How I Became Rainbow Dash

by Lt Rainbow Slash



That was the most fun I had in long time when I think about it. Ash in my body was as fast as I was, and no one has come even close most of my life.

Either way over these three years that ponies have been on earth they have assimilated rather well. Most governments reactions was to just let them be after they realized we weren't trying to take over the world and that it wasn't some sorta disease that was causing us to transform. And when I say most, there were a few countries that either rounded up all the ponies and kicked them out or...The other thing. When Iran murdered many of the ponies unfortunate to get caught there, I am not sad to say NATO kicked their flanks good.

When that fateful day came and we popped up everywhere it seemed that every town and city in Equestria had a counterpart on Earth. for example, all of the ponies that lived in Ponyville appeared in the southern Greater Vancouver area, while 'Canterlot' was Downtown (I still find it funny that 'Manehattan' was Manhattan!).

The first couple of years there was quite a bit of racism (spicism?) and discrimination, but courts all over the world quickly ruled that we were sentient and former humans, so therefore we had all the same rights as a regular person. After that, it cleared up pretty quick. I myself beat up a couple of rednecks once while flying to Florida for...something, can't remember.

And then there's little old me. I ended up becoming a pilot despite my transformation, sorta. I'm going to a college aviation course now. They somehow got my graduation papers over from Equestria, so I didn't have to redo a few years of school.

All-in-all, I'm happy this happened. I mean sure, I had to have my sex changed in the process, but it isn't so bad if you get a mares brain in the process, because then only your conscience thoughts are screaming at you. I am a celebrity, get to go to the magical land of Equestria every night, and can fly at mach F***ing ten! So here I am, three years later.

I have one thing to say:

My life got about...Oh lets say...Twenty percent cooler!