suddenly I had a question I just had to ask you! What is your favorite crossover? Chatterjoy reread the question over and over. Her eyes bugged out of her head as she thought. She couldn’t think of an honest answer. The Labyrinth crossover was a good one but there were so many possibilities of a good crossover the good and favorites were limitless! The next thing Chatterjoy registered in her mind was that she was in the hospital and Nurse Redheart had just been waving a hoof in front of her face. “Glad to see you back with the living what happened?” asked the Nurse. “What is my favorite crossover?” Chatterjoy asked. “Dear, I wouldn’t know,” Nurse Redheart answered, scribbling on a form. “I know the answers are limitless!” Chatterjoy exclaimed. The next thing the Nurse knew was that she had heard a large thump on the floor as Chatterjoy laid on her back with stars fluttering around her head. She was muttering about crossovers and favorites. Rainbow Dash zoomed in, “Can she ref-“ “No.”